Success Story of Kaustubh Mamagain (Cleared SBI PO, UIIC AO 2016)

Kaustubh Mamagain – SBI PO, UIIC AO 2016

In his own words,

“2016 was my 2nd attempt at SBI and I was determined to make the cut this time. The only strategy that I followed this year to attempt Oliveboard Mock Tests regularly and then analysing them properly. I specifically focussed a lot on General Awareness because I feel this section is the most scoring and also takes the least amount of time. I used to refer to popular websites to keep myself updated with Current Affairs.

Oliveboard Mock Tests’ questions are very much similar to the actual examination. The difficulty level is also very accurate (even more when compared to the actual exam in the case of a few mock tests). It is actually very difficult to score high in a few OB Mock Tests.

Fortunately, I also cleared UIIC AO (it was my first attempt at this exam) and finally decided to go for UIIC.
I chose UIIC over SBI because I felt salary, working hours and job profile is better at UIIC, when compared to SBI (it’s my personal opinion though and it might differ for others). Also I prefer to have all my weekends off. Currently I am working at the Bangalore office of UIIC. I have already suggested Oliveboard Mock Tests to all my friends and would like to thank Oliveboard for all the help.”

Read more success stories.

The Takeaway: Practice difficult questions to get an edge over the actual exam. Focus more on scoring sections while exam government exam


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