Alternate Sources of Finance – Free Ebook for RBI Grade B Exam

With the ever-evolving Financial Sector all over the world and continuous improvements in FinTech (Financial Technology), there is no more relying only on traditional sources of Finances such as bank loans, invoice discounting, overdrafts, and private equity. Many more alternatives are available through which finances can be arranged. These are called alternate sources of Finance. We would discuss in-depth about these in the given eBook and the same would be useful for the preparation of Finance & Management subject of Phase 2 of RBI Grade B Exam. & SEBI Grade A Exams

Types of Alternate Sources of Finance

Alternative sources of finance refer to funding options other than traditional methods like bank loans or issuing equity. These alternatives can be particularly useful for businesses that may face challenges in obtaining financing through conventional means. Here are some different types of alternative sources of finance:

  1. Venture Capital (VC):
    • Description: Venture capital involves investment from specialized firms or individuals (venture capitalists) in exchange for equity ownership in a company. It is common in high-growth industries such as technology and biotechnology.
    • Pros: Provides substantial capital for businesses with high growth potential. Additionally, venture capitalists often bring valuable expertise, mentorship, and industry connections.
    • Cons: Companies typically need to give up a significant portion of equity, and there may be pressure to achieve rapid growth and profitability.
  2. Angel Investors:
    • Description: Angel investors are affluent individuals who invest their personal funds in startups or small businesses in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt.
    • Pros: Offers funding and mentorship from experienced individuals. Angel investors may be more flexible than traditional lenders.
    • Cons: Like venture capital, ownership dilution is a concern. Additionally, finding the right angel investor can be time-consuming.
  3. Crowdfunding:
    • Description: Crowdfunding platforms enable businesses to raise small amounts of money from a large number of individuals, often through online campaigns.
    • Pros: Broad access to funding, validation of the product or idea, and potential for building a community of supporters.
    • Cons: Success depends on effective marketing, and fees charged by crowdfunding platforms may reduce the overall amount received.
  4. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending:
    • Description: P2P lending connects borrowers directly with individual lenders through online platforms, cutting out traditional financial intermediaries.
    • Pros: Fast access to funds, flexible terms, and potentially lower interest rates than traditional loans.
    • Cons: Interest rates may be higher than those offered by banks, and approval depends on individual lenders’ assessments.
  5. Invoice Financing:
    • Description: Businesses use their outstanding invoices as collateral to secure a loan, receiving a percentage of the invoice amount upfront.
    • Pros: Improves cash flow by providing immediate access to funds tied up in invoices.
    • Cons: Costly compared to traditional financing, as fees are associated with invoice financing.
  6. Factoring:
    • Description: Similar to invoice financing, factoring involves selling accounts receivable to a third party (factor) at a discount, transferring the responsibility of collecting payments.
    • Pros: Immediate cash flow, and the risk of non-payment is transferred to the factor.
    • Cons: Businesses receive less than the full invoice amount, as factors charge a fee.
  7. Asset-Based Lending:
    • Description: Loans secured by a company’s assets, such as inventory, equipment, or accounts receivable.
    • Pros: Allows businesses to leverage assets for financing without diluting ownership.
    • Cons: The risk of losing assets if the business defaults on the loan.
  8. Grants and Subsidies:
    • Description: Non-repayable funds provided by government agencies, non-profits, or private foundations to support specific projects or initiatives.
    • Pros: No repayment required, providing financial support without adding to debt.
    • Cons: Highly competitive, with specific eligibility criteria and often stringent reporting requirements.
  9. Corporate Bonds:
    • Description: Companies issue bonds to raise capital by borrowing money from investors, who receive periodic interest payments and the return of principal at maturity.
    • Pros: Allows companies to access large amounts of capital, and interest payments may be tax-deductible.
    • Cons: Companies must make regular interest payments, and the principal must be repaid at maturity.
  10. Mezzanine Financing:
    • Description: A hybrid of debt and equity financing, providing capital with the option to convert into equity.
    • Pros: Balances the benefits of debt and equity financing, offering flexibility and potential for high returns.
    • Cons: Higher interest rates and the risk of equity dilution if the conversion option is exercised.
  11. Private Placements:
    • Description: Companies raise capital by selling shares directly to institutional investors or high-net-worth individuals, bypassing the public market.
    • Pros: Access to substantial capital without the regulatory requirements of going public.
    • Cons: Limited liquidity for investors, and the need to comply with securities regulations.
  12. Supplier Financing:
    • Description: Businesses negotiate extended payment terms with suppliers, effectively using the supplier’s credit as a short-term financing solution.
    • Pros: Improves cash flow and allows businesses to manage working capital effectively.
    • Cons: May strain relationships with suppliers if not handled carefully.

Businesses often use a combination of these alternative sources of finance based on their specific needs, growth stage, and industry. It’s crucial for entrepreneurs to thoroughly understand the terms, risks, and benefits associated with each option before making financial decisions. Consulting with financial advisors and legal professionals can also provide valuable insights.

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Alternate Sources of Finance

Sample Questions

Q. 1. Who is a Lessor & Lessee?

  1. The owner of the asset is known as a Lessee & the one who rents is called Lessor.
  2. The Financier is called Lessor & Lender is called Lessee.
  3. The owner of the asset is called Lessor and the one who rents it is called Lessee.
  4. The Lessor is one who is the user of the asset & Lessee is one who rents the asset.

Answer: (3)

Q.2. Which of the following is true with respect to an Angel Investor and a Venture Capitalist?

  1. Venture Capitalists are involved in the management of the company & Angel Investors are not.
  2. Venture Capital involves a huge amount of money whereas Angel Investment do not.
  3. Angel Investors have a say in the management of the company whereas Venture Capitalists do not.
  4. Angel investors specialize in early-stage businesses, while VC firms are generally more unwilling to invest in start-ups unless they show really compelling promise and growth potential.


1, 2 & 3

1 & 2

2, 3 & 4

1, 2 & 4

Answer: 1, 2 & 4

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Study material for RBI Grade B 2020 by Oliveboard

If you are an RBI Grade B aspirant and also a working professional and find it difficult to find enough time for your RBI Grade B Preparations, do not worry at all.

Oliveboard has come up with RBI Grade B Online Cracker Course for RBI Grade B 2020 Exam. Oliveboard’s RBI Grade B Online Course 2020 will be your one-stop destination for all your preparation needs.

What all the course offers you:

1. Course Details

RBI Grade B Cracker is designed to cover the complete syllabus for the 3 most important subjects: GA for Phase 1 and ESI + F&M for Phase 2 exam. Not just that, it also includes Mock Tests & Live Strategy Sessions for English, Quant & Reasoning for Phase 1. The course aims to complete your preparation in time for the release of the official notification.

1.1. Features:
Phase I Phase II
  • Weekly Live Classes for GK
  • Special Live Classes on Exam Pattern & Strategy for Quant, Reasoning & English
  • Sectional + Topic + GK Tests
  • 20 Full-Length Mock Tests
  • Weekly Live Classes & 50+ Video Lectures for ESI, and F&M
  • Live Practice Sessions
  • Class and Tips for Descriptive Writing
  • Complete Notes for ESI, F&M
  • ESI, F&M Mock Tests

Subscribe & Join the RBI Grade B 2020 Online Coaching here. 

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