CCE Study Notes – CTET Exam Preparation

The CBSE conducts the Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET) twice a year in July & December. Candidates aspiring to join the teaching cadre in government as well as the private schools go through this exam. CTET exams are clearly focussed on testing whether a candidate is eligible to become a teacher. EVS forms a major part of the CTET Paper 1. Here we will provide you with CCE study notes to better prepare for the CTET exam 2021.

CCE Study Notes – What is CCE (Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation)?

CCE aims at assessing the overall development of the students at regular intervals. In case a student is facing some learning difficulties, this evaluation approach also employs proper remedial measures to enhance the performance of the student. CCE provides enough flexibility and scope for promoting and assessing the all-round development of a child on a continuous basis.

The term CCE is a combination of 3 different words; i:e continuous, comprehensive and evaluation. Let’s look at the definition to better understand these words.

  • Continuous – It refers to the regularity in the assessment. The development of a child is a continuous process, thus it should be evaluated continuously.
  • Comprehensive – It refers to both scholastic and non- scholastic areas of a student’s growth. According to theory, school’s function is to develop both the cognitive & non-cognitive abilities of a child.
  • Evaluation – It is the process of finding out the extent to which the desired changes have taken place in students. It requires a collection of evidences regarding the student’s growth or progress so that the information could be used for decision making.

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Role of CCE in the Teaching-Learning Process

The main role involves a teacher’s goal to reduce the academic pressure on the students. Below steps should be taken in order to effectively implement this:

  • Involving learning activities in the teaching-learning process.
  • Implement a variety of teaching aids and methods that encourages students to learn.
  • Monitor learner’s performance and avoid giving any negative comments which may bring down their morale.
  • Recognizing and encouraging the special abilities of students and motivating them to excel in their skills.
  • Providing students with feedback on their performance.
  • Students’s Performance Assessment

What is Assessment?

Assessment refers to an empirical formula that is used to define the programs and students learning improvement. It is the process of defining, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to increase students’ learning and development.

Let’s further have a look at how an assessment is indicated.

List of Indicators for Assessments in EVS

A broad list of assessment indicators has been drawn so that a teacher can plan learning activities in line with EVS learning expectations. These indicators have been deployed for class III-V children. Few broad indicators are indicated here:

  • Observation & Recording – Reporting, narrating, drawing pictures, reading, etc.
  • Discussion – Listening, talking, Expressing opinions, finding out from others, etc.
  • Expression – Drawing, body movements, creative writing, etc.
  • Explanation – Reasoning, making logical connections, etc.
  • Classification – Categorising, grouping, contrasting & comparing, etc.
  • Questioning – Expressing curiosity, critical thinking, developing questions, etc.
  • Analysis – Predicting, making hypotheses & inferences, etc.
  • Experimentations – improvising, doing experiments, etc.
  • Cooperations – Taking responsibility and initiative, sharing & working together, etc.

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Types of Assessments

Formative Assessment (FA) & Summative Assessments (SA)

FA & SA are termed as the tools of evaluation. These tools help a teacher to evaluate his/her teaching. Evaluation is further categorized as below:

Formative Assessment (FA):

Formative Assessment is a tool used for continuous monitoring of the student’s progress, during the teaching-learning process in a non-threatening and supporting environment.

It is a program designed to monitor the instructional process to determine whether learning is taking place as planned. It provides continuous information in the form of feedback to both teachers as well as students that can be used to modify the program to improve its effectiveness.

It is done for identifying learning gaps among students and fixing them, not for giving marks/grades to them as having failed or passed. It is meant for formal reporting.

Tools for FA:

The primary tools for FA that are used by a teacher are as follows:

  • Observation
  • Projects
  • Unit Tests
  • Classwork
  • Homework
  • Assignments
  • Weekly Tests
  • Oral questions
  • Quizzes and competitions at the end of lessons

Summative Assessments (SA)

The term ‘summative’ means summing up of all the available information regarding a program at its terminal point. In other words, summative assessment signifies all those tests that are taken at the end of the semester or the year after the completion of all units and lessons.

It is the final judgment about the exact progress of the students. In SA, the grading system is used to evaluate students’ performance. Grades provide the school with a landmark for passing or failing students.

Tools For Summative Assessment

The primary tools for SA that are used by a teacher are as follows:

  • Classroom Projects
  • Final or Annual Examinations
  • Rating of Performance in experiments and viva test.
  • Standardized achievement tests or teacher-made achievement tests.

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Types of Questions

There are 2 types of questions based on the answer requirement:

  • Objective questions
  • Subjective questions

Objective questions: These are close-ended questions that are answered with definite knowledge. These include:

  1. Multiple Choice questions
  2. Fill in the blanks
  3. True or False
  4. Naming
  5. Matching

Subjective questions: These questions need answers with some creativity. They can also be called the free-response type of questions. These include:

  1. Essay Type questions
  2. Short type questions

We hope our CTET study notes on CCE (Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation) proves useful to you. This will help you develop a clear understanding of the topic. This topic is highly probable to be asked in the exam.

To get a clear idea of what CTET exam will be like and practice for the same, you can enroll for the CTET mock tests on Oliveboard. All the best for your preparations.

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