Success Story of Rajneesh Gautam | Cleared SBI JA 2021

Read the success story of  Rajneesh for whom Banking was not just another exam, but his passion. This helped him overcome multiple challenges and failures at different stages in the exam. He finally succeded, clearing the SBI JA 2021 Exam.

Inspiring Success Story of Rajneesh Gautam 

My name is Rajneesh Gautam. I have been born and brought up in Agra. I have done a Btech in Mechanical Engineering from UPTU. I have worked as a production engineer for almost a year. 

My preparation journey started in 2019, and it had many ups and downs. However, I survived the testing times mainly because banking was not an exam for me but my passion. I had many failures, but my family always motivated me to prepare hard for the next time, and they never let me down. I have faced many interviews during this journey and given Mains too many times. Today, I have cleared SBI JA from the general category after failing twice in the SBI JA mains in 2019 and 2020. 

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Subject-wise Preparation Strategy:-


Reading is the key to success in English. Sectional mocks help in clearing the concepts. Complete grammar once and then attempts the topic-wise questions. 


Clear concept first and then practice as much as you can to improve speed. Also, solve mains level problems right from the start. Regularly attempt the sectional mocks of quant.  

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At the start, clear concept chapters first and then start practicing. Solve puzzles on a daily basis with a timer. Attempt sectional mock of reasoning on a regular basis. 

General Awareness 

Cover on a daily basis either through a video or pdf. Revise it weekly and monthly.


Oliveboard Mobile App
  • Video Lessons, Textual Lessons & Notes
  • Topic Tests covering all topics with detailed solutions
  • Sectional Tests for QA, DI, EL, LR
  • All India Mock Tests for performance analysis and all India percentile
  • General Knowledge (GK) Tests

Free videos, free mock tests and free GK tests to evaluate course content before signing up!

Role of Oliveboard:-

I am a student of Oliveboard Edge and have the Oliveboard test series. Oliveboard is known for its content as it is fully exam-oriented. 

Oliveboard Test Series helped me in analyzing my weaknesses and the Edge helped me in clearing that weakness. 

Advice for future aspirants:-

Give mocks daily and analyze them completely. Fix your weak points by seeing videos on Oliveboard Edge or the Oliveboard YouTube channel. Prepare GA on a daily basis and revise it regularly. 

Always stay focused and consistent throughout your journey no matter whatever is the result.


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