Haryana Police SI Syllabus & Exam Pattern

The Staff Selection Commission of Haryana had issued a notification on 15th June 2021 for the Sub-Inspectors of Group-C recruitment in the Police Department. The selection is for 465 posts of Haryana Police Sub Inspector, of which 400 posts were for men, and the remaining 65 were for women. Candidates clearing all the 3 stages (Written Exam, Physical Efficiency Test & Interview) of the recruitment process will be eligible for postings. Continue reading for important dates, details, and other information regarding the In this blog, we are going to have a closer look at Haryana Police SI Syllabus & Exam Pattern. Once you are done with this blog, you will be aware of the complete list of syllabus topics to be prepared for the Haryana Police SI 2021 Exam. 

Haryana Police SI Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2021

The candidate must go through the syllabus and examination pattern of the Haryana Police SI Recruitment thoroughly and study accordingly to pass the examination. The topic-wise  Haryana Police Sub- Inspector Examination 2021 syllabus is mentioned below:

Haryana Police SI Syllabus

Subject Topics 

General Studies Syllabus
Indian History (History of Haryana), The Indian Constitution and State Administration, Five Year Plans, Economic Scenario, Government Schemes, National Movements, Political Series of Country
Reasoning SyllabusVenn Diagram, Coding and Decoding, Blood Relations, Input and Output, Logical Reasoning, Pattern, Analytical Reasoning, Syllogism, Statements and Conclusions
Current Affairs SyllabusNational Affairs and International Affairs, Current Science, Books and Authors, Sports, Technologies, Important dates and events 
Agriculture Syllabus Facts of Agriculture, Crop Production, Fruits and Crops, Vegetables, Soil Fertility, Horticulture, Plantation and Deforestation, Irrigation and Damage Pests/ Weed Control, Soil and Land conservation
Animal Husbandry Syllabus Animal Nutrition, Livestock Farming, Animal Breeds, Dairy Diseases and symptoms in animals
Numerical Ability SyllabusFractions, Ratio and Proportions, Decimals, Mixtures H.C.F., L.C.M, Discounts, Profit and Loss, Time Work and Distance, Sums on Ages, Mensuration, Rate of Interest

General Science Syllabus
Scientific methodology, concepts, Biology, Space Science, Techniques and physics Technologies,Chemistry

Also Read: Haryana Police SI Exam

Haryana Police SI Exam Pattern 

The Pattern for the Haryana Police Sub- Inspector examination is as under.

  • It is a multiple-choice question examination.
  • The examination will have a total of 100 questions.
  • Each question carries .80 marks.
  • The paper carries 80 marks.
  • No penalty for wrong or unanswered questions.
  • The duration of the examination is 90 minutes.
SubjectNumber of QuestionsMarksDuration
General Studies, current affairs, General Science, General Reasoning, numerical ability, Mental Aptitude, Basic knowledge of computer, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, and other relevant fields.1008090 minutes

The rest of the marks will be distributed according to the following criteria:

Selection CriteriaMaximum Marks
Written Examination80
Physical Standard Test and Physical Measurement Test Qualifying
Additional QualificationHigher Education: 7 marksPost Graduate Degree: Additional 3 marks NCC Certificate: 3 marks
Miscellaneous Applicant’s father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son was a regular employee in any Department/Board/Corporation/Company/StatutoryBody/ Commission/Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India. – 5 marks window and other criteria – 5 marksNomadic/ De-notified Tribe of Haryana – 5 marksContract Employee – Maximum 8 marks

Haryana Police SI Recruitment Important Dates

Important dates of the Haryana Police SI Recruitment 2021 are mentioned below: 

Event Date 2021
Notification Release Date15th June 2021
Online Application Process Start Date19th June 2021
Online Application Process End Date2nd July 2021 extended to 9th July 2021
Last Date for submission of application fees13th July 2021
Admit Card for Written Exam15 days before the examination
Written Examination Date5th September 2021
Physical Screening Test7th October 2021
Physical Measurement Test and Document Verification 11th to 31st October 
Cut off release dateTo be announced 
ResultsTo be announced

Also, Read for more details: Haryana Police SI Cut Off, Haryana Police SI Salary & Job Profile, Haryana Police SI Eligibility


Now that the Haryana Staff Selection Commission has announced the date for the written examination of Sub- Inspector Recruitment as 5th September 2021, you must start preparing for the written examination. It will be a multiple-choice question test.  You can follow the Haryana Police SI Exam Pattern and prepare systematically for the exam. Go through the relevant books and retain the information so that you can apply it during the examination. Study earnestly and study hard. Also, prepare for the physical screening test and physical measurement test if you are not already doing so. Eat healthily and eat well. Start exercising and jogging to increase your stamina and improve yourself physically. 

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the  Haryana Police SI Exam Pattern for the written examination?

There are 100 multiple choice questions in the written examination, each carrying 0.80 marks. 

What is the duration of the written examination?

The written examination is for 90 minutes.

What is the date of the written examination of the Haryana Police SI Examination?

The written examination will be held on 5th September 2021.

When will the Admit card be available for the Haryana Police Sub- Inspector examination?

The Admit cards will be made available on the website of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission 15 days before the examination.


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