The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster December 2018

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster December 2018

The Hindu Newspaper is considered the Bible by the various exam aspirants as it has the best unbiased view on various current affairs, news and happenings in the world. Also, it helps immensely if you are looking for daily dose of English reading and building your English vocabulary. You can download The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster December 2018 in the PDF format and take advantage of the compilation of words taken from the The Hindu Newspaper.

Vocabulary based questions are often asked in all Banking and Government Exams. We at Oliveboard  have been providing you with a daily dose of vocabulary to help you with overcoming your struggle in this section. We have complied this eBook The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster December 2018 for the month of December that contains all the words from the Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster blogs. We hope it will help you in upcoming IBPS Clerk, IBPS SONIACL AO exams as well. So, we at Oliveboard present to all our viewers and Exam aspirants this eBook that has all the difficult words with their meanings and the correct usage from the month of December.

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Please read the Vocabulary words and sample questions given below to get a glimpse of the EBook .

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Booster December 2018

Sr No. Word Meaning Usage
1.         ABATE Make less intense or widespread;

Reduce or remove.

Thankfully the storm has abated.
2.         ABRIDGE Shorten a book, film, speech, etc. without losing the sense The abridged version of the book is also very nice.
3.         ABRUPT Sudden or unexpected  

Her resignation was very abrupt.

4.         ACCOMODATIVE Provide lodging or enough space;

fit in with the wishes or needs of.

The country is not at all accommodative of refugees.
5.         ACCREDITATION The action or process of officially recognizing someone as having a status or being qualified to perform an activity The meeting was called for the accreditation of professional.
6.         ACCRETION A thing formed or added by gradual growth or increase There was a considerable accretion of residential populations after 1930.
7.         ACCRUE Accumulate or receive payments or benefits over time He was able to accrue a large amount of money and that is why he need not want a regular job.
8.         ACKNOWLEDGE Recognize the importance or quality of The corporate world has begun to acknowledge his genius and excellence.
9.         ACQUIT Free someone from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty The convict was acquitted by the court as not guilty.
10.     ACQUITTAL A judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime The family was shattered after the murderer’s acquittal.


Sample Questions

Q1. In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the word similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Misuse
  2. Unaware
  3. Ill- mannered
  4. Absurd

Answer (1)

Q2. Which of the following word means “A complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating one”?

  1. Boon
  2. Fiasco
  3. Triumph
  4. Smash

Answer (2)

To read the daily blogs of The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster Click Here.

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