JAIIB PPB Preparation Strategy 2024 and Topic Wise Weightage

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Candidates aiming for the JAIIB PPB Exam 2024 should be aware of the importance of each topic covered in PPB and devise an effective preparation plan. Understanding the importance of each topic helps you prioritize your study time and grasp the key concepts that are essential for the exam. Remember, every topic is important in the JAIIB PPB Exam, so make sure you understand them all to increase your chances of passing.

How to Prepare for JAIIB PPB

The most important part of the preparation for any subject is knowing the contents of that subject. This means being aware of the exam pattern, units, and specific topics that are asked. This will give you a better idea of where to start and how to proceed.

JAIIB PPB Exam Pattern

First, let’s take a look at the exam pattern

JAIIB Mega Webinar

SubjectsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Principles & Practices of Banking1001002 hours


Now let’s check out the modules in PPB

ModulePaper II-
Principles & Practices of
Banking Operations
BLending Operations of
CBanking Technology
DEthics in Banks and Financial Institutions

PPB Syllabus

Now let’s check out the detailed syllabus for PPB. The topics are given module-wise:

A- General Banking Operations

The topics covered are:

  • Banker-Customer Relationship
  • AML-KYC Guidelines
  • Operational Aspects of KYC
  • Opening Accounts of Various Types of Customers
  • Operational Aspects of Deposit Accounts
  • Operational Aspects of Handling Clearing/Collection/Cash
  • Banker’s Special Relationship
  • Foreign Exchange Remittance Facilities for Individuals,
  • Operational Aspects of NRI Business
  • Foreign Currency Accounts for Residents and Other Aspects
  • Cash Management Services and Its Importance
  • Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable Instruments
  • Responsibility of Paying Bank
  • Responsibility for Collecting Bank
  • Ancillary Services
  • Financial Inclusion & Financial Literacy
  • Customer Service Guidelines
  • Duties & Rights of a Banker and Customer Rights
  • Grievance Redressal & RBI Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021
  • The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Preamble, Extent, and Deflations
  • The Right to Information Act, 2005
B- Lending Operations of Banks
  • Principles of Lending, Different Types of Borrowers, and Types of Credit Facilities,
  • Appraisal and Assessment of Credit Facilities
  • Operational Aspects of Loan Accounts
  • Types of Collaterals and Their Characteristics
  • Different Modes of Charging Securities
  • Documentation
  • Non-Performing Assets! Stressed Assets
  • Important Laws Relating to Recovery Of Dues
  • Contracts of Indemnity
  • Contracts of Guarantee & Bank Guarantee
  • Letters of Credit,
  • Deferred Payment Guarantee
  • Laws Relating to Bill Finance
  • Personal Finance
  • Priority Sector Advances
  • Agricultural Finance
  • Finance to MFIs/Co-Lending Arrangements With NBFCs
  • Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in India
  • Government Sponsored Schemes
  • Self-Help Groups
C- Banking Technology
  • Essentials of Bank Computerisation
  • Operational Aspects of CBS Environment
  • Alternate Delivery Channels Digital Banking
  • Data Communication Network and EFT Systems
  • Digital Payment Systems ~ NPCI
  • Impact of Technology Adoption and Trends in Banking Technology
  • Security Considerations and Mitigation Measures in Banks
  • Operational Aspects of Cyber Crimes/Fraud Risk Management in Cyber Tech
  • Technology Trends in Banking, e-RUPI, Fintech – RegTech, SupTech, Hashtag Banking etc.
D- Ethics in Banking and Financial Institutions
  • Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective
  • Ethics at the Individual Level
  • Ethical Dimensions: Employees
  • Work Ethics and the Workplace
  • Banking Ethics: Changing Dynamics

How to Prepare for JAIIB PPB: Tips and Tricks

This is a subject that all candidates who have a thorough knowledge of banking awareness will find easy. Since banking awareness is a section in the qualifying tests for most bank exams, most candidates will be able to learn this section easily.

The most important topics for this paper are in the first two modules- General Banking Operations and Lending Operations of Banks. The other 3 modules are more general in content and can be covered easily. So Paper-II is quite easy to clear if you revise all the known topics of banking awareness.

General Tips

1. Identify Key Improvement Areas

If you’ve been preparing for JAIIB for a while but feel that your preparation isn’t moving forward pause. Analyze the syllabus and identify the areas you’re not strong in. Start your preparation again from there. Make sure to make Modules A and B as thorough as possible at this time.

2. Make Notes for Easy Revision

Preparation for JAIIB takes place under time constraints considering your working schedule. Try and make notes of only the most important points. Highlight points that you may forget for revision right before the exam.

3. Prioritise Important Sections

Module A and Module B- General Banking Operations and Lending Operations of Banks are very important. These should be key focus areas. Modules C and D is easier and this will take a shorter time to learn.

4. Revise in Order of Priority

Similarly while revising, make sure to focus on the first two modules. Make these thorough then revise the main topics of the remaining modules. This will help you boost your confidence and your overall performance.

5. Mock Tests

Mock tests will always help you get used to the exam before you even sit for the actual exam. For JAIIB, Oliveboard provides a collection of mock tests that you can attempt throughout your preparation to keep track of your progress. These mock tests also come with AI-powered analysis which means you get a comprehensive idea of your strong and weak areas. This way you can save time by learning those topics that you need to focus on rather than the ones you’re consistently scoring well in.

Module-wise Tips

The main focus of your PPB preparation should be the first two modules. Module A is about the General Banking Operations while Module B is the about the Lending Operations of Banks. Both these modules have topics that are a part of most banking awareness syllabi.

A: General Banking Operations

This module mainly focuses on the general functions of banks. As a bank exam-qualified candidate, these topics may be familiar to you. If not you can refer to the recommended study material for the specific topics.

The following topics are of priority for Module A so make sure to make these thorough:

Banker-Customer Relationship, AML-KYC Norms, and Opening account for customers: These are very practical and important topics that should be covered and studied thoroughly. KYC is an important aspect of helping customers open their bank accounts so knowing all about it is important.

Operational Aspects, Foreign currency and business, Rights of Customer:
These cover the different procedures concerning different types of accounts, foreign investment and business, and rights of customers. It includes responsibilities of banks, aspects of negotiable instruments, and aspects of grivience redressal. These are very important to be thorough in.

B: Lending Operations of Banks

One of the basic functions of banks is their ability to lend money to customers. Being such a fundamental aspect of banking as a whole, this module also requires a lot focus. The following are the topics that are a priority for Module B so make sure these are thorough:

Principles of lending, operational aspects, assessment of credit facilities:
What are the different aspects to consider when a bank lends anyone money? What types of transactions happen in lending and borrowing? How do loan accounts function? These are the different topics covered in these headings. These are the fundamental concepts when it comes to borrowing-lending and loan operations of banks.

Non-performing assets, recovery of dues, letters of credit, MSMEs in India, SHGs:
How do banks recover loans when the borrower is unable to repay them? What are the different categories of assets according to the profit they bring to the bank? What is the scenario of different businesses in India and how does the government and economy help these grow? Such are the topics in the latter part of Module B of PPB. These are important concepts to cover as situational questions can be asked from these.

C: Banking Technology

This module mostly covers the various ways in which technology has been incorporated into banking. This mainly includes the computerization of banking, digitalization of payment methods, and other ways in which tech has made banking easier. It also covers the various security concerns and considerations with regard to technology in banking.

E: Ethics in Banks and Financial Institutions

Ethics is not a subject but a life skill. In banking, ethics is a necessary life skill to ensure quality service to customers. It is awareness of ethics and moral rules that helps prevent illegal activities and enables reform. This module covers most broad rules of ethics. These are with respect to the various banking activities themselves, or even to the workplace.

How to Prepare for JAIIB PPB: Study Material

Principles And Practices Of Banking Principles And Practices Of Banking | Study Notes For JAIIB (oliveboard.in)
Reserve Bank of IndiaReserve Bank of India: Organisation & Functions – Oliveboard
Types Of Shares And Their IssueTypes Of Shares And Their Issue- Types, Classification, Bonus Shares (oliveboard.in)
Understanding The Balance Sheet And Its FormatUnderstanding The Balance Sheets And It’s Format (oliveboard.in)
Functions of BankFunctions of Bank – Short Notes for JAIIB Exam | Oliveboard

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How to Prepare for JAIIB PPB: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I clear JAIIB in one attempt?

Yes, but aspirants need a robust preparation strategy to back it up.

When will the online application process start for JAIIB?

The online application process for JAIIB will start in April 2024.

When will JAIIB 2024 May/June cycle be held?

The dates for the JAIIB 2024 May/June cycle will be announced by IIBF.

When will the new JAIB syllabus be implemented?

The revised JAIIB syllabus will be implemented from the May/June cycle in 2024.


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