Last-minute tips for UGC NET 2022 | Prepare with Oliveboard

Last-minute tips for UGC NET 2022: On April 30, 2022, notification for the UGC-NET December 2021 and June 2022 (merged cycles) was released. The deadline for submitting your application is May 20, 2022. (upto 11:50 pm). To apply for the exam, click here on the direct link. The exam is expected to take place in the second week of June. With the exam only a month away, we’ve created this blog to provide you with some important last-minute tips for UGC NET 2022.

Before checking some last-minute tips, let us go through the UGC NET Exam pattern :

UGC NET 2022 – Exam Pattern

Check the UGC NET Exam Pattern of Paper 1 and Paper 2 below :

ParticularsUGC NET Paper 1 HighlightsUGC NET Paper 2 Highlights
Exam modeOnlineOnline
Type of paperCommon for all candidatesSubject-specific questions
Total questions50100
Type of questionsMCQsMCQs
Total marks100200
Marking scheme2 for the correct answer
0 for incorrect answer
2 for the correct answer
0 for incorrect answer

Last-minute tips for UGC NET 2022

Check some important Tips for UGC NET below :

Time Management

UGC NET has 2 papers. Paper-I has 50 questions (100 Marks). Paper-II has 100 questions. Both papers have to be solved in 3 hours.

You have more than 3 minutes to solve a question in Paper-I and more than 1.5 minutes in Paper I. So clearly, Paper I is not a speed test. You have ample time to read each and every question carefully, analyze it, and solve it.

To solve Paper-II, you need to be time-efficient. Since it’s your optional subject you will have a better hold over this Paper.

Revise and Practice Important Topics of RCs, Logical Reasoning, DI, and Math section

Together these sections account for 40 Marks. Practice these sections adequately to make sure you score well. It will help you clear the cut-off and give you a clear advantage.

Revise shortcut formulas for the Quantitative Ability Section

Go through various shortcuts that will help you solve problems faster. You can check Oliveboard videos and learn some shortcuts.

Take a couple of Mock Tests

Take a couple of Mock Tests to help you with your last-minute preparation. This will help you finalize your strategy as you take the test. Make sure you have figured out the order in which you want to attempt sections. Our advice has been to attempt your strongest section first as it gives confidence as you begin the exam, which you can carry forward through the 3-hour test.

UGC NET Online Interface

Get used to the UGC NET online interface which can give you a slight time advantage over the rest of the candidates who are unfamiliar with the interface

Eat and Sleep well before the day of the exam

Make sure you have slept well the day before the exam, and have had a good meal before the exam. A relaxed mind will definitely help you in perform to your complete potential in the UGC NET.

Last-minute tips for UGC NET 2022 : On the exam day

  • Reach the center well in time to avoid any nervous energy and stress creeping in. Stress can further reduce your performance in a time-sensitive test.
  • Carry the following with you: Exam Call Letter, a Photo ID Proof, a pen, and one copy each of the Call letter and the ID proof. 
  • Stick to the order of sections that you have decided before coming in: If you solved the practice test according to a specific order use it. Please do not change.
  • Try the simple ones first to build your confidence. Keep the difficult and time-consuming questions in each section for the end. The confidence will create positive momentum for you to do well over the 60 minutes.
  • Do not get stuck on any question:- Give yourself a cut-off of, let’s say 90-120 seconds, and if any question takes more than that, leave it and you can return in case you have time. Remember, every question carries the same weightage within a section, so do not waste time on one question only. 
  • Feel free to take guesses: There is no negative marking and hence be judicious on questions where you decide to mark an answer without knowing the correct option. You can choose to make educated guesses.


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We hope you get some valuable tips from this blog. Wish you all the best for your exam. Download Oliveboard App for the latest updates about the exam.


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