MP Police SI Vacancy: Overview, Important Dates, Selection Process, Exam Pattern

The Madhya Pradesh Professional Education Board (MPPEB) conducts MP Police examinations to recruit Sub-Inspectors and others under MP Police. The authority still has not published the MP Police SI Vacancy. It announces MP Police Recruitment Notification each year.  With additional details, the official announcement is supposed to publish in the forthcoming vacancy. 

Applicants are recommended to visit the common portal regularly for all the newest updates. Reservation of jobs from MP SI complete vacancy will be done as per the laws and regulations of particular reservation systems implemented by the MP Government. Kindly note that the reservation systems are as per the reports published by the Indian Government and are subjected to vary in case the Government chooses to do so.

MP Police SI Exam: Overview

OrganizationMadhya Pradesh Professional Educational Board (MPPEB)
PostsSub Inspector
Application ModeOnline
Notification DatesTo be notified
Selection ProcessPrelims, Physical, and Interview
Exam ModeOnline
LocationMadhya Pradesh
LanguageEnglish & Hindi
Official Contact DetailsPhone No: 0755-2578801-02Official Email:- [email protected]Toll-Free Number: 18002337899

MP Police SI Exam: Important Dates

The important dates for the MP Police SI are given in the table below. Check the dates below

Online Application Start DateTo be notified
MP Police SI Notification Date 2021To be notified
Last Date to pay the feeTo be notified
Last Date to Apply OnlineTo be notified
MP SI Exam Date 2021To be notified
MP Police SI Admit Card 2021To be notified
MP Police Physical DatesTo be notified
Prelims ResultTo be notified
Interview DatesTo be notified

MP Police SI Vacancy

MPPEB will publish the MP Police SI Vacancy simultaneously with the announcement soon. 

PostsTotal Vacancy
SI(Special Branch)to be announced
Subedarto be announced
SI(Radio)to be announced
SI(District Force)to be announced
SI(Finger Print)to be announced
SI(Q.D)to be announced
Platoon Commanderto be announced
SI(Ordnance)to be announced
Total Poststo be announced

MP Police SI Vacancy: Previous Year

One can take a prompt view of the total amount of vacancies MPPEB had published last year in the announcement within the table provided below. The table shows the total amount of vacant jobs for each applicant category. The MP Police SI past year vacancy announcement had published a total of 611 vacancies for eight separate jobs in several reservation classes. The table underneath presents details of the past year’s break up of MP Police SI completes vacancy post-wise and category-wise. 

Category-wise Vacancies

Total Posts 30310112879611

Post-Wise Vacancy

SI(Special Branch)20051237
SI(District Force)208668358415
SI(Finger Print)0101
Platoon Commander52162114103
Total Posts =30310112879611

MP Police SI Selection Process

The MP Police SI includes three stages for choosing the sub-inspector in the MP Police. There is a relationship between the MP Police selection method and several other state police examinations. The different stages are:

  • Written Exam,
  • Physical Measurement Test and Physical Proficiency Test, and
  • Interview.

MP Police SI Exam Pattern

The examination starts with a written examination that has two papers. Paper-I specialises in technical posts while paper-II is non-tech for both technical and non-technical posts. The examination has multiple-choice problems. Paper-I is of 100 marks while Paper-II is of 200 marks.

Hindi, English, and General KnowledgeNon-tech2003 hours
Science (Maths, Physics, Chemistry)Technical1002 hours
TotalBoth3005 hours

Important Points To Remember

The aspirants must keep a check on all the significant points discussed below to assure that they have followed the paper pattern for the MP police exam 

  • The paper will be prepared in both the languages Hindi and English
  • All problems carry one mark individually
  • There is no negative marking.
  • For the interview round, applicants are expected to keep themselves updated with all current affairs. They must also get a profound understanding of the MP Police Department.
  • For selection, it is relevant to meet the qualifying marks and cut-off marks for every MP Police SI Selection stage.


Applicants are suggested to keep in touch with the web portal of MP Police and this page for regular updates regarding vacancies. Go through the article thoroughly to get the idea of the examination and then prepare yourself accordingly if you want to work under the MP government. Complete information is provided to you here about MP Police SI Vacancy. We hope it’s been useful.


1. For the female candidates, is there any reservation in MP Police SI Vacancy?

No. In MP Police SI vacancies there is no reservation for female candidates.

2. What is the total number of vacancies under the MP Police SI exam?

The department has still not issued the number of vacancies through notification.


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