RDWSD Karnataka Recruitment 2022 – Cutoff

The last date to apply for the RDWSD Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer vacancies is 18th and 27th April 2022, respectively. KPSC has not announced the examination dates yet. Eligible candidates should carefully read the notifications available on the commission’s website and apply accordingly. The candidates should also keep checking the website for further updates on the recruitment. This article contains the RDWSD cutoff details and other information related to the exam.

RDWSD Cutoff 

The cutoffs are the deciding marks to shortlist the candidates after the written exam. The candidate must secure the cut off marks or above to qualify for the next stage. The cut off marks and minimum marks needed to clear the exam are not the same. The minimum passing/ qualifying marks are declared before the exam is conducted, whereas the cut off marks are issued only after the exam process is over. 

The cut-off marks change every year because several factors affect the cut off determining process. The cutoff marks are set considering different factors like the vacancies available, the number of candidates taking the exam, the difficulty level of the question paper, and others.

Process To Check the RDWSD Cutoff 

The candidate should follow the below steps:

Step 1: Go to the website of the Commission

Step 2: On the right-hand corner of the homepage, search for the link 

Step 3: Click on it

Step 4: The file will open in a new tab. 

Step 5: The category wise cut off mark details will be mentioned on the file.

Step 6: Download and save the file to your system

Factors Affecting the RDWSD Cutoff

  • Number of Vacancies

The number of vacancies available plays an important role in the cut off being high or low. If the number of vacancies is high, the cut off marks would be lower. But if there are only a few vacancies, the cut off marks will be higher as competition increases. 

  • Number of Candidates appearing for the Examination

The higher the number of candidates taking the examination, the higher the cutoff. If the number of candidates appearing is less, the cutoff will also be lower.

  • Difficulty Level of the question paper

The difficulty level of the question paper also affects the calculations of the cut off marks. The more difficult the paper, the lower the cutoff marks, whereas an easier question paper will have higher cutoff marks. 

  • Number of Stages in the Selection Process

The number of stages in the selection process also plays a role in deciding RDWSD Cutoff. Fewer stages in the process mean a higher cut off, whereas a higher number of stages will have a lower cut off.

  • Reservation

The recruitment’s reservation policies will also affect the calculation of the cut off marks.


If you are an aspirant for the posts under RDWSD Karnataka, a tentative idea of the cut off will be to your advantage as it will help you prepare for the examination with a certain target in mind. Since the board will announce the final cutoff only after the examination is over, you will have to rely on the previous years’ cutoff marks. Decide on a target by assessing the previous years’ cut-off and preparing diligently for the exam.


Q. How can I know the RDWSD Karnataka Recruitment 2022 – Cut off?

A. The RDWSD Karnataka Recruitment 2022 – Cut off will be declared after the process of the Written Examination is over. The cutoff mark will be released on the official website of the Commission.

Q. Why is the RDWSD Karnataka Recruitment 2022 – Cut off not declared before the Written Examination so that I can prepare with an exact target in mind?

A. Several factors affect the cutoff, and they are not all known before the process of the Written Examination is completed. These factors are – the vacancies available, the number of candidates taking the exam, the difficulty level of the question paper, and others.

Q. How do I check the RDWSD Karnataka Recruitment 2022 – Cut off?

A. Answer: You should follow the below-given steps to avail of the RDWSD Karnataka Recruitment 2022 – Cut off
Step 1: Go to the website of the Commission.
Step 2: On the right-hand corner of the homepage, search for the link.
Step 3: Click on it
Step 4: the file will open in a new tab. 
Step 5: The category wise cut off mark details will be mentioned on the file.
Step 6: Download and save the file to your system

Q. What are the factors affecting the calculation of RDWSD Karnataka Recruitment 2022 – Cut off?

A. Answer: The factors are:
Number of Vacancies
Difficulty Level of the question paper
Number of Candidates appearing for the Examination
Number of Stages in the Recruitment Process.


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