SSC MTS General Awareness 2024, Important Topics

The SSC MTS (Multi Tasking Staff) exam tests a wide range of subjects under General Awareness (GA). To excel in the SSC MTS General Awareness section, it’s essential to focus on key topics that frequently appear in the exam.

SSC MTS General Awareness 2024

The SSC MTS Notification 2024 was released on 27th June 2024, and the SSC MTS CBT Exam is scheduled to be held between October and November 2024 by the Staff Selection Commission. In the SSC MTS CBT Exam, there will be a total of 25 questions from the General Awareness section, comprising 75 marks. To excel in the SSC MTS Exam, candidates must have a thorough understanding of the SSC MTS Syllabus and the SSC MTS Exam Pattern.

In this blog, we will provide you with the detailed SSC MTS GA syllabus in both English and Hindi, the important topics to study for SSC MTS General Awareness, the SSC MTS Exam Pattern, and the SSC MTS Selection Process in detail.

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SSC MTS Exam 2024 – Important Date

The SSC MTS 2024 Exam Dates are very important because the SSC MTS Havaldar 2024 is a national-level exam conducted across the country. The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is the central body responsible for organizing this exam nationwide. The SSC has announced the following important dates for the SSC MTS 2024 exam:

EventsDates (Tentative)
SSC MTS Notification 2024 Release Date27th June 2024
SSC MTS 2024 Application Registration Starting Date27th June 2024
Last date and time for receipt of SSC MTS Havalddar Online Applications31st July 2024
SSC MTS Witten Exam 2024 (Computer-Based Examination)October to November 2024
SSC MTS 2024 PET and PST Exam DateTo be announced

SSC MTS Selection Process 2024

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the SSC MTS Examination for the posts of Multitasking Staff (MTS) and Havaldar. The SSC MTS selection process includes a written examination followed by a physical test. The details of the Selection Process are as follows:

Notification ReleaseSSC MTS Notification 2024 has been released on 27th June 2024.
Application ProcessSubmission of online applications by eligible candidates.
Written ExaminationA computer-based test (CBT) assesses
1. General intelligence and reasoning,
2. Numerical aptitude,
3. General English, and
4. General awareness.
Result of Written ExamDeclaration of results and shortlisting of candidates for the next stage.
Physical Test For Havaldar PostPhysical efficiency test (PET) and physical standard test (PST) for Havaldar posts.
Document VerificationVerification of educational and other necessary documents of shortlisted candidates.
Final SelectionPreparation of the final merit list based on performance in the written exam and physical test (if applicable).

SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2024

Before going to the syllabus, candidates must be aware of the exam pattern of the SSC MTS Recruitment and the sections included in the examinations. We have mentioned below the latest exam pattern for the candidates.

SSC MTS Exam Pattern 

The first phase of SSC MTS recruitment is the computer-based test. The exam pattern for the same is given below.

PartSubjectNumber of Questions/ Maximum Marks
Session-1Numerical and Mathematical Ability20/60
 Reasoning Ability and Problem-Solving20/60
Session-2General Awareness25/75
 English Language and Comprehension25/75
  • Exam Structure: The Computer Based Examination will be conducted in two sessions on the same day.
  • Sessions: The two sessions are Session I and Session II, and both are mandatory.
  • Session-I Duration: Candidates will have 45 minutes to complete Session-I. Once this time is up, Session-I will automatically close.
  • Transition: Immediately after Session-I ends, Session-II will start.
  • Session-II Duration: Session-II will also last for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, Session II will end, concluding the Computer Based Examination.

SSC MTS General Awareness Syllabus

The SSC MTS Syllabus For General Awareness is as follows:

Subjects (विषय)Topics (विषयवस्तु)
General Awareness (सामान्य जागरूकता)History (इतिहास):
1. Indus Valley and Civilization (सिंधु घाटी और सभ्यता)
2. Buddhism and Jainism in India (भारत में बौद्ध धर्म और जैन धर्म)
3. The Magadha Empire (मगध साम्राज्य)
4. Gupta Dynasty (गुप्त वंश)
5. Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire (दिल्ली सल्तनत और मुग़ल साम्राज्य)
6. India and its Independence (भारत और इसकी स्वतंत्रता)

Geography (भूगोल):
1. The Universe and the Solar System (ब्रह्मांड और सौर मंडल)
2. Earth (पृथ्वी)
3. Mountains and Rivers (पहाड़ और नदियाँ)
4. Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Atmosphere (हाइड्रोस्फीयर, लिथोस्फीयर, एटमॉस्फीयर)
5. Wind Cyclone (वायु चक्रवात)
6. Climate (जलवायु)
7. Geological Survey of India (भारतीय भूगर्भीय सर्वेक्षण)
8. Indian Climate, Natural Vegetation, and Soil (भारतीय जलवायु, प्राकृतिक वनस्पति और मिट्टी)

Economics (अर्थशास्त्र):
1. General Economics (सामान्य अर्थशास्त्र)
2. Economic Planning (आर्थिक योजना)
3. National Income of India (भारत की राष्ट्रीय आय)
4. Budget (बजट)
5. Market (बाजार)
6. Demand and Supply (मांग और आपूर्ति)
7. Economic Concepts (आर्थिक अवधारणाएँ)
8. Population of India, Mortality Rate, Unemployment (भारत की जनसंख्या, मृत्यु दर, बेरोज़गारी)

Polity (राजनीति):
1. Constitutional Development of India (भारत का संवैधानिक विकास)
2. State, Union Territory (राज्य, संघ राज्य क्षेत्र)
3. Fundamental Rights (मौलिक अधिकार)
4. Directive Principles of State Policy (राज्य नीति के निदेशक सिद्धांत)
5. Executive, Legislation, Judiciary (कार्यपालिका, विधायिका, न्यायपालिका)
6. Constitution of India (भारतीय संविधान)

Physics (भौतिकी):
1. Units and Measurement (इकाइयाँ और माप)
2. Waves and Motion (तरंगे और गति)
3. Light (प्रकाश)
4. Work and Energy (कार्य और ऊर्जा)
5. Heat and Temperature (तापमान और ऊर्जा)

Chemistry (रसायनशास्त्र):
1. Chemical Symbols and Formulae (रासायनिक प्रतीक और सूत्र)
2. Atomic Structure (परमाणु संरचना)
3. Periodic Classification (आवधिक वर्गीकरण)
4. Chemical Bonding (रासायनिक बंधन)
5. Oxidation and Reduction (ऑक्सीडेशन और न्यूनीकरण)
6. Acids, Bases, and Salts (अम्ल, क्षार और लवण)
7. Carbon and its Compounds (कार्बन और इसके यौगिक)
8. Fuels (ईंधन)
9. Metals and Non-Metals (धातुएं और अधातुएं)
10. Man-Made Substances (मानव-निर्मित पदार्थ)

Biology (जीवविज्ञान):
1. Living and Non-Living (जीवित और निर्जीव)
2. Cell and its Structure (कोशिका और इसकी संरचना)
3. Genetics (जेनेटिक्स)
4. Organic Evolution (संगठित विकास)
5. Plant Morphology (पौधे की आकृति विज्ञान)
6. Plant Diseases (पौधों की बीमारियाँ)
7. Nitrogen Cycle (नाइट्रोजन चक्र)
8. Animal Kingdom (पशु जगत)
9. Animal Tissue (पशु ऊतक)
10. Human Diseases (मानव रोग)

Current Affairs (वर्तमान घटनाएँ)
Books and Authors (पुस्तकें और लेखक)
Sports (खेल)
Important Schemes (महत्वपूर्ण योजनाएँ)
Important Days & Dates (महत्वपूर्ण दिन और तिथियाँ)
Portfolio (पोर्टफोलियो)
People in News (समाचार में लोग)

SSC MTS General Awareness – Important Topics

The important topics of the SSC MTS General Awareness Syllabus is as follows:

1. Current Affairs

Current Affairs is a major component of the General Awareness section. This includes:

  • National News: Major events and developments in India, such as political changes, government schemes, and significant decisions.
  • International News: Important global events, such as international agreements, conflicts, and notable international figures.
  • Sports: Recent sports events, major tournaments, and achievements by Indian athletes.
  • Awards and Honors: Recent awards, Nobel prizes, and other significant honors.

Tips: Regularly read newspapers, watch news channels, and follow reputable news websites to stay updated.

2. History

Understanding Indian history is crucial for the SSC MTS exam. Key areas include:

  • Ancient History: Major dynasties, such as the Mauryas and Guptas, and significant historical figures like Ashoka and Chandragupta Maurya.
  • Medieval History: Important events, such as the Mughal Empire, key rulers like Akbar and Shah Jahan, and the rise and fall of empires.
  • Modern History: Key freedom fighters, the Indian independence movement, and significant events from the 20th century.

Tips: Focus on important dates, events, and personalities that have shaped Indian history.

3. Geography

Geography questions test your knowledge about:

  • Physical Geography: Major landforms, rivers, mountains, and climates of India and the world.
  • Political Geography: Countries, capitals, and major international organizations.
  • Indian Geography: States and their features, natural resources, and climatic zones.

Tips: Use maps and atlases to get familiar with geographical locations and features.

4. Indian Polity

Indian Polity questions cover:

  • Constitution: Fundamental Rights, Duties, and major amendments.
  • Government Structure: Roles and functions of the President, Prime Minister, Parliament, and Judiciary.
  • Political Parties: Major political parties and their leaders.

Tips: Study the Indian Constitution and the structure of government thoroughly.

5. Economics

Economics is a key area, including:

  • Basic Concepts: Inflation, GDP, and economic growth.
  • Government Schemes: Key schemes and programs related to welfare and development.
  • Economic Organizations: Role of organizations like the RBI and IMF.

Tips: Stay updated with economic surveys and budget reports for current information.

6. General Science

This section includes:

  • Physics: Basic concepts such as force, energy, and laws of motion.
  • Chemistry: Fundamental elements, compounds, and chemical reactions.
  • Biology: Human anatomy, plants, and animals.

Tips: Focus on basic scientific principles and recent scientific developments.

SSC MTS General Awareness – Conclusion

For SSC MTS General Awareness, a well-rounded preparation strategy is essential. Concentrate on current affairs, history, geography, politics, economics, and general science. Regular revision and staying updated with recent developments will help you perform well in the exam.

SSC MTS General Awareness – FAQs

What is the General Awareness section in the SSC MTS exam?

The General Awareness (GA) section tests your knowledge of current events, history, geography, economics, polity, and general science.

How many questions are there in the General Awareness section of the SSC MTS exam?

There are 25 questions in the General Awareness section, each carrying 3 marks, making a total of 75 marks.

Is there any negative marking in the General Awareness section?

In Session-I, there will be no negative marking. However, in Session II, one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.