Learn about The UPPSC RO ARO Exam and other details like the issuance of the UPPSC RO ARO answer key and how to download the answer key. Also, learn about the important exam dates, estimate the exam score before the results, etc.


Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) will conduct preliminary and main exams for the recruitment of 337 posts of Review Officer, Review Officer Account, Assistant Review Officer, and Additional Private Secretary.

The applications for the exam were to be submitted from 05th March 3021 to 05th April 2021. The preliminary exam is rescheduled to be conducted on 5th December 2021. This preliminary exam is a 200 marks exam. Selected candidates will be eligible for the main exam scheduled to be held on 10th April 2022.

Important Exam Dates

The important dates regarding the answer key and other details for the exam are           

Department NameUttar Pradesh, Public Service Commission
Post NameRO- Review Officer & ARO- Assistant Review Officer
Pre-exam Date5th December 2021
Mains Exam Date10th April 2022
Typing Test DateTo be Announced Later
Next Step Of SelectionMain Exam 
Answer Key Releasing DateTo be Announced Later

Also Read:  UPPSC RO ARO Exam

How To Download The UPPSC RO ARO Answer Key

For Paper 1 and Paper 2, the UPPSC RO ARO Answer Key 2021 will be released after the exam. You may download all answer keys for both sets online from uppsc.up.nic.in.

To download the answer, candidates should follow the following steps:

Step 1: Go to the official website: www.uppsc.nic.in

Step 2: There, you will find the link for the concerned answer key

Step 3: Candidates are required to click on that link to download the answer key.

Step 4: The link will redirect to a new page.

Step 5: Among various series, select the series for UPSSC RO ARO Exam

Step 6: Your UPPSC RO ARO Answer Key will be displayed on the screen.

Step 7: Download and save the pdf file and review your performance. 

As per the last trend, UPPSC shall publish its answer key after 183 days after the exam date.

Estimate The Score Using The UPPSC RO ARO Answer Key

Candidates can use the answer key to estimate their scores before the results are released after the answer key is released. They might refer to either an unofficial or official answer key. Here are some easy ways to help you figure out how to estimate scores for the UPPSC RO ARO Exam.

Step 1: Download the PDF form of the answer key.

Step 2: Compare the answers of the answer key with your answer.

Step 3: Evaluate your performance based on the answers and estimate your level of performance. 

Step 4: Refer to the formulae to estimate your exam score.

Estimate Score can be calculated by subtracting the 0.33 of wrong answers with the number of right answers. 

Estimаte Sсоre= (Number оf соrreсt аnswers x 1 mаrks) – (Nо оf wrоng аnswer x 1/3)

Can Candidates Submit Objections To Answers Suggested In The UPPSC RO ARO Answer Key?

Yes, The candidates can submit the objections against the suggested answers in the UPPSC RO ARO Answer Key if they seem incorrect. There is an offline mode to submit the objection regarding the answers.

Aspirants can either submit their objections to the UPPSC RO ARO answer key online or by mail. If they identify any inconsistencies, they саn file оbjeсtiоns by mаiling them tо Аnju Kаtiyаr, Раrikshа Niyаntrаk, Аtigораn – 1 Аnubhаg, Uttаr Рrаdesh Lоk Sevа Аyоg, Аllаhаbаd in а seаled envelорe. Any objections received after the deadline for filing objections will be rejected.

It is to be noted that candidates can send the objections only against the provisional answer key issued by the authority.

After the objections process is completed, the UPPSC examines the proof given by students. After that, if any of the objections are determined to be valid, the conducting body creates and publishes a final answer key.

Candidates can obtain the UPPSC RO ARO answer key directly from this article or at uppsc.up.nic.in. Candidates should be aware that UPPSC will not accept any objections to the final answer key. Moreover, the final answer key is the sole determinant of the outcome of the results.


How many selection stages are there for UPPPSC RO ARO Exam?

There is two selection stage for recruiting the RO and ARO via exam. These are the Preliminary exams and the Main Exam.

When is the preliminary exam for UPPPSC RO ARO scheduled to be held?

The preliminary exam for the UPPSC RO ARO exam is scheduled for 5th December 2021

How can you download the UPPSC RO ARO Answer Key?

Candidates can download the answer key online from the official website after the same is uploaded on the website.

Can candidates submit objections against the UPPSC Answer Key?

Yes. If candidates find any incorrect answers, they can submit objections against it. Candidates can submit no objections against the final answer key.

Is there any negative marking in the preliminary exam of the UPPSC RO ARO Exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking for every wrong answer answered. 

Is it important to check both the final and provisional answer keys?

Yes, candidates are advised to check both the provisional and final answer keys.


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