UPSC ISS IES Syllabus 2024, Exam Pattern, Preparation Tips

UPSC ISS IES Syllabus 2024

Candidates interested for the UPSC ISS IES Exam, must know about the UPSC ISS IES Syllabus 2024 before applying for the examination. They should explore the syllabus and start their preparation accordingly. The exam process involves two stages: Written and Interview. Syllabus of First two papers i.e. General English and General Studies remains same for Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service exam. Syllabus of remaining four papers contains topics according to their relevant courses. While syllabus of Interview is nothing but the evaluation of the personality skills of the selected candidates.

Aspirants can go through this article for the subject-wise syllabus and exam pattern along with the marking scheme.

UPSC ISS IES Syllabus 2024: Overview

Some quick details about the ISS IES Exam and Syllabus:

Exam NameIndian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Exam
Conducting BodyUnion Public Service Commission
Frequency of ExamAnnually
Exam LevelNational
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Mode of ExamOffline
Selection ProcessWritten Exam

UPSC ISS IES Exam Pattern and Syllabus

There are six papers for Indian Economic Service and Indian Statistical Service Exam. Two papers are common for both and carries 100 marks each for 3 hours. These papers are objective in nature. Remaining papers carries 200 marks each for 2 hours. These papers are subjective in nature.

Details about the ISS IES Exam Pattern and Syllabus: –

UPSC Indian Economic Service Exam Pattern

S. No.Name of SubjectMarksTime Duration
1General English1003 hours
2General Studies1003 hours
3General Economic-I2003 hours
4General Economics-II2003 hours
5General Economics-III2003 hours
6Indian Economics2003 hours

UPSC Indian Economic Service Syllabus

General English

  • Essay writing
  • Summary of Precis Writing
  • Passages
  • Understanding of English language and vocabulary

General Studies

  • General Knowledge
  • Geography
  • Current events
  • History of India
  • Current Affairs
General Economics-IGeneral Economics-II
General Economics-IIIIndian Economics

UPSC Indian Statistical Service Exam Pattern

S. No.SubjectMarksTime Duration
1General English1003 hours
2General Studies1003 hours
3Statistics-I(Objective)2002 hours
4Statistics-II(Objective)2002 hours
5Statistics-III(Descriptive)2003 hours
6Statistics-IV(Descriptive)2003 hours

UPSC Indian Statistical Service Syllabus

General English

  • Essay writing
  • Understanding of English language and vocabulary
  • Summary of Precis Writing
  • Passages

General Studies

  • General Knowledge
  • Geography
  • Current Affairs
  • Current events
  • Indian Polity including the political system and the Constitution
  • of India
  • History of India
Statistics- IStatistics- II
Statistics- IIIStatistics- IV

Preparation Tips for ISS IES Exam 2024

General English

Candidates will be checked on how well they use words and grammar in their essays. Good language skills are important when answering passages. It’s helpful to know common words used in this subject.

General Studies

Knowing about current affairs is crucial for this topic because UPSC will ask many questions about recent events and popular topics. Candidates should improve their daily observation skills because questions might also be based on this. It’s important to focus on Indian polity, geography, economy, general science, and Indian history, with special attention to the Freedom Movement.

Indian Economic Service Subjects

The IES examination paper is divided into two parts, with an emphasis on understanding economic theories in the first part. General Economics-2 covers economic growth, development, and international economics, while General Economics-3 requires analytical skills for policy-related topics. The final paper, Indian Economics, focuses on overall economic conditions in India. Candidates are encouraged to relate topics from different papers for better comprehension and use resources like the Economic Survey and the current Union budget for preparation. Regular revision of these topics is essential for success in the exam.

Indian Statistical Service Subjects

Statistics Paper 1 and 2 are conducted in an objective manner, and candidates are advised to focus on reading about statistical methods to score better. It’s essential for candidates to explore sector-wise statistics, national accounts, and understand the national and international official statistical systems. Reliable sources like PIB, Yojana, The Hindu, or Indian Express can be referred to stay updated. Precise and accurate information is crucial as the paper is objective. Candidates should be familiar with key departments like NSSO, as questions may be asked about them. Due to the extensive syllabus, starting preparation early is advisable to cover all the portions effectively.


1. Is ISS and IES Exam syllabus same?

Syllabus of two subjects are common for ISS and IES exam.

2. General Studies and General English carries how much marks?

There are 100 marks each for General Studies and General English.

3. How many concerned subject’s papers are there in the ISS and IES Exam?

There are 4 papers of 200 marks each for the ISS and IES Exam.

4. What is the syllabus of General English?

The syllabus of General English contains Essay writing, Understanding of English language and vocabulary, Summary of Precis Writing and Passages.


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