UPSSSC PET Syllabus & Pattern(In Eng & Hindi)

Candidates aspiring to appear for the UPSSSC exam should definitely check the UPSSSC PET syllabus and UPSSSC PET Exam pattern to get themselves familiar with the exam requirements. The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) recently released the syllabus and pattern on their official website-


They have covered interesting subjects for the all-around development of an individual. Candidates should ensure to cover the complete syllabus well to get through the eligibility test. This exam will cover major exams like UP Assistant Statistical Officer, UP Lekhpal, UP Village Development Officer, etc. One should surely go for this exam for a bright career.

Important dates of exam and fee structure

  • Important dates

Start date of application- 25/05/2021

End date of application- 21/06/2021

Fee payment Last date- 25/06/2021

Form Correction Last date- 28/06/2021

  • Application Fee

Application fee for General/ OBC- Rs. 185/-

SC/ ST- Rs. 95/-

PH- Rs. 25/-

Payment is to be made online through net banking/ debit card/ credit card.

UPSSSC PET Highlights

  • It is going to be an offline exam.
  • There are a total of 100 questions, and the total marks are also 100.
  • The examination is going to be for 2 hours.
  • There is a negative marking concept of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. This makes the exam more challenging.

Eligibility for UPSSSC PET exam 2021

Before appearing for the exam, make sure that you are eligible to appear for the same. So check eligibility criteria as under:

·         The age limit for appearing in this exam is 18 years to a maximum of 40 years as of 01/07/2021. However, certain relaxations for SC/ST/OBC are meritorious sports for 5 years and 15 years for PWD.

·         The candidate should be a high school pass.

·         The candidate should be a citizen of India.

·         The candidates can appear till the maximum age limit applicable.

·         There is no prior experience required for this exam.

Now, let’s check the UPSSSC PET syllabus and UPSSSC PET pattern for 2021. 

Also Read: UPSSSC PET Exam

UPSSSC PET syllabus 2021

UPSSSC PET will be a 100 marks objective type examination. Make sure you prepare well to clear the eligibility test. 

The topics include General Awareness, Current Affairs, Logic and Reasoning, General English, General Hindi, Elementary Arithmetic, General Science, Indian Constitution, and Public Administration, Indian Economy, Geography, Figures and Graphs, Indian history, and National Movement. Let us check the syllabus in detail for each of these topics. 

Read in Hindi – यूपीएसएसएससी पीईटी सिलेबस 2021

I. UPSSSC PET General Awareness Syllabus- 

  1. Neighbouring countries of India
  2. Capital and country of the country
  3. States and Union Territories of the country
  4. Indian Parliament, Lok Sabha, Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council
  5. National and International days
  6. World organisations and their headquarters
  7. Tourist destination in India
  8. Art and culture of India
  9. India and world sports
  10. Indian Research Organisation
  11. Famous books and authors
  12. Awards and winners
  13. Climatic change and environment

II. Current Affairs including National and International

III. Logic and Reasoning Syllabus-

  1. Cause and effect
  2. Segregate
  3. Calendar and watch
  4. Large and small
  5. Order and ranking
  6. Blood relation
  7. Coding and decoding of numbers and letters
  8. Negative reasoning- Statement analysis and decision

IV. General English includes grammar and unseen passage

V. General Hindi-

  1. Equivalent words- समश्रुतभिन्नार्थकशब्द 
  2. Gender- लिंग
  3. Treaty- सन्धि
  4. Synonyms words- पर्यायवाचीशब्द
  5. Antonym words- विलोमशब्द
  6. A word for phrases- वाक्यांशोकेलिएएकशब्द
  7. Idioms- मुहावरेलोकोत्तियां
  8. Common errors- सामान्यअशुद्धियां
  9. Writers and compositions- prose and poetry- लेखकएवंरचनाएं-गद्यएवंपद्य

VI. Elementary Mathematics-

  1. Whole numbers
  2. Decimal
  3. Percentage
  4. Easy numerical questions
  5. Square and square roots
  6. Exponent and power
  7. Average

VII. General Science

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology

VIII. Indian Constitution and Public Administration-

1. Indian Constitution- Salient features

a. Directive principles of state policy

 b. Fundamental rights and duties

 c. Parliamentary system

 d. Federal system, union and union territories

 e. Union state relations

 f. Judicial structure, Supreme Court, High Court

 g. Relations of Union State

 h. Judicial Structure, Supreme Court and High Court

 2. District administration

3. Local bodies and Panchayat Raj Institutions

IX. Indian Economy

1. Indian Economy from 1947 to 1991 

a. Planning Commission and Five Year Plans

 b. Development of Mixed Economy– Private and Public Sector

 c. Green revolution

 d. Milk development and operation flood

 e. Nationalisation and Reforms of Banks

 2. Economic reforms in 1991 and the economy thereafter

3. Post 2014 Economic Reforms-

 a. Agricultural reforms

 b. Structural reforms

 c. Labor reforms

 d. Financial improvement

 e. Goods and service tax

X. Geography

1. Physical geography of India and the world 

a. Rivers and valley of rivers

  b. Groundwater resources

  c. Mountains and glaciers

  d. Desert and dry areas

  e. Mineral Resources

2. Political geography of India and the world

 3. Climate and weather

 4. Time zone

 5. Population Change and Migration

XI. Indian History and National Movement-

  1. Indus Valley CivilizationVedic culture
  2. Buddhism
  3. Jainism
  4. Maurya Dynasty
  5. Gupta Dynasty
  6. Harshwardhan
  7. Rajput period
  8. Sultanate period
  9. Mughal Empire
  10. Maratha
  11. The rise of the British Raj and the first freedom struggle
  12. Social and Economic Impact of the British Raj
  13. The early years of the independence movement
  14. Swadeshi and Civil Disobedience Movement
  15. Revolutionary movement And the rise of extremism
  16. Legislative Amendment and the British India Act, 1935
  17. Quit India Movement
  18. Azad Hind Fauj and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

UPSSSC PET Exam Pattern 2021

The examination will be an objective type of multiple-choice question. After knowing the syllabus of each topic, let us see the marks distribution for each topic.

Sr. No.Name of TopicNumber of QuestionsMarks
1.Current Affairs1010
2.General Awareness1010
3.Analysis of 2 unseen passages1010
4Graph Interpretation1010
5Table Interpretation Analysis1010
6Indian History0505
7Indian National Movement0505
9Indian Economy0505
10Indian Constitution and Public Administration0505
11General Science0505
12Elementary Arithmetic0505
13General Hindi0505
14General English0505
15Logical Reasoning0505

This analysis will help you understand the weightage of each topic, and you can focus on the topic accordingly. 

Important Strategy for clearing UPSSSC PET 2021

If you want to pass this examination and a good job, make sure to have a well-structured plan to study the topics and excel in your exams. You may follow the following steps for efficient studying-

  1. Know your UPSSSC PET syllabus and analyse the length and difficulty of each topic.
  2. Give importance to topics that weigh more.
  3. Combine correlating topics, split large topics into different parts.
  4. Manage your time well as time management is important
  5. Develop a clear understanding of the UPSSSC PET pattern, which will help in exam preparation
  6. Make short notes for quick revision, highlight important points for easy reference.
  7. Prepare a timetable with a few days to buffer to maintain the quality of studies.
  8. Have a fixed schedule and pattern for studying and avoid distractions while studying, and follow it.
  9. Meditate and do some physical exercises for an active mind.
  10. Solve past exam questions and assess your progress.
  11. Revise and test yourself before the D-day.
  12. Last and the most important thing is to remain calm, confident and take care of your mental health.

Entire Process of examination

Being a very popular choice amongst candidates, make sure to understand the entire process to get through all the screening levels.

  1. The first step for a candidate is to give the PET exam. It forms the base for further process of selection.
  2. After the PET exam, authorities will shortlist suitable candidates eligible for appearing in the mains exam for the relevant post under UPSSSC.
  3. The selection process for UPSSSC recruitment will be as follows: Scoring minimum marks for eligibility under PET, clearing the mains exam, interview with the responsible person/skill test (if applicable), followed by verification of the documents.

After successful completion of all these processes, you can be selected for the post you desired for.

Also, Read for more details: UPSSSC PET job profile and salary, UPSSSC PET cut-off


UPSSSC PET is a very competitive exam. Students should prepare well and be confident in their approach to the exam. Having adequate knowledge regarding the UPSSSC PET syllabus and UPSSSC PET pattern is essential through which UPSSSC PET aspirants can excel in the exam. A well-planned strategy will help them to clear this exam and kick start a better career surely.

Frequently asked questions

Is there any negative marking for this exam?

There is a negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer.

What is the passing mark for the PET exam? 

Generally, UPSSSC PET scores range from 120 to 170. A score of 140 or above is considered a pass, and the student will receive a PET exam certificate.

What is the age limit for appearing for UPSSSC PET 2021?

Candidates between the ages of minimum 18 years to a maximum of 40 years can appear for the exam subject to certain relaxations.

What is the mode of UPSSSC PET 2021?

UPSSSC exam will be conducted offline.

Where can I get the UPSSSC PET exam form 2021?

Exam forms are available on their official website (


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