Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z, Download PDF (Latest)

Computer Shortcut Keys: Basic Computer knowledge is expected from candidates regardless of the exam and position. This world is becoming digitized and everything is done through computers. Hence it will be very helpful for you, if you get familiar with the shortcut keys of keyboard. In this blog you will learn about the computer shortcut keys as it is anticipated to be in the various competitive exams.

Computer Shortcut Keys

What are Computer Shortcut Keys

If you were to travel from your home to work or college, you definitely know some shortcut ways for your destination. The commuting way is the shortest way to your destination which saves your time. Similarly in computers to give certain commands and to run certain functions there are many ways, but to save your time there are shortcut keys.

For example, the one which is widely used and familiar is Ctrl+S. Yes! You guessed it right! It is a shortcut key in computer for the command of saving files. To give this command all you need to do is hold the Ctrl button and along with that press the S key on the keyboard. 

Shortcut Keys of Computer A to Z

So Primarily some shortcut keys of keyboard are the same in many programmes. But some differ and some have their own. 

General Computer Shortcut Keys in Microsoft 

There are many shortcut key in computer but some shortcut keys are common and they are generally used world wide. In the below table you will learn about some widely and generally used shortcut keys of keyboard.

Shortcut KeyFunction of the Shortcut Key
Ctrl + XCut the selected item.
Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert)Copy the selected item.
Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert)Paste the selected item.
Ctrl + ZUndo an action.
Alt + TabSwitch between open apps.
Alt + F4Close the active item, or exit the active app.
Windows logo key  + LLock your PC.
Windows logo key  + DDisplay and hide the desktop.
F2Rename the selected item.
F3Search for a file or folder in File Explorer.
F4Display the address bar list in File Explorer.
F5Refresh the active window.
F6Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop.
F10Activate the Menu bar in the active app.
Alt + F8Show your password on the sign-in screen.
Alt + EscCycle through items in the order in which they were opened.
Alt + underlined letterPerform the command for that letter.
Alt + EnterDisplay properties for the selected item.
Alt + SpacebarOpen the shortcut menu for the active window.
Alt + Left arrowGo back.
Alt + Right arrowGo forward.
Alt + Page UpMove up one screen.
Alt + Page DownMove down one screen.
Ctrl + F4Close the active document (in apps that are full-screen and let you have multiple documents open at the same time).
Ctrl + ASelect all items in a document or window.
Ctrl + D (or Delete)Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
Ctrl + EOpen Search (in most apps).
Ctrl + R (or F5)Refresh the active window.
Ctrl + YRedo an action.
Ctrl + Right arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
Ctrl + Left arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
Ctrl + Down arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
Ctrl + Up arrowMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Ctrl + Alt + TabUse the arrow keys to switch between all open apps.
Alt + Shift + arrow keysWhen a group or tile is in focus on the Start menu, move it in the direction specified.
Ctrl + Shift + arrow keysWhen a tile is in focus on the Start menu, move it into another tile to create a folder.
Ctrl + arrow keysResize the Start menu when it’s open.
Ctrl + arrow key (to move to an item) + SpacebarSelect multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop.
Ctrl + Shift with an arrow keySelect a block of text.
Ctrl + EscOpen Start.
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager.
Ctrl + ShiftSwitch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available.
Ctrl + SpacebarTurn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off.
Shift + F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
Shift with any arrow keySelect more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document.
Shift + DeleteDelete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first.
Right arrowOpen the next menu to the right, or open a submenu.
Left arrowOpen the next menu to the left, or close a submenu.
EscStop or leave the current task.
PrtScnTake a screenshot of your whole screen and copy it to the clipboard. 

As listed by Microsoft these are general shortcut keyboard keys in microsoft

Computer Shortcut Keys for MS word

MS word is widely used in education and administration. Hence being aware of computer shortcut keys for ms word  is important. Knowing ms word shortcut keys help you to complete certain tasks in a faster way. In the below listed table you will find shortcut keyboard keys for ms word.

Shortcut KeysMS Word Functions of Shortcut Keys
CTRL + NOpen New Word Doc
CTRL + OOpen Existing Word Doc
CTRL + SSave a Word Doc
F12Save As a Word Doc
CTRL + PPrint a File
CTRL + F12Open Print Preview
CTRL + WClose a Word Doc
ALT + F4Close MS Word
CTRL + F4Close Specific Word file
CTRL + ZUndo
CTRL + YRe-do
Move cursor one character to left
Move cursor one character to right
Move cursor one character up
Move cursor one character down
Ctrl + ←Move cursor one word to left
Ctrl + →Move cursor one word to right
Ctrl + ↑Move cursor one paragraph up
Ctrl + ↓Move cursor one paragraph down
EndMove cursor to the end of a line
HomeMove cursor to the beginning of a line
Ctrll + EndMove cursor to the bottom of screen
Ctrl + HomeMove cursor to the top of screen
Page UpScroll Up docusment by one screen
Page DnScroll down docusment by one screen
SHIFT + F5Move cursor to previous insertion point
CTRL + XCut select content to Clipboard
CTRL + CCopy select content to Clipboard
CTRL + VPaste select content to Clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste Clipboard content with matching format
CTRL + Shift + VDisplay the Paste Special dialog
CTRL + F3Cut selected content to Spike
CTRL + Shift + F3Paste select content of Spike
ALT + N,MInsert graphics
CTRL + FFind
CTRL + KInsert hyperlink
CTRL + ]Increase Font size by one unit
CTRL + [Decrease Font size by one unit
CTRL + Shift + >Increase Font size
CTRL + Shift + <Decrease Font size by one unit
CTRL + BBold
CTRL + IItalic
CTRL + UUnderscore
CTRL + Shift + WUnderline for words
CTRL + 5Strikethrough
Shift + F3Change letter case
CTRL + ECenter Align Text
CTRL + LLeft Align Text
CTRL + RRight Align Text
CTRL + JJustify Text
CTRL + Shift + LApple List Style
CTRL + =Apply subscript format
CTRL + Shift + ‘+’Apple super subscript
CTRL + Shift + AAll Capital Letters
ALT + CInsert a comment
ALT + CTRL + FInsert a footnote
ALT + CTRL + DInsert a endnote
ALT + Shift + DInsert Date Field
ALT + Shift + TInsert Time field
ALT + Shift + LInsert list field
ALT + CTRL + CInsert copyright symbol
ALT + CTRL + TInsert Trademark symbol
Shift + ReturnInsert Line break
CTRL + 1Set line space to single
CTRL + 5Set line spacing to 1.5
CTRL + 2Set double spacing for line
F7Open Spellcheck
Shift + F7Open Thesaurus

Computer Shortcut Keys for MS Excel

When it comes to the importance of excel, there is no need to say it. Every profession uses this program, mastering excel will help you work smoothly. Thus, understanding MS Excel shortcut keys of keyboard is crucial. Understanding MS Excel shortcut keys will enable you to complete certain tasks faster. Below mentioned list will provide you with shortcut keys of keyboard 

Shortcut KeysMS Excel Functions of Shortcut Keys
Close a workbook.Ctrl+W
Open a workbook.Ctrl+O
Go to the Home tab.Alt+H
Save a workbook.Ctrl+S
Copy selection.Ctrl+C
Paste selection.Ctrl+V
Undo recent action.Ctrl+Z
Remove cell contents.Delete
Choose a fill color.Alt+H, H
Cut selection.Ctrl+X
Go to the Insert tab.Alt+N
Apply bold formatting.Ctrl+B
Center align cell contents.Alt+H, A, C
Go to the Page Layout tab.Alt+P
Go to the Data tab.Alt+A
Go to the View tab.Alt+W
Open the context menu.Shift+F10 orWindows Menu key
Add borders.Alt+H, B
Delete column.Alt+H, D, C
Go to the Formula tab.Alt+M
Hide the selected rows.Ctrl+9
Hide the selected columns.Ctrl+0

Functional Keys As Shortcut Keys in MS Excel (F1 to F12)

Computer shortcut keys in Excel program has shortcut keys for all 12 function keys 

KeyDescription of the Shortcut Keys
F1F1 alone: displays the Excel Help task pane.Ctrl+F1: displays or hides the ribbon.Alt+F1: creates an embedded chart of the data in the current range.Alt+Shift+F1: inserts a new worksheet.
F2F2 alone: edit the active cell and put the insertion point at the end of its contents. Or, if editing is turned off for the cell, move the insertion point into the formula bar. If editing a formula, toggle Point mode off or on so you can use the arrow keys to create a reference.Shift+F2: adds or edits a cell note.Ctrl+F2: displays the print preview area on the Print tab in the Backstage view.
F3F3 alone: displays the Paste Name dialog box. Available only if names have been defined in the workbook.Shift+F3: displays the Insert Function dialog box.
F4F4 alone: repeats the last command or action, if possible.When a cell reference or range is selected in a formula, F4 cycles through all the various combinations of absolute and relative references.Ctrl+F4: closes the selected workbook window.Alt+F4: closes Excel.
F5F5 alone: displays the Go To dialog box.Ctrl+F5: restores the window size of the selected workbook window.
F6F6 alone: switches between the worksheet, ribbon, task pane, and Zoom controls. In a worksheet that has been split, F6 includes the split panes when switching between panes and the ribbon area.Shift+F6: switches between the worksheet, Zoom controls, task pane, and ribbon.Ctrl+F6: switches between two Excel windows.Ctrl+Shift+F6: switches between all Excel windows.
F7F7 alone: Opens the Spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range.Ctrl+F7: performs the Move command on the workbook window when it is not maximized. Use the arrow keys to move the window, and when finished press Enter, or Esc to cancel.
F8F8 alone: turns extend mode on or off. In extend mode, Extended Selection appears in the status line, and the arrow keys extend the selection.Shift+F8: enables you to add a non-adjacent cell or range to a selection of cells by using the arrow keys.Ctrl+F8: performs the Size command when a workbook is not maximized.Alt+F8: displays the Macro dialog box to create, run, edit, or delete a macro.
F9F9 alone: calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks.Shift+F9: calculates the active worksheet.Ctrl+Alt+F9: calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation.Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9: rechecks dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated.Ctrl+F9: minimizes a workbook window to an icon.
F10F10 alone: turns key tips on or off. (Pressing Alt does the same thing.)Shift+F10: displays the context menu for a selected item.Alt+Shift+F10: displays the menu or message for an Error Checking button.Ctrl+F10: maximizes or restores the selected workbook window.
F11F11 alone: creates a chart of the data in the current range in a separate Chart sheet.Shift+F11: inserts a new worksheet.Alt+F11: opens the Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Editor, in which you can create a macro by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
F12F12 alone: displays the Save As dialog box.

Computer Shortcut Keys for MS Power Point

The MS PowerPoint shortcut keys of keyboard is listed below

Shortcut KeysMS PowerPoint Functions of
Shortcut Keys
Create a new presentation.Ctrl+N
Add a new slide.Ctrl+M
Make selected text bold.Ctrl+B
Change the font size for selected text.Alt+H, F, S
Open the Zoom dialog box.Alt+W, Q
Cut selected text, object, or slide.Ctrl+X
Copy selected text, object, or slide.Ctrl+C
Paste cut or copied text, object, or slide.Ctrl+V
Undo the last action.Ctrl+Z
Save the presentation.Ctrl+S
Insert a picture from your device.Alt+N, P, D
Insert a shape.Alt+N, S, H
Select a theme.Alt+G, H
Select a slide layout.Alt+H, L
Go to the next slide.Page down
Go to the previous slide.Page up
Go to the Home tab.Alt+H
Go to the Insert tab.Alt+N
Start the slide show.F5
End the slide show.Esc
Close PowerPoint.Ctrl+Q

Windows Keys

Windows + DShow Desktop
Windows + EOpen File Explorer
Windows + LLock PC
Windows + ROpen Run dialog
Windows + IOpen Settings
Windows + SOpen Search
Windows + AOpen Action Center
Windows + TabOpen Task View
Windows + MMinimize all windows
Windows + Shift + MRestore minimized windows
Windows + XOpen Quick Link menu
Windows + PProject to a screen
Windows + UOpen Ease of Access Center
Windows + Ctrl + DAdd a virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + F4Close the current virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + Left/Right ArrowSwitch between virtual desktops
Alt + DFocus on address bar
Ctrl + NOpen new window
Ctrl + WClose current window
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder
Ctrl + ESelect search box
F2Rename selected item
Alt + EnterShow properties
Alt + Up ArrowGo up one folder level
Alt + Left ArrowGo back
Alt + Right ArrowGo forward
Ctrl + Shift + EShow all folders

MS Office Keys

Ctrl + NNew document
Ctrl + OOpen document
Ctrl + SSave document
Ctrl + PPrint document
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + BBold text
Ctrl + IItalicize text
Ctrl + UUnderline text
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + KInsert hyperlink
Ctrl + LAlign left
Ctrl + RAlign right
Ctrl + ECenter align
Ctrl + Shift + LAdd or remove filters
Ctrl + Arrow KeyMove to edge of data region
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeySelect cells
F5Start slideshow
Shift + F5Start slideshow from current slide
Ctrl + MNew slide
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy formatting
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste formatting

Chrome Keys

Ctrl + TOpen new tab
Ctrl + NOpen new window
Ctrl + WClose current tab/window
Ctrl + Shift + TReopen last closed tab
Ctrl + TabSwitch to next tab
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to previous tab
Alt + HomeGo to homepage
Ctrl + RReload current page
Ctrl + FFind on page
Ctrl + LFocus address bar
Ctrl + DBookmark current page
Ctrl + Shift + BShow/hide bookmarks bar

More Keys

Ctrl + Alt + DeleteOpen Task Manager or security options
Alt + F4Close current window
Ctrl + Shift + EscOpen Task Manager
PrtScnTake a screenshot
Alt + PrtScnTake a screenshot of active window
Windows + Shift + STake a screenshot and open Snip & Sketch
Ctrl + Alt + DeleteOpen Task Manager
Windows + +Zoom in (Magnifier)
Windows + –Zoom out (Magnifier)
Windows + EscExit Magnifier
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo

Additional Categories


Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + ASelect all
Ctrl + FFind
Ctrl + HReplace
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo


Windows + +Zoom in (Magnifier)
Windows + –Zoom out (Magnifier)
Windows + EscExit Magnifier

Virtual Desktops

Windows + Ctrl + DCreate new virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + Left/Right ArrowSwitch virtual desktops
Windows + Ctrl + F4Close current virtual desktop

Computer Shortcut Keys PDF

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