The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster – 13 November 2019

The Editorial section of the Hindu newspaper is treated as the Bible by the various exam aspirants be it Bank Exam aspirants, SSC aspirants or UPSC aspirants. Not only does it give the editor’s views on the latest happenings in India and the world, but it also helps enhance English vocabulary for the ones who read it daily. In this blog of “The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary 13 November 2019“, we have come up with a list of difficult words, their meanings, synonyms, antonyms and the correct usage of the words taken from today’s Hindu Editorial. Read along to understand it better. 

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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary 13 November 2019

Words Meanings & Synonyms Antonyms Usage
Anarchy Absence of government;

A state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority;

Lawlessness, Absence of, Government, Nihilism, Mobocracy

Government, Order


The country has been in a state of anarchy since the inconclusive election.
Brinkmanship The art or practise of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics  Non-interference In any game of brinkmanship, one side might collapse suddenly.
Disingenuous Not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one does;

Dishonest, Deceitful, Underhand, Underhanded, Duplicitous

Ingenuous, Frank


It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the case.
Ensconced Establish or settle someone in a comfortable, safe place;

Settle, Install, Establish, Park

 Unsettle He is now firmly ensconced in his new home.
Indefensible Not justifiable by argument;

Not able to be protected against attack;

Undefendable, Defenceless, Undefended, Unfortified, Unguarded

Defensible, Well protected


His behaviour is ethically indefensible.
Intrigues Arouse the curiosity or interest of;

Fascinate, Attract, Draw, Lure, Tempt, Tantalize


Repel, Neglect, Displease Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
Unabated Without becoming weaker in strength or force;


  The fighting continued unabated throughout the night.
Unambiguous Not open to more than one interpretation;


Uncertain, Double-barrelled, Double-edged, Multi-valued, Ambiguous The minister promised a clear and unambiguous statement on the future of the coal industry.


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