The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 23 September 2019

Read today’s Dose of Vocabulary Builder with the list of difficult words, their meanings, synonyms, antonyms and correct usage. These words are taken from the Editorial section of the Hindu Newspaper. Reading the Editorial section daily provides us information on the latest and most important happenings in India & the World. It also gives us the Editors’s insights on the news as well as helps us read better and at the same time enhances our English Vocabulary. Read Daily Vocabulary 23 September 2019 below. 

The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary 23 September 2019


Meanings & Synonyms



Audacious Showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks;

Bold, Daring, Fearless, Intrepid, Brave, Unafraid

Meek, Mousy, Retiring, Shy, Timid He described the plan as ambitious and audacious.
Connive Secretly allow something immoral, illegal, or harmful to occur;

Deliberately ignore, Overlook, Not take into Consideration, Disregard;

Conspire to do something immoral, illegal, or harmful;

Collude, be in collusion, Collaborate

Condemn, Punish He called for an independent investigation to find out whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.
Loopholes An ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules;

Inadequacy, Flaw

Excellence The company employed lawyers to find loopholes in environmental protection laws.
Onerous Task or responsibility involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty;

Burdensome, Heavy, Inconvenient, Troublesome, Awkward

Easy, Effortless


She found the duties of motherhood onerous.
Tentative Not certain or fixed; Provisional Definite I have tentative plans to take a trip to

Seattle in July.

Unscrupulous Having or showing no moral principles;

Not honest or fair;

Unprincipled, Unethical, Immoral, Amoral, Conscienceless

Ethical, Honest


We protect consumers by going

after unscrupulous lenders,

contractors and real estate agents.


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