Descriptive English Practice – Essay Samples by Oliveboard Users

The Phase 2 of Banking Exams like SBI PO, IBPS RRB PO, IBPS PO, etc has the Descriptive English paper as a part of the Mains Exam pattern. This paper is to test the English Writing skills of the candidates. In this paper candidates are required to write(Type) an Essay and a Letter. To complete these tasks, 30 mins are allotted to each candidate. To help our readers, we are starting a Descriptive English Practice Blog Series. In this series, we will publish Essay and Letter Writing samples submitted by aspirants on Oliveboard’s Discuss Forum.

The Essay and Letter writing Samples published in this series are selected by Oliveboard Experts after careful evaluation of various posts submitted by hundreds of users on the Descriptive Writing section of Oliveboard’s Discuss Form. So let us begin -:

Descriptive English Practice – Sample Essay 1 (9th July 2019)

Username -: salonikhullar28

Topic -: What are the various steps that the Government can take to bring down the unemployment rate in India?

The job situation in India does not reflect a crisis, but is a matter of serious concern. As for unemployment the government’s Periodic Labor Force Survey- showed unemployment reached a 45-year high at 6.1% in 2017-18, with the youth, the educated and the women facing the most trouble in getting jobs.

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Of course, the government has(had) in the past taken initiatives to create employment. The government initiated the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana – a skill development scheme to help the young people learn industry-relevant skills. The government has also taken some important initiatives like MNREGA, Make in India, Skill India and Startup India.

There are a number of labor intensive manufacturing sectors in India such as food processing , leather and footwear, textiles etc. The government should provide special packages , individually designed for each industry to create jobs. Public investment in sectors like health, education and judiciary can create many government jobs. The government should take steps to align education and training to market demands. The government should also improve the quality of jobs by improving productivity in agriculture and enterprises. The government should also take steps to nurture the MSME sector as the sector employs thousands of workers. The government should also focus on urbanisation as it helps in job growth.

Raising the employment in the country also leads to better economic growth. Hence, the govenment should take the right steps as early as possible.

Descriptive English Practice – Expert’s Evaluation Comments

“Perfect. You stuck to what was asked in the essay and you did not beat around the bush. Bonus points for that. Your introductory para, with the data, is quite well written. Best of luck Saloni.”

“1. Of course, the government “had” in the past taken initiatives to create employment. one or two grammatical and punctuation errors exist.”

Check the Original Post -:

Descriptive English Practice – Sample Essay 2 (9th July 2019)

Username -: apurba761996.b

Topic -: The criticality of current air pollution levels in India and the various sources of air pollution.

Criticality of current air pollution levels in India and the various sources of air pollution

Air is one of the most important component of our nature. It contains valuable gaseous compounds like oxygen which is the most crucial thing for the living beings of planet earth. Today we are suffering to get quality air because of our own doings. Our crave for modernization have lead us towards our own demise. From the last century till now the level of air pollution has been increased many folds and right now in the 21st century the numbers which indicates the amount of pollution are alarming.

As per the global reports published by various authorized institutions India stands at 3rd position when it comes to CO2 emitters . Top cities in India are also listed among the most polluted polluted cities in the world. The number of aerosols and other toxic substance present in air are increasing daily. India is the place where there are numerous old cars which are running on cheap fuels are roaming freely within cities. The pollutants which originates from factory smoke is also responsible for the serious condition of poor air quality.

The Indian administration have not shown any alacrity towards this serious concern. Their steps desponded us. If we want to live in a pollution free world it is very important for the global leaders to take strict actions to curb the reasons of air pollution. india must make a sustainable plan and readily implement it.

(Essay was completely wriiten in capital letters, We have changed it to lower case for our readers.)

Descriptive English Practice – Expert’s Evaluation Comments

Ignoring that you have capitalised every letter, the content is good. Nice flow of thought and very good data mentioned. You could have mentioned few ways how the gov can solve this issue but still its nicely written. All the best. Do not capitalise every letter.

Check the Original Post  -:

That is all from us in this part of the Descriptive English Practice Series. Keep checking this space for more Bank Exam updates, Study Materials and Mock Tests.

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