Descriptive Writing For SSC CGL Tier 3 Examination: Tips, Topics and Writing Skills

Descriptive Writing For SSC CGL Tier 3: Descriptive writing is an important part of the SSC CGL Tier 3 Examination. The descriptive writing for SSC CGL Tier 3 exam paper will focus on the following topics: essay, letter, precis and application.

It is possible to score a lot of marks in this section. For that, you need to learn about the kind of topics that might appear in your exam. Usually topics centre around current events. They may be social, technological, political or economic.

Read and research into these events so that you have clear ideas and opinions that you can distinctly present in the essays or letters. In this blog, Descriptive Writing For SSC CGL we will talk about some of the important topics for essays and letters.

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Descriptive Writing For SSC CGL: Letter, Essay & Precis Writing Skills

Different parameters for both Letter & Essay writing where you are evaluated and marks distribution are as follows:

Word Limit5Word Limit5
Content Quality8Content Quality8
Writing Neat and Clean5Writing Neat and Clean5
Effective Sentences7Effective Sentences7

The essay should not extend more than 250 words and the word limit for letter is 150 words. Both carry 50 marks each. Full stop, comma, inverted commas, and such other punctuation marks are used in the same box with the particular word.

Below is the structure of the actual sheet given where you have to write an essay and letter for the SSC CGL Tier 3 exam. One box can contain only one word and exceeding the word count can result in the paper not getting rejected or not getting evaluated.

Q) Write an Essay and Letter on the given subject



Common Tips On Essay Writing

  •  Essay Structure – An essay needs to have at least 3 paragraphs wherein, the 1st paragraph will be an introductory one, 2nd paragraph should be the body part which includes the pros and cons of that given topic and a concluding paragraph.
  •  Keep it Concise – One should always stick to the topic asked. Don’t be concerned with any additional details that it represents, or comes with. Quality of your content will matter here.
  •  No Grammatical Errors – Be through with English Grammar rules. Making grammar-based errors and spelling errors can have a negative impression on the person evaluating your Essay.
  • Use Phrasal Verbs and Idioms – Writing a catchy quote at the beginning and at the end of your essay will make your essay stand out and will eventually earn you some extra brownie points.
  •  Simple and clear language – As far as possible, use simple language so that the points you try to put can be understood easily and also there are fewer chances of making errors.
  •  Be neutral – Try to stay as neutral as possible. Do not to showcase your personal opinions towards one party over the other.
  • Stick to the word limit – Always try to stick to the word limit. Do not exceed your word limit from 250 words at any cause.

Common Tips on Letter Writing

  • Stick to the Word limit – 150 words.
  • Use correct format and salutation (different for both).
  • While writing a letter grammar, spellings, punctuations, and indentation should be taken care of.
  • 3 paragraphs – an introductory paragraph, a body, and a concluding paragraph.
  • Try not to go beyond a single paragraph for the body.
  • Use simple and straightforward sentences.
  • The letter should have a flow, clearly mentioning the purpose of writing.
  • Make sure that you do not use jargon, slangs or abbreviations.

Common Tips for Precis Writing

  • Stick to the Word limit – 100 words.
  • Read the passage about 2-3 times to grasp an idea about the passage and the basic points that you need to include in your precis.
  • As a rule the precis should be one-third of the original passage.
  • Make a note of the essential points of the passage and exclude the rest.
  • Do not jumble up the points. Maintain the writers order and tone.
  • Use simple and straightforward sentences.
  • Write in your own words, avoid using I and do not borrow words from the passage.
  • Make sure that you do not use jargon, slangs or abbreviations.
  • Choose a relatable heading for your precis

Descriptive Writing For SSC CGL: Important Topics For Essay & Letter Writing


Essays carry more marks than letters. You will be tested on your knowledge and capacity of unique thinking through the essay. Go over newspapers and opinion articles thoroughly.

Following are some of the important topics that need to be covered if you want to score good marks in the SSC CGL Tier 3 Descriptive paper.

  1. Article 370 of the Indian Constitution
  2. New Education Policy
  3. Women Empowerment
  4. Online education – Pros and Cons
  5. Agriculture Bill 2020 – Impact on Farmers
  6. Omicron Virus
  7. Rafale Fighter Jet
  8. Uniform Civil Code
  9. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
  10. Electronic Vehicles: The Future of Transport
  11. Startup ecosystem in India
  12. Cryptocurrency – Pros and Cons
  13. Global Warming
  14. Merger of public sector banks
  15. Social Media – Pros and Cons
  16. Cybersecurity and banking
  17. Youth and Unemployment
  18. Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Economy
  19. Mobile addiction among youth
  20. Atmanirbhar Bharat
  21. Kashi Vishwanath Corridor
  22. Union Budget 2022
  23. Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
  24. Vocal for Local
  25. Make in India
  26. Role of Vaccines in Pandemic
  27. Digital India


Letters can be formal or informal. 

Here are a few formal letter topics-

  1. Write a letter to the branch manager of your bank to conduct a campaign in your area to create awareness about the benefits of KYC.
  2. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your district suggesting steps to make the police department more approachable.
  3. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper detailing the losses suffered by local retailers during online sales during festivals.
  4. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about the stray animal problem getting out of hand in your locality.
  5. Complaint letter to the manager of a restaurant about bad food quality and service
  6. Complaint letter about regarding increasing noise pollution 
  7. Complaint letter to municipal chairman regarding dumping of garbage in main road.
  8. Letter to Bank Manager to reissue your ATM Card.
  9. Letter expressing your views on corruption in this country.
  10. Request letter for greater frequency of Public Transport (Bus Service) in your area.

Informal letters topics-

  1.  letter to your younger sibling, stating the importance of a healthy diet and the reasons for avoiding junk food.
  2.  Write a letter to your younger sibling, who has recently started working, to not take too much stress at work.
  3. Write a letter to your younger sibling about the recent changes in traffic rules and fines, advising him/her to be cautious.
  4. Letter to your favorite novelist about his/her recent novel
  5. Letter to your sister congratulating her on her promotion
  6. Letter to your friend who is depressed
  7. Letter to your parents advising them to invest in mutual funds
  8. Letter to invite your friend to your brother’s wedding
  9. Letter to convince your friend to take better care of her health.

Prepare these topics or any similar topic that attracts your attention and you will be good to go. 


This was all about Descriptive Writing For SSC CGL. We have given you all the exam-related information. Subscribe to Oliveboard and get access to specifically designed courses to help you crack the exam.

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