ECI Releases ‘Chacha Chaudhary aur Chunavi Dangal’ Comic Book

The comic book titled ‘Chacha Chaudhary aur Chunavi Dangal’ was launched on 20th September at Nirvachan Sadan. CEC Shri Rajiv Kumar, along with ECs Shri Anup Chandra Pandey and Shri Arun Goel, unveiled this unique initiative. Created through a collaboration between ECI and Pran Comics, this comic aims to inspire young people to engage in the democratic process. It brings to life beloved characters like Chacha Chaudhary, Sabu, and Billoo, originally crafted by the renowned Cartoonist late Shri Pran Kumar Sharma.

Mr. Nikhil Pran, the Director and Publisher of Pran Comics, along with senior officials of the Commission, were also present at the event.

More About the News

CEC Shri Rajiv Kumar emphasized the enduring relevance of comics as a means of outreach, even in our digital age. He shared childhood memories and highlighted how these iconic comic characters, with their universal appeal and focus on values like honesty, kindness, and compassion, offer a creative platform for conveying election-related information. Given their substantial following among children and teenagers, this medium enables the Election Commission to effectively connect with young people, instilling a sense of informed and responsible citizenship from an early age.

  • The comic serves as a tool for kids to envision the election process and allows the older generation to reminisce about their own earlier days.
  • The comic book skillfully addresses important issues such as ethical elections, participative democracy, and the influence of power and money.
  • It does so in a clear and reader-friendly manner, making it impactful for both children and adults alike.
  • EC Shri Arun Goel highlighted the positive and constructive message within the comic book, coupled with humor that revolves around the election process.
  • He emphasized that it serves as a gentle nudge to encourage young and future voters to actively engage in the electoral process.

Significance of the Comic

This comic book functions as a versatile tool, addressing various crucial aspects of voter awareness. Its primary objective is to inspire young eligible voters to register themselves, ensuring their enthusiastic involvement in upcoming elections. Within the comic, Chacha Chaudhary takes on a pivotal role by introducing readers to various Election Commission of India-developed apps such as cVigil and KYC, empowering them to become informed and active participants in the election process. Additionally, the comic book strongly underscores the importance of women’s participation in the electoral process, aligning with ECI’s efforts to promote and increase women’s engagement in democracy.

About the Comic Book – Chacha Chaudhary aur Chunavi Dangal

ECI Releases 'Chacha Chaudhary aur Chunavi Dangal' Comic Book

The comic is easily accessible in both print and digital formats, ensuring that it can reach a wide audience across all platforms. In a bid to inspire young minds, free copies of the comic book will be distributed to schools, educating the next generation of voters about the electoral process.

ECI Releases 'Chacha Chaudhary aur Chunavi Dangal' Comic Book

Chacha Chaudhary’s popularity extends far beyond urban centers, resonating deeply in the small towns and villages of India. Since its inception by Cartoonist Pran Kumar Sharma in 1960, the character’s enduring appeal has stood the test of time. This unique initiative capitalizes on the emotional connection it has forged through nostalgia, offering a comprehensive approach to raising awareness about voting.

As we reminisce about our cherished childhood days, we dive into the nostalgic journeys we embarked upon with Chacha Chaudhary comics. The characters of Chacha Chaudhary and Sabu occupy a unique and cherished corner in the hearts of readers spanning generations. Their captivating dialogues and interactions have enthralled audiences and continue to evoke a profound sense of warmth and nostalgia.

A Digital Copy of the comic can be accessed here: