Goa PSC Salary 2024, In-hand Salary, Salary Slip, Job Profile

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Goa PSC Salary 2024

The salary structure for Goa Public Service Commission (GPSC) posts is quite attractive for civil service aspirants. As per the latest 7th Pay Commission guidelines, the Goa PSC salary has a pay band component along with a grade pay that varies based on the job profile and experience. The starting salary for a Group A post like Assistant Commissioner can range between Rs. 15,600 to Rs. 39,100 pay band along with a grade pay of Rs. 5,400. Additionally, various allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance etc. are also admissible. The gross salary can be in the range of Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 60,000 for entry level Group A posts. For senior administrative positions like Commissioner, the gross salary can be up to Rs. 2,00,000 inclusive of allowances.

The Goa PSC salary package comes with promising career growth prospects, ensures a decent standard of living for appointees under Goa PSC. Goa PSC positions not only offer job security but also come with an attractive remuneration structure and regular pay revisions. This makes these roles highly lucrative for talented candidates aspiring to serve in civil services within the state.

Goa PSC Salary 2024 Overview

Exam Conducting AuthorityGoa Public Service Commission (GPSC)
Exam NameGPSC Goa 2024
Exam ModeOnline / Offline
Exam FrequencyAnnual
GPSC SalaryRs. 15,600 to Rs. 39,100
Exam DurationPaper-I: 2.5 Hours
Paper-II: 1 Hour
LanguageKonkani or Marathi
Age Bracket18 years to 40 years
Educational QualificationBachelor’s or Master’s degree in any discipline
Job LocationGoa
Official Websitehttps://gpsc.goa.gov.in/

Goa PSC Salary Structure

The salary structure and grade pay for Goa PSC posts are as per the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission. The grade pay along with the pay band determines the entry-level salary for GPSC Goa post.

The following table gives an overview of the pay band, grade pay, allowances for different categories of Goa PSC posts and the approximate total monthly salary including allowances.

Post CategoryPay BandGrade PayAllowancesApprox. Salary
Group A (Senior level)Rs. 37,400 – 67,000Rs. 8,700DA, HRA, TA, MARs. 1,50,000 – 2,00,000
Group A (Entry level)Rs. 15,600 – 39,100Rs. 5,400DA, HRA, TA, MARs. 35,000 – 60,000
Group B (Gazetted)Rs. 9,300 – 34,800Rs. 4,800DA, HRA, TA, MARs. 30,000 – 50,000
Group B (Non-Gazetted)Rs. 5,200 – 20,200Rs. 2,800DA, HRA, TA, MARs. 20,000 – 35,000
Group CRs. 5,200 – 20,200Rs. 1,900DA, HRA, TA, MARs. 15,000 – 25,000
Group DRs. 5,200 – 20,200Rs. 1,800DA, HRA, TA, MARs. 15,000 – 23,000

*DA – Dearness Allowance, HRA – House Rent Allowance, TA – Transport Allowance, MA – Medical Allowance

Post-wise salary of some posts along with the grade pay is outlined below:

Sr. No.PostSalaryGrade Pay
1.Associate Professor’s PostRs. 15,600-39,100Rs. 6600
2. Lecturer’s PostRs. 15,600-39,100Rs. 6,600
3. OptometryRs. 15,600-39,100Rs. 6,600
4. Assistant Public Prosecutor Rs. 15,600-39,100Rs. 5,400
5. Orthodontics and Dentofacial OrthopaedicsRs. 15,600-39,100Rs. 5,400
6. Planning Officer Rs. 9,300-34,800Rs. 4,600
7. Assistant Engineer, by Transfer on DeputationRs. 9,300-34,800Rs. 4,600
8. Assistant Archivist Grade-IRs. 9,300-34,800Rs. 4,200
9. Tutor in the Institute of Nursing EducationRs. 9,300-34,800Rs. 4,200
10. Assistant Agricultural OfficerRs. 9,300-34,800Rs. 4,200

Goa PSC 2024: In-hand Salary

The Goa PSC in-hand salary depends on the pay band, grade pay, and allowances corresponding to the post. The total in-hand salary received by GPSC Goa employees includes the basic pay, grade pay, and applicable allowances, after deduction of taxes and contributions. The in-hand salary accounts for income tax and employee’s NPS deductions. Actual amounts may vary based on city, allowances eligibility and taxes.

For Group A post with pay band Rs. 15,600 – 39,100 and grade pay of Rs. 5,400, the approximate monthly in-hand salary would be:

Basic PayRs. 15,600
Grade PayRs. 5,400
Dearness AllowanceRs. 6,240 (40% of Basic Pay)
Transport AllowanceRs. 3,200
HRARs. 3,640 (10% of Basic Pay)
Gross SalaryRs. 34,080
Income TaxRs. 2,890
NPS ContributionRs. 4,800
Monthly In-hand SalaryRs. 26,390

Goa PSC Salary Slip

The salary slip given every month to Goa PSC employees shows full details of their pay and deductions. The slip will have the person’s name, job post, and department. It will show the basic pay band and grade pay for their post. Various allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance etc. are added to the basic pay to calculate gross salary. Main deductions are Provident Fund contribution and Tax Deducted at Source (TDS). After these deductions, the final in-hand salary is received. The actual in-hand salary varies based on the person’s post and years spent in the job. The monthly slip clearly shows the full salary details as per government rules.

GPSC Goa Perks & Allowances

In addition to the basic pay and grade pay, Goa PSC employees are entitled to various allowances and perks like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance etc. as per government rules. The allowances are provided after probation period. These allowances aim to cover the cost of living and expenses incurred during service.

The major allowances applicable to Goa PSC posts are:

Dearness Allowance (DA)Percentage of basic pay, revised periodically for inflation. Currently 28% of basic pay.
House Rent Allowance (HRA)Varies based on city, up to 24% of basic pay.
Transport AllowanceRs. 3200+DA per month for A-1/A cities. Lower for other cities.
Medical AllowanceRs. 300 per month for medical reimbursements.
Leave Travel Concession (LTC)Reimbursement for vacation travel for self and family every 2 years.
Other perksOfficial vehicle for entitled posts, subsidized accommodation etc.

In addition, Goa PSC employees receives various benefits, listed below:

  • General Provident Fund (GPF)
  • Pension benefits after retirement
  • Flexible work schedules
  • A pleasant place to work
  • Transport amenities
  • Hospitals for medical care
  • Simple leave application

Goa Civil Service – Job Profile

The Goa Public Service Commission conducts recruitment for various state government job positions to select suitable candidates. Some major job profiles recruited through Goa PSC include:

  • State Tax Officer – Implement tax laws, revenue collection, auditing, grievance redressal
  • Block Development Officer – Rural development planning and implementation, managing village activities
  • Sub Inspector of Police – Law enforcement, investigating crimes, peacekeeping, emergency response
  • Assistant Professor – Teaching students, research work, academic administration
  • State Tax Inspector – Tax audits, surveys, monitoring commercial activities
  • Accounts Officer – Government budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, auditing

The job profiles require specialized qualifications and experience. Candidates are selected through a competitive exam and interview process. The work provides stable government job opportunities to contribute to Goa’s development. The roles offer satisfactory career progression, salary, perks and a chance to serve the society.

Goa PSC Job – Probation period

Candidates selected for Goa PSC posts are appointed on a probation period to assess their suitability for the role. During the probation period, the employee’s work performance, conduct and integrity are observed. If found satisfactory, the candidate is confirmed in the post after the probation period. If the performance is unsatisfactory, the probation may be extended or the candidate will be rejected. Once confirmed, the employee enjoys full service benefits as per Goa government rules. The probation period is an important step in the career progression of a Goa PSC appointee. This duration varies depending on the post.

Post CategoryProbation Period
Group A & B Gazetted Posts1 year
Group B Non-Gazetted Posts2 years
Group C & D Posts2 years

GPSC Promotion and Career Growth

Goa PSC appointees have good opportunities for promotion and career advancement in their respective departments. Promotions are based on performance appraisals, qualifying departmental exams and vacancies in higher positions. Some more key aspects of promotion and career growth for Goa PSC posts are based on experience, performance and vacancy, departmental exams, interview, assessment of annual performance appraisal reports. It usually takes 8-12 years of service for first promotion, usually varies on department. They also get regular annual increments in basic pay, higher grade pay on promotion.

The promotion opportunities and structured career progression make Goa PSC jobs lucrative. Candidates can expect to reach senior administrative positions with consistently good performance. The promotion policy aims to provide motivation and career growth to Goa PSC appointees.

Goa PSC Salary 2024: Conclusion

The Goa Public Service Commission offers a stable and rewarding career option for aspiring civil servants in Goa state. The transparent recruitment process provides opportunities across diverse job profiles like police, education, finance, rural development, etc. The salary structure and grade pay is as per the 7th Pay Commission recommendations and comparable to other state PSCs. In addition to basic pay, employees are entitled to various allowances and benefits. The probation period helps transition into the new role. Regular promotions and career growth prospects provide motivation for long-term career progression. Overall, a Goa PSC job provides an opportunity to contribute to state development while ensuring job security, financial stability and a satisfactory career path. The prestigious civil service is sure to attract and retain the best talent in Goa with its competitive recruitment, good remuneration and professional growth.

Goa PSC Salary 2024 FAQs

1. What is the range of the Goa PSC salary?

The PSC employee of Goa gets the salary ranges between Rs. 15,600 to Rs. 39,100 pay band along with a grade pay of Rs. 5,400

2. What is the probation period for Goa PSC?

The duration of probation period varies post wise.
Group A & B Gazetted Posts: 1 year
Group B Non-Gazetted Posts: 2 years
Group C & D Posts: 2 years

3. What are the key roles and responsibilities of officers within Goa PSC?

Officers in Goa PSC get task of policy analysis, administrative efficiency, decision-making, and fostering positive change within the state.

4. Is work-life balance a priority within Goa PSC?

Yes, Goa PSC values work-life balance and provides a supportive environment, flexible policies, and well-being initiatives for officers.

5. How system of Goa PSC salary increment work?

The salary increment system is based on performance, rewarding officers for their dedication, efficiency, and continuous learning.


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