HPSC HCS Recruitment Notification 2023, Exam Date Out

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HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023, Notification Out

The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has put out the Haryana Civil Services (HCS) Recruitment and Allied Services Notification 2023 on its official website hpsc.gov.in. The PDF notification reveals 121 openings to be filled through the HPSC HCS Preliminary exam on February 11, 2024, and the Mains exam set for March 30 and 31, 2024. Those interested can grab the HPSC HSC Notification PDF using the link provided in the article.

The online application for HPSC HCS Recruitment began on December 1, 2023, and the last day to submit applications is December 21, 2023. Interested candidates can apply directly online using the provided link. To get more information about the application process and the entire exam schedule, keep reading.

HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023 – Overview

The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released the HPSC HCS 2023 recruitment notification for the post of Haryana Civil Services (HCS), announcing a total of 121 vacancies. The job location is in Haryana, and interested candidates can find more information on the official website hpsc.gov.in. This notification falls under the category of HPSC HCS and other allied Services Notification 2023. For further details and application procedures, candidates are encouraged to visit the organization’s official website.

Recruitment OrganizationHaryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)
Advt NoAdvt No. 58 of 2023 – HCS (Ex. Br.) & Other Allied Services – 2023
Post NameHaryana Civil Services (HCS) and other Allied Services
Job LocationHaryana
CategoryHPSC HCS and other Allied Services Notification 2023
Official Websitehpsc.gov.in

HPSC HCS Recruitment Apply Online Link

To apply for the HPSC HCS Recruitment, candidates can easily access the online application form through the provided link. This link simplifies the application process, allowing individuals to fill out necessary details and submit their applications conveniently. By clicking on the provided Apply Online link, applicants can initiate their journey towards participating in the Haryana Civil Services (HCS) and Allied Services recruitment

Link To Apply Online For HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023

HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023 – Important Dates

The HPSC HCS Recruitment for 2023 has released crucial dates for applicants to keep in mind. For those eager to apply, the application process begins on December 1, 2023, and concludes on December 21, 2023. The Preliminary Exam for HPSC HCS is scheduled for February 11, 2024, followed by the Mains Exam on March 30-31, 2024. Aspiring candidates should mark these dates to ensure they don’t miss any essential steps in the recruitment process.

HPSC HCS 2023 Notification Date17 Nov 2023
HPSC HCS Apply Start Date1 Dec 2023
HPSC HCS Apply Last Date21 Dec 2023
HPSC HCS Prelims Exam Date11 Feb 2024
HPSC HCS Mains Exam Date30-31 March 2024

HPSC HCS Notification PDF 2023 Download Link

To access the HPSC HCS Notification PDF for 2023, candidates can download it using the provided link in the article. This PDF contains crucial information regarding the Haryana Civil Services (HCS) and other Allied Services recruitment, including details about the vacancies, exam schedule, and application process.

Link To Download HPSC HCS Notification PDF

HPSC HCS Vacancy 2023

The HPSC HCS 2023 recruitment has 121 vacancies for various posts, including HCS (Ex. Br.), DSP, ETO, and more. Check the detailed vacancy table for specific positions and categories.

Name of the PostNo. of PostsGen/URSC BC (A) BC (B) TotalESM PWBD
Haryana Civil Services (Executive Branch)010101030107001 (PH-VH)
Deputy Superintendent of Police0302010306
Excise and Taxation Officer030404 (Including 1 backlog)110103 (Including 1 backlog)
District Food & Supplies Controller010102040101 (PH-HH)
Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies01010201 (PH-LV)
Assistant Excise and Taxation Officer12 (Including 3 backlog)0303011701
Block Development & Panchayat Officer21 (Including 2 backlog)050402023102 (SC-01, BC-A-01)02 (PH-VH)
TM0301040801 (PH-OH)
District Food & Supplies Officer010102
Assistant Employment Officer050401010112
‘A’ Class Naib Tehsildar0908040304280204 (Including 2 backlog)

HPSC HCS Recruitment Eligibility 2023

For the HPSC HCS Recruitment 2024, the age limit for DSP post is 21-27 years, and for other posts, it’s 21-42 years. Qualification required is a graduate degree. Age relaxation per rules.

Age Limit

Candidates, excluding DSP, must be aged between 18 and 42 years as of January 1, 2023. Specifically for the DSP post, the age range is between 18 and 27 years by the same date. It’s essential for candidates to meet these age criteria to be eligible for the respective positions in the HPSC HCS Recruitment, ensuring they fall within the specified age brackets for the designated posts.

Educational Qualification

To be eligible for the HPSC HCS Recruitment, candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or an equivalent qualification from a recognized University. This qualification should be obtained by the closing date of the application, which is December 21, 2023, ensuring candidates have the necessary educational background as of that specific date to be considered for the recruitment process.

Process To Apply Online For HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023

Candidates are required to submit their applications for the HPSC HCS Recruitment through the official website hpsc.gov.in. Careful adherence to detailed instructions on the website is advised. Applicants should ideally submit a single application however, if multiple applications are submitted, only the one with completely registered with application fee submitted successfully will be considered. It is crucial to accurately fill in personal details, and after submission, no changes will be permitted.

It is essential to follow these steps meticulously to ensure a smooth application process and avoid any discrepancies in the HPSC HCS Recruitment application.

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to , the official website hpsc.gov.in or apply through the link provided.
  2. Read Instructions: Familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions available on the website for filling out the online application.
  3. Single Application Form: Ideally, submit only one application. If unavoidable circumstances lead to multiple submissions, ensure that the application with the highest application number is complete in all aspects.
  4. Application Details: Fill in application details carefully, including Name, Father’s/Mother’s name, Date of Birth, category, Qualification, Aadhar No., Parivar Pehchan Patar (ppp), marks obtained, passing year, photo, Signature, optional Subject, preference of posts, and fee.
  5. Print Out: After completing the online application, take a printout for verification of the filled particulars.
  6. Submission of Scanned Copy: All candidates, including PH candidates, must submit a scanned copy of the duly signed application form after verifying their particulars.
  7. Application Fee Payment: The application form will be finally submitted only after paying the required application fee.
  8. No Changes Post Submission: Once the application form is finally submitted, no changes will be allowed, and no requests for modifications will be entertained at any stage.
  9. Print Final Application: Take a printout of the finally submitted online application form for future reference.

HPSC HCS Application Fee 2023

The application fee varies for different categories, as outlined below:

CategoryApplication Fee
For Male candidates of General and all reserved categories of other StatesRs. 1000/-
For Female candidates including all reserved categories of Haryana onlyRs. 250/-
For Male & Female candidates of SC / BC-A / BC-B / ESM and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) categories of Haryana onlyRs. 250/-
For all Persons with Disabilities (PWD) category candidates (with at least 40% disability) of Haryana onlyExempted (No Fee)

HPSC HCS Recruitment Selection Process 2023

The selection process for the Haryana HPSC HCS Vacancy 2023 comprises the following stages:

  1. Preliminary Written Exam (200 Marks) – Qualifying:
    • Initial assessment phase with a total of 200 marks.
    • Serves as a qualifying round wherein candidates must meet predetermined criteria to progress.
    • Tests basic understanding and knowledge of relevant subjects.
  2. Mains Written Exam (600 Marks):
    • Candidates who qualify the Preliminary Exam proceed to the Mains Written Exam.
    • Holds significant weightage with a total of 600 marks.
    • Evaluates candidates’ in-depth knowledge, analytical skills, and understanding of subjects pertaining to the Haryana Civil Services.
  3. Personality Test/ Interview (75 Marks):
    • Successful candidates from the Mains Exam face a Personality Test/Interview.
    • Carries 75 marks and assesses candidates’ communication skills, personality traits, and suitability for administrative roles.
  4. Document Verification:
    • Following the interview, candidates undergo document verification to validate the authenticity of submitted documents.
    • Ensures accuracy and honesty in the information provided during the application process.
  5. Medical Examination:
    • Conducted to assess candidates’ physical fitness for the roles.
    • Ensures candidates meet the required health standards necessary for performing duties associated with the positions in Haryana Civil Services.


  • The Preliminary Written Exam is a qualifying stage, and marks obtained in this phase are not considered for the final merit list.
  • The final selection is based on the performance in the Mains Written Exam, Personality Test/Interview, document verification, and medical examination.
  • Candidates should prepare thoroughly for each stage to enhance their chances of success in the Haryana HPSC HCS Vacancy 2023 selection process.

HPSC HCS Recruitment Exam Pattern 2023

HPSC Haryana Civil Services Prelims Exam Pattern

The HCS Prelims result will be determined by the marks obtained in the General Studies Paper exclusively, while the CSAT paper is of qualifying nature, requiring candidates to secure a minimum of 33% marks. Negative marking of 0.25 will be applied for each incorrect answer. The mode of the exam is offline, featuring Objective Multiple Choice Questions.

General Studies1001002 Hours
Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT)1001002 Hours
HPSC Haryana Civil Services Mains Exam Pattern

Candidates twelve times the number of vacancies will be summoned to participate in the HPSC HCS Mains Examination. Each candidate is required to select two optional subjects from a list of 23 available options. The HPSC main exam follows a descriptive format, consisting of five conventional essay-type question papers. The mode of the exam is descriptive.

Paper No.SubjectMarksTime
Paper-IEnglish (Including Essay)1003 Hours
Paper-IIHindi (Including Essay)1003 Hours
Paper-IIIGeneral Studies2003 Hours
Paper-IVOptional Subject2003 Hours

Download HPSC Haryana Civil Services Prelims + Mains Syllabus 2023

HPSC Haryana Civil Services Interview
  1. Candidates achieving marks equal to or exceeding the HCS cut-off will qualify for the personality test/interview conducted by the HPSC.
  2. To be eligible for the HCS interview, a candidate must attain a minimum of 45% marks in the aggregate of all main written question papers.
  3. Additionally, candidates need to secure a minimum of 33% marks in both the Hindi and English question papers.
  4. No candidate will be invited for the HCS interview unless meeting the specified aggregate and subject-wise marks criteria.
  5. The number of candidates summoned for the HCS personality test will be three times the total number of vacancies advertised.

HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023 – FAQs

When is the last date for application submission in HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023?

The last date for application submission is December 21, 2023.

What is the qualification requirement for HPSC HCS Recruitment?

Candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or an equivalent degree from a recognized University.

How many vacancies are available in HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023?

There are 121 vacancies for various posts, including HCS (Ex. Br.), DSP, ETO, and more. Refer to the detailed vacancy table for specific positions and categories.

What are the key stages in the selection process?

The selection process includes a Preliminary Written Exam (qualifying), Mains Written Exam, Personality Test/Interview, Document Verification, and Medical Examination.

Is there an age limit for the DSP post in HPSC HCS Recruitment 2023?

Yes, for the DSP post, candidates should be between 18 and 27 years as of January 1, 2023.


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