IIBF JAIIB Exam Centre Change for October 2024, Latest Update

The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) has decided to allow candidates to change their examination centers due to numerous requests they received regarding this issue. This facility will be particularly useful for those bankers who have undergone transfers and need to change their exam center accordingly.

IIBF JAIIB Exam Centre Change

The Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF) has introduced a significant update for bankers appearing for the JAIIB exam in October 2024. This update allows candidates to modify their exam centers under specific conditions. Here is everything you need to know.

Key Issue Faced by Bankers

Many bankers faced difficulties after registering for the JAIIB exam, especially those who were transferred to a different location post-registration. Bankers often selected exam centers based on their current postings, only to find themselves transferred to another state or region soon after. This situation created a logistical problem, making it challenging for candidates to attend the exam at their initially chosen centers.

IIBF’s Solution to Exam Centre Change

To address this issue, IIBF has released a new notification that allows bankers to request a change of exam center under the following conditions:

  • Grounds for Change: The change can only be requested if the candidate has been officially transferred after registering for the exam.
  • Limited to Specific Bankers: Only those bankers whose official transfer orders came after selecting the exam center are eligible to apply for a center change.

Important Dates for Centre Modification

During this period, eligible bankers can submit their requests for changing their exam centers via the IIBF website.

Start Date24th September 2024
End Date30th September 2024

Conditions for Centre Change

  1. First-Come, First-Serve Basis: The requests for changing exam centers will be considered based on the order of submission.
  2. IIBF’s Decision: The decision to accept or reject a center change request rests solely with IIBF. They hold the right to approve or deny the modification based on availability and other factors.
    1. Deadline for Requests: All requests must be submitted before September 30, 2024. No requests will be entertained after this date.

Steps to Apply for Exam Centre Change

Bankers who wish to modify their exam centers should follow these steps:

  1. Login: Go to the login page where you initially filled out your application form.
  2. Select Option: You will find an option to change your exam center.
  3. Upload Transfer Letter: Candidates must have a valid transfer letter approved by their branch or bank manager, which they will need to upload during the process.
  4. Availability: The change of center will be subject to seat availability and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Hence, it is advisable to act quickly.

Summary of Notification

  • This update is a welcome relief for bankers who face frequent transfers.
  • The process is available only for those with official transfer orders.
  • Requests must be submitted by September 30, 2024, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • The final decision rests with IIBF.

Important Conditions

  • Transfer Requirement: Only candidates with a transfer can utilize this facility. If you are not transferring, the option to change your center will not be available to you.
  • Valid Transfer Letter: Make sure your transfer letter is approved and bears the bank’s seal, as this is mandatory for the application.
  • Deadline: Applications for center changes will not be accepted after September 30, 2024.


This latest update from IIBF is a significant relief for bankers who were previously unable to change their exam centers after registering. By offering this modification based on official transfers, IIBF has made it easier for candidates to manage both their professional and exam commitments.

Q1. Can I change my JAIIB exam center for October 2024?

Ans. Yes, eligible candidates can request a center change if transferred after registration.

Q2. Who is eligible to request an exam center change?

Ans. Only candidates transferred to a new location after registration are eligible.

Q3. What are the dates for requesting a center change?

Ans. Requests can be submitted from September 24 to September 30, 2024.

Q4. How do I apply for the exam center change?

Ans. You can apply through the official IIBF website during the given dates.

Q5. Is the exam center change open to all candidates?

Ans. No, it’s only available to those transferred after registration.


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