JK Banking Associates Exam – Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips

The Exam for the recruitment of Banking Associates in Jammu & Kashmir Bank is scheduled to be held on 23rd, 24th and 25th of April 2019. Candidates who have applied for the post of JK Banking Associate can download the admit card for the Exam using the link provided below. According to the English dictionary Revision means “to read things again”. This implies that you have read and understood your study material at least once prior to starting revision. We assume that you must have completed your learning phase for the exam and are ready for the revision phase. The importance of revision is twofold. First, it aids you in remembering facts, figures, topics and methodologies that you have covered during your preparation phase. Second, If done properly it helps increase your confidence and reduce anxiety – hence you will be well prepared for your examination. In this blog, we would take you through a JK Banking Associates Exam Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips.

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Also Read: JK Bank PO Prelims Last Minute Tips

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Before we jump on to the JK Banking Associates Exam Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips, let’s take a look at the Exam Pattern once.

JK Bank Exam 2018-19 – Exam Pattern for Banking Associates

Sr. No.Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Duration
1.English Language303020 Minutes
2.Numerical Ability353520 Minutes
3.Reasoning Ability353520 Minutes

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JK Banking Associates Exam Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips

  • Start with organising your workspace and your study material. Segregate the not-so-important material from the very-important stuff.
  • Make a realistic revision plan for each of the sections of the Exam i.e. English Language, Numerical Ability, Reasoning Ability. Allow yourself to revise the important rules, formulas, tricks to solve a particular type of question etc in each of the section. Some topics might take longer than others. Give appropriate time to a topic as per its importance and relevance to the Exam. 
  • You can as well make notes if you feel so. Making abridged notes gives you confidence and also helps you scan through them at the last moment on the Exam day.

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Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips – English Language

  1. We assume that you must be taking full length mock tests for the exam. The best strategy would be to revise the English section of the Mock tests
  2. Read the questions as well the solution part provided there. Try to understand the approach towards a type of question as to how that type of questions has to be answered. This activity would definitely help you score better as you have understood the concept behind the question.
  3. As said ” Practice makes us better“. There can be no substitute for practice. Try taking daily English quizzes available for free on various Exam Preparation portals. 
  4. You can also take Sectional Tests to practice the entire English Language section. This would help you have a strong grip over the subject.
  5. If you find yourself weak in any particular topic, Topic tests are the best solution for that. Practice a few sets of Reading Comprehension, Para-jumblesNew Pattern Cloze Test, Sentence joining, Fill in the Blanks using topic tests in the last few days.

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Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips – Numerical Ability

  1. We hope that your basics of the Numerical Aptitude are clear by now because the solution for a numerical ability question cannot arrived at unless you are thorough with the fundamentals like formulas, short tricks, calculation speed, Tables etc.
  2. The key to excel in this section is extensive practice of a vast number of questions pertaining to different topics. Practicing will give you an edge over your competitors as it will enhance your calculation speed and and also help you in understanding as to how to solve a particular type of question,.
  3. In these last few days, take daily mixed question quizzes to enhance your speed. 
  4. While practicing quizzes, note down important formulas and tricks to solve the question etc as and when you feel that some formula is important. This will help you revise the formulas.
  5.  If you feel that you lack in any topic, you can always take topic tests to boost your confidence.
  6. To test the level of your preparation for the complete section, take a 3-4 sectional tests so that you can feel confident.

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Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips – Reasoning Ability

  1. Now there are no formulas that can be learnt by heart and applied to a particular type of question.
  2. The key to ace this section is the logical ability to comprehend the question and come to a conclusion.
  3. Practice daily quizzes for all the topics in the syllabus.
  4. Take Topic and Sectional Tests.
  5. Practice a few complete mock tests for the Banking associate exam.

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JK Banking Associates Exam Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips – General Tips

  1. Avoid New Topics – Do not start any new topic now. Any new thing that you would try learning now may not properly be retained. Try to revise whatever you have studied till now and get command over it.
  2. Take Mock Tests – Take mock tests after your preparation to measure your progress. Oliveboard’s Mock tests would provide you instant feedback in the form of analytics, which will help you determine your speed & accuracy in solving questions and identify your strong and weak areas. So practice as many mock tests as you can in these last few days.
  3. Time Management – Time is a crucial factor and it is easy to lose track while writing an exam. This is where your practice will show results. Manage it properly.
  4. Speed and Accuracy – Speed and accuracy is one aspect that would outshine your performance. Practicing daily would help you in this regard. Try to attempt maximum number of questions with 100% accuracy to increase your chances of clearing the cut offs. 
  5. Read the Question Properly – Understand what is written in the question. Do no hastily skip the question just by looking at it. You might just be able to do it if you read it properly. So, before skipping, read it carefully because sometimes the questions that look difficult, are actually easy to solve, especially Puzzles.

We hope that you like the blog on JK Banking Associates Exam Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips and will also prove useful to you. JK Banking Associates Exam Revision Strategy & Last Minute Tips will definitely help you in organising your revision plan.

All the Best for the Exam.

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