LIC AAO Expected Cutoff 2019 for Prelims – Check Now

The LIC AAO 2019 Prelims Exam was conducted on 4th and 5th May 2019. The over difficulty level of the Exam was Easy to Moderate. You can check the detailed LIC AAO 2019 Exam analysis for Prelims here. In this blog, we are going to provide you the LIC AAO Expected Cutoff for 2019 Exam. The Expected cutoff given here is calculated by considering the difficulty level of the LIC AAO Exam and number vacancies.

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LIC AAO Expected Cutoffs 2019 – Prelims Exam

The difficulty level of the exam was Easy to moderate. Also, there was no negative marking in the Exam. Hence, the number of attempted questions by the candidates is on the higher side. Based on this and other factors like number of vacancies etc. following is the LIC AAO Expected Cutoff for 2019 Prelims Exam -:

LIC AAO Expected Cutoff 2019 for General Category -: 58 (+/-2)

Note -: As the English section of LIC AAO Prelims was of qualifying nature, The LIC AAO Expected Cutoff is out of 70 marks (for Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude section).

(The LIC AAO expected cutoff given above is just an estimate based on our analysis. The actual cut-off score could be different. We will provide you the actual LIC AAO cutoff score when it is are released.)

LIC AAO Previous Year’s Cutoffs

LIC AAO 2016 Cutoff -:

Section General OBC SC  ST OH VI
Reasoning Ability 31.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25 19.25
GK & Current Affairs 10.25 6 6 6 6 6
Computer Knowledge 36.25 30 30 30 30 30
Quantitative Aptitude 33 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75
English Language 9.5 6 6 6 6 6
Total Weighted Score 255.75 250.5 233 203.5 226.75 211.75
Interview – Qualifying Marks 30 30 27 27 * *
CUT OFF – final selection (Online test+ Interview) 306 290.75 276 246 274.75 255.25


LIC AAO 2015 Cutoffs -:

Test Details General OBC SC ST
Reasoning Ability 12 9 9 9
Quantitative Aptitude 7 4 4 4
GK, Current Affairs 5 3 3 3
Computer Knowledge 16 13 13 13
English Language 9 5 5 5
Cutoffs on Total Exam Scores 220 215 204 181
Interview Cutoff 30 30 27 27
Cutoffs on Combined Score (Exam + Interview) 269 256 245 223


LIC AAO Mains Cracker Course

All the Aspirants are advised to begin with their LIC AAO Main Exam preparation immediately. To help you with the same, Oliveboard is starting the LIC AAO Mains Cracker Course from 21st May 2019. Following are the features of this course -:

That is all from us in this blog on LIC AAO Expected Cutoffs 2019. We hope you found the information provided above useful. Keep visiting this space for all the LIC AAO Exam updates. You can also download the Oliveboard App for Exam updates, Podcasts, free mock tests, etc. all the best for your preparation.

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