LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 Out, Download Now

LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023

LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 has been released on 19th June 2023. Candidates can download the LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 from the direct link given in this article.

LIC (Life Insurance Corporation) will be conducting the LIC AAO 2023 Interview for candidates who have successfully cleared the Mains phase of the examination. Candidates who have qualified in the prelims exam for the Assistant Administrative Officer exam 2023 can download their LIC AAO Mains call letter from the direct link provided below, which has now been officially released. In this section, we will provide you with all the necessary details regarding the LIC AAO Mains admit card/call letter 2023.

LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 – Overview

LIC AAO Prelims Exam Date 202317th and 20th February 2023
LIC AAO Mains Admit Card 202314th March 2023
LIC AAO Mains Exam Date 202318th March 2023
LIC AAO Interview Call Letter19th June 2023

LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 – Download Link

The LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 has been officially unveiled on June 19, 2023. Aspiring candidates can effortlessly obtain the LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 by accessing the direct link provided within this document. This call letter serves as a vital document for candidates who have successfully qualified for the LIC AAO Interview stage. By downloading the call letter, candidates can access essential details such as the interview date, time, venue, and other crucial instructions. It is imperative for candidates to secure their call letter to ensure a smooth and hassle-free interview process.

LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 Download Link

The LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 for Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalist) positions can be downloaded from the official website of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) at The download link for the call letter will be provided on the website, allowing qualified candidates to access and obtain their respective call letters.

Steps to Download LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023

Certainly! Here is a detailed step-by-step guide to downloading the LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 from the official LIC website:

Step 1: Open your preferred web browser and enter the official website of LIC, which is, in the address bar. Alternatively, you can directly click on the provided link to access the website.

Step 2: On the homepage of the LIC website, scroll down until you find the “Careers” section. Click on the “Careers” link.

Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page that displays various ongoing recruitments and job opportunities.

Step 4: Look for the notification titled “Recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalist)- 2023” and click on it.

Step 5: A new page will open up, providing you with detailed information about the Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalist) recruitment.

Step 6: Locate and click on the link for “LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023.” This link will direct you to the login page.

Step 7: On the login page, enter your registration number and password correctly in the respective fields. Make sure to input the information accurately.

Step 8: After entering the required details, click on the “Login” or “Submit” button to proceed.

Step 9: Once you have logged in successfully, your LIC AAO Mains Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.

Step 10: Review the details mentioned on the admit card carefully, ensuring that all information is correct and matches your personal details.

Step 11: Download the LIC AAO Mains Admit Card by clicking on the download button or using the right-click menu and selecting “Save link as” or “Save target as.” Save the file to a location on your device.

Step 12: It is advisable to take a printout of the LIC AAO Mains Admit Card for future reference and carrying it to the interview.

Note: Make sure to follow the instructions provided on the official LIC website and refer to the admit card for accurate and up-to-date information regarding your interview schedule and venue.

Must Carry – LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023

Certainly! Here is a table outlining the necessary items that the candidate must carry for the LIC AAO Interview along with their LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023:

Required Items
1. LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 (hard copy)
2. Valid ID proof (any one of the following):
– Passport
– Aadhaar Card
– PAN Card
– Driving Licence
– EPIC Card (Voter ID)
– Photo ID proof

LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 – Details Mention

Please note that the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the exam if they do not carry their LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 and a valid ID proof. It is important to ensure that both these items are carried to the examination hall for verification purposes.

Here are the details typically mentioned on the LIC AAO Interview Call Letter:

  1. Name of the Applicant: The full name of the candidate who will be appearing for the interview.
  2. Examination Name: The name of the examination, in this case, LIC AAO Interview.
  3. Time Duration of the Exam: The allotted duration for the interview process.
  4. Exam Centre Name and Code: The name and code of the examination center where the interview will be conducted.
  5. Applicant Photograph: A photograph of the candidate, usually uploaded during the application process.
  6. Applicant Roll Number: The unique identification number assigned to the candidate for the interview.
  7. Father’s Name or Mother’s Name: The name of the candidate’s father or mother, providing family-related information.
  8. Centre Address: The complete address of the examination center where the interview will take place.
  9. Exam Date and Time: The specific date and time when the interview is scheduled to take place.
  10. Candidate’s Date of Birth: The date of birth of the candidate, confirming their age eligibility.
  11. Category (ST/SC/BC Other): The category to which the candidate belongs, such as Scheduled Tribe (ST), Scheduled Caste (SC), Backward Class (BC), or others.
  12. Gender: The gender of the candidate, specifying whether they are male or female.
  13. Important instructions for the examination: Guidelines and instructions to be followed by the candidate during the interview process.
  14. Signature of candidate and exam counselor: The candidate’s signature and the signature of the exam counselor, validating the authenticity of the call letter.

Please note that the exact information and format on the LIC AAO Interview Call Letter may vary slightly based on the official requirements and instructions provided by LIC. It is essential to carefully review the call letter for accurate and up-to-date information regarding your interview.

LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 – FAQs

Q1. When will LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 release?

Ans. LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 has been released on 19th June 2023.

Q2. How to Download LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023 ?

Ans. In this article you get direct link to download The LIC AAO Interview Call Letter 2023.


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