10 mistakes to avoid in the CAIIB exam-2022

Mistakes to avoid in the CAIIB exam: An Indian Institute of Bankers Certified Associate is represented by CAIIB. The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) conducts the assessment twice a year. The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance was founded in 1928, and it comprises over 700 banks and budgetary institutions today.

It is one of the excellent tests, which IIBF conducts to determine the best from the officials who are now members of the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. To test the development methods for basic leadership and general banking management, this test is conducted. There are two mandatory papers and one discretionary paper. Providing leadership skills, changing management, and general bank management information and abilities is what this course is about. 

CAIIB is widely regarded in the banking business. For the most part, its competitors include workers from RBI, SIDBI, NABARD, business banks, provincial country banks, helpful banks, etc. Representatives who pass the CAIIB test get advantages like impetus, augmentation, advancement, etc.

10 mistakes to avoid in the CAIIB exam

Here are 10 common mistakes one should avoid in order to clear the CAIIB exam.

  1. Not allocating a sufficient amount of Study time daily: This is a very common mistake done by many CAIIB aspirants. You may be able to do well in the JAIIB examination by memorizing information the night before the exam or two days beforehand (but it is the wrong method of preparation). However, you will not be able to score even twenty-five points in the CAIIB examination. It is a must for all aspirants to have a daily study routine to ensure that they understand concepts in all topics.  During banking hours, it is very difficult to find time for studies. When you don’t have the time to study for two hours continuously, split the time into three or four sessions of 30 to 40 minutes each. The syllabus of CAIIB subjects covers many topics; so an In-depth understanding of each topic is also needed to answer questions that test your knowledge, analytical skills, and problem-solving skills. So daily allocating a sufficient amount of study time is necessary.
  2. Not having a clear focus on an optional paper: Selecting the correct optional paper and having a clear focus on it, is a must for being successful in the CAIIB exam. Retail banking and Financial Banking are easy papers to clear but you need to choose your optional paper carefully based on your interests. Don’t follow others’ recommendations blindly. CAIIB is not only for increments; it also provides much useful theoretical knowledge in different areas of banking.
  3. Not learning the basic concepts: Every topic of the subject has basic and fundamental concepts to be learned. Learning them thoroughly makes us understand the more complex concepts. Complex concepts are nothing but complex combinations of simple and basic concepts. We should have studied the fundamental concepts in JAIIB. To learn the fundamental concepts of economy, business math, and accountancy you can refer to more books. Remember learning complex concepts is of no use if you don’t understand the fundamental concepts behind them.
  4. Not understanding and giving importance to the syllabus: If we want to pass any exam we should thoroughly understand the syllabus first. Understanding the syllabus will give us a clear picture of what we are going to learn. We can also get some insights into the subject. It also helps us to have an idea of whether we are familiar with that topic or not. This will help you to assess the complexity of the subject and how much time you need to spend on a topic. Giving importance to the syllabus also helps in choosing the right books for our preparation. Aspirants who aren’t aware of the syllabus simply read those materials and attend the exam.
  5. Not having a preparation strategy and study plan: This is a common mistake many aspirants make. They think that there is no necessity for a preparation strategy. They think it is a waste of time. Having a preparation strategy and study plan is a must for any exam. It will help us to be goal-oriented and stay focused on our target. If you do your targeted studies every day, it will make you motivated. As you progress through your schedule you will feel relaxed and your stress level for the exam is reduced. Creating a schedule will hardly take one to two hours of your time. There are many benefits that can be pointed out of having a good study plan. The benefits of a study plan are fruitful and long-lasting.
  6. Not taking effective notes while studying itself: Many aspirants do not even consider taking notes as a part of the study. While studying, if you take notes you will give importance to details. Giving importance to details will make you ask more questions and find short answers to them. This enhances your understanding of the topic. It also makes you break down the contents of your learning in an easy way. Therefore your memory increases and whenever you see the notes you can recollect the content. Thus taking notes helps you for better and easier revision. I know it is time-consuming but once you are familiarized, it will be easy for you to take notes. Because your eyes can spot the important details easily; Your mind organizes them with an analogy for easy remembrance.
  7. Not solving and practicing math problems: Unlike JAIIB, here in CAIIB calculations, formulas, and case studies are very important. You need to solve all the problems in your study materials and workbooks in order to get a better idea of the actual exam. There is no replacement for practicing when solving problems, case studies, and balance sheet analysis. Thereby we can improve our problem-solving skills and analytical skills.
  8. Not revising the topics regularly: Many aspirants ignore the importance of revising. If you are not making a study plan you will not even find time to complete the syllabus. Use your notes to revise the topic at regular intervals. “Revising more often” is the key strategy. 
  9. Not learning from the mistakes: The biggest thing in life is to learn from your mistakes. If you have failed in an attempt, accept the failure, and analyze where you lacked. Ask yourself questions related to finding the cause of the failure. When you find your weakness, work on it. Find your weakness and mistakes; Try to rectify them before your next attempt.
  10. Not using the technology for proper and effective preparation for exams: Use your mobile, internet, websites, Facebook communities, forums, blogs, etc. You can get any information from the internet. Use them as effectively as possible. Also, many websites offer free mock tests, CAIIB Previous Year Question Papers use them to test your knowledge. While giving mock tests, take them as seriously as an exam. Then only you can know your time management under pressure and boosts your confidence.

This is all from our side in this blog of “10 mistakes to avoid in the CAIIB exam“. Hope it helps you in the actual exam. Stay tuned to Oliveboard for more information.


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