Motivation vs Morale – Management Study Notes for RBI Grade B & SEBI Grade A

There is often confusion between the concepts of Motivation and Morale. People tend to mix up these two concepts and use these terms interchangeably. In this blog post let us understand the basic concepts of Motivation and Morale as well as the difference between the two. Let us get started with this article: Motivation vs Morale.

Motivation vs Morale: Management Notes

What is Morale? 

Morale can be defined as the total satisfaction derived by an individual from his job, his work-group, his superior, the organization he works for, and the environment. It generally relates to the feeling of an individual’s comfort, happiness, and satisfaction.

According to Davis, “Morale is a mental condition of groups and individuals which determines their attitude.”

In short, morale is a fusion of employees’ attitudes, behaviors, manifestation of views and opinions – all taken together in their work scenarios, exhibiting the employees’ feelings towards work, working terms, and relation with their employers. Morale includes employees’ attitudes on and specific reactions to their job.

There are two states of morale:

High morale

High morale implies determination at work- an essential in the achievement of management objectives. High morale results in:

  • Keen teamwork on part of the employees.
  • Organizational Commitment and a sense of belongingness in the employees’ minds.
  • Immediate conflict identification and resolution.
  • Healthy and safe work environment.
  • Effective communication in the organization.
  • Increase in productivity.
  • Greater motivation.

Low morale

Low morale has the following features:

  • Greater grievances and conflicts in the organization.
  • A high rate of employee absenteeism and turnover.
  • Dissatisfaction with the superiors and employers.
  • Poor working conditions.
  • Employees frustration.
  • A decrease in productivity.
  • Lack of motivation.

Motivation vs Morale

Motivation Morale
Motivation implies the reason or a set of reasons, which influence the behavior of a person. Morale refers to the confidence, happiness, and enthusiasm of an individual or group at a particular period.
Inner psychological drive Social-emotional association
It is a primary concern It is a secondary concern
Individual Concept Group Concept
Factors that are associated with individuals performance. Factors that are associated with the work environment.
It supplements morale It is a determinant of motivation

Though motivation and morale are closely related concepts, they are different in the following ways:

  • While motivation is an internal-psychological drive of an individual which urges him to behave in a specific manner, morale is more of a group scenario.
  • Higher motivation often leads to higher morale of employees, but high morale does not essentially result in greatly motivated employees as to have a positive attitude towards all factors of work situation may not essentially force the employees to work more efficiently.
  • While motivation is an individual concept, morale is a group concept. Thus, motivation takes into consideration the individual differences among the employees, and the morale of the employees can be increased by taking those factors into consideration which influence group scenario or total work settings.
  • Motivation acquires a primary concern in every organization, while morale is a secondary phenomenon because high motivation essentially leads to higher productivity while high morale may not necessarily lead to higher productivity.
  • Things tied to morale are usually things that are just part of the work environment, and things tied to motivation are tied to the performance of the individual.

Reference & Source:

  • Management Study Guide

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