NIACL AO Recruitment Notification 2021 | Exam Date Announced

NIACL AO Recruitment Notification 2021: The New India Assurance Company Limited has announced 300 vacancies for the post of Administrative Officer – AO (Generalists) in various disciplines. The online applications started from 1st – 21st September 2021 and the exam is scheduled to be held on 16 October 2021. All the details of the New India Assurance AO recruitment notification 2021 are given in this blog for you.

NIACL AO Recruitment Notification | Overview

Name of the ExamNew India Assurance Company Limited, Administrative Officer Exam
Conducting BodyNIACL- New India Assurance Company Limited
Recruitment CadreNIACL AO Generalist and Specialist
Official Website
Job LocationAcross India

NIACL AO Recruitment Notification 2021 | Important Dates

ItemsImportant Dates
Online Application Start Date1 September 2021
Online Application End Date21 September 2021
NIACL AO Phase 1 Exam Date16 October 2021
NIACL AO Phase 2 Online Exam (Objective + Descriptive)November 2021 (Tentative)

NIACL AO 2021 | Important details

Admit card

NIACL AO Admit Card is released separately for Prelims, Mains, and Interview Process.

The New India Assurance Company Limited releases the NIACL AO Admit card 15 days prior to the AO recruitment exam.

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Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualifications For Generalists – 

  1. A candidate must possess the minimum qualification of a graduate/post-graduate in any discipline from a recognised University or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by Central Government with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examinations for General candidates and at least 55% marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates. The candidate should possess certificate in proof of passing the qualifying examination as on 30.09.2021.
  2. Those who are in the Final Year/ Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for an interview, they will have to produce proof of having passed the qualifying examination on or before 30.09.2021. Candidates having Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 30.09.2021.

Age Requirements

Minimum Age: 21 years

Maximum Age: 30 years

Both Min. and Max. Age would be calculated as of 01.04.2021.


A total of 300 vacancies has been released for the NIACL AO Generalists.


Exam Pattern

The NIACL AO 2021 Recruitment will be having 3 Phases

  • Phase 1  – Prelims Exam (Objective Test)
  • Phase 2 – Main Exam (Objective and Descriptive Test)
  • Phase 3 –  Interview

Phase 1 – Prelims Exam Pattern

English Language3020 MinutesEnglish
Reasoning3520 MinutesEnglish & Hindi
Quantitative Aptitude3520 MinutesEnglish & Hindi
Total10060 Minutes 

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Candidates have to qualify for each test/section by securing passing marks to be decided by the Company.

Phase 2 – Mains Exam Pattern

The Mains Examination will consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive Test for 30 marks. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online. Candidates will have to answer the Descriptive Test by typing on the computer.

(i) Objective Test For Generalists -:

Test of English Language50English
Test of Reasoning50English & Hindi
Test of General Awareness50English & Hindi
Test of Quantitative Aptitude50English & Hindi

Note: The total time duration will be 120 minutes and the exam will be in an objective format.

(ii) Descriptive Test: The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes duration with 30 marks will be a Test of English Language (Letter Writing-10marks & Essay-20 marks). The descriptive test will be in English and will be conducted online mode.

Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score for each section of the objective test separately for shortlisting for the Descriptive test evaluation/Interview. The descriptive answer script would be evaluated only in respect of those candidates who qualify for the objective test.

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Phase 3 Interview

  • Candidates who have been shortlisted at the end of Phase-II will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by the Company. The interview will be conducted at select centres. The weightage (ratio) of online Examinations and Interviews will be 75:25 respectively.
  • The centre, address of the venue, time & date of the Interview will be informed to the shortlisted candidates in the call letter. Candidates are required to download their interview call letters from the company’s website. Please note that any request regarding change in date, centre etc. of the interview will not be entertained. However, the company reserves the right to change the date/ venue/ time/ centre etc. of the interview or hold a supplementary process for a particular date/session/venue/centre/set of candidates at its discretion, under unforeseen circumstances, if any.

Detailed Syllabus

Quantitative AptitudeReasoning AbilityEnglish LanguageGeneral Awareness
Number Series
Profit & Loss
Ration & Proportion
Simple Interest & Compound Interest
Problem-based on Age
Time & Work
Pipe & Cistern
Speed, Time & Distance
Allegation & Mixture
Train, Boat & Stream
Alphabetic series
Blood relation
Order ranking
Data sufficiency
Seating Arrangement
Logical reasoning
Fill in the blanks
Para Jumbles
Cloze Test
Error spotting
Phrase replacement
Sentence correction
Para completion
Vocabulary – Tenses Rule & Preposition Rules
Current Affairs
Banking Awareness
Insurance Awareness
Finance Awareness
Indian Financial System
Government schemes & policies
Static Awareness
Principles of Insurance

Application Fee (Non-Refundable)

All candidates other than SC/ ST / PwBD – Rs. 750/- (Application fee including intimation charges)

SC/ ST / PwBD Candidates – Rs. 100/- (Intimation Charges Only)

Salary Structure

Basic pay of Rs. 32,795/- on the scale of Rs. 32795-1610(14)-55335-1745(4)-62315 and other admissible allowance as applicable. Gross emoluments will be approximately Rs. 60,000/- p.m. in Metropolitan Centers. Other benefits such as coverage under National Pension System governed by PFRDA, Gratuity, LTS, Medical Benefits, Group Personal Accident Insurance, etc. shall be as per rules. The Officers are also entitled to Company’s / leased accommodation as per norms. The salary scales are due for revision w.e.f Aug 2017.


Stay tuned for more updates on the NIACL AO notification 2021 with details like NIACL AO Job profile, NIACL Syllabus, NIACL Preparation Plan, NIACL AO Study Plan, etc. You can kick-start your NIACL AO 2021 Preparation with a free Mock Test from Oliveboard! All the best.

NIACL AO Recruitment Notification 2021 | FAQs

What is the NIACL AO age limit?

The minimum age requirement for NIACL AO is 21 years, and the maximum age limit is 30 years at the time of registration

How to apply online for NIACL AO?

Candidates should apply online for NIACL AO 2021 on Simply click on the apply online link, then complete the registration process and submit the NIACL AO application form 2021.

What is the start date of Online Registration For NIACL AO 2021?

You can start applying for the NIACL AO Generalists from 1st September 2021.

When is the last date to apply for NACL AO 2021?

You can apply till 21st September 2021.

How many vacancies have been released for NIACL 2021?

A total of 300 vacancies has been released for the NIACL AO Generalists posts for 2021 recruitment notification.

What is the NIACL AO Phase 1 Prelims Exam Date?

The NIACL AO Phase 1 Prelims exam is going to be conducted tentatively in October 2021.

What is the exam date for NIACL AO Phase 2 Online Exam (Objective + Descriptive)?

The NIACL AO Phase 1 Prelims exam is going to be conducted tentatively in November 2021.


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