Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2024, Features, Benefits and Eligibility

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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) 2024

The Government of India prioritizes water conservation and management. To achieve this, the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) was launched on July 1, 2015 to provide irrigation to every field (‘Har Khet ko Pani’) and improve water efficiency (‘Per Drop More crop’). This plan includes creating water sources, distributing and managing water, applying it in fields, and extending related activities. Let’s Check the details of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).

Overview Table Of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

Scheme ComponentPradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
Launch DateJuly 1, 2015
Primary Focus– Create water sources for assured irrigation.
– Provide protective irrigation by harnessing rainwater at the micro level through ‘Jal Sanchay’ and ‘Jal Sinchan’.
– Maximize water use efficiency at the farm level through micro irrigation.
Key Components– Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)
– Per Drop More Crop (PDMC)
– Har Khet Ko Pani
– Watershed Development
Benefits– Financial assistance provided to farmers for installing irrigation components under Micro Irrigation.
– Assistance provided for drip or sprinkler irrigation systems.
– Direct Benefit Transfer of financial assistance to farmers’ accounts.
– Additional benefits include water harvesting structures, water lifting devices, and farm pond digging.
Eligibility– Citizenship Requiremen
– All farmers within the State and Union Territory are eligible for scheme benefits.
– Subsidy Limitation

What Is Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Scheme?

The Government of India focuses on water conservation and management. The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) was launched to provide irrigation to every field (‘Har Khet ko Pani’) and improve water efficiency (‘More crop per drop’). This includes creating and managing water sources and applying water efficiently in fields. The Prime Minister approved PMKSY on July 1, 2015.

The “Per Drop More Crop” scheme, part of the PMKSY, has been running since 2015-16. It aims to improve water efficiency on farms using drip and sprinkler irrigation. Since 2022-23, this scheme is under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).

PMKSY Scheme Approval and Targets for 2021-26

The Government of India has approved the PMKSY scheme (excluding Ground Water and Per Drop More Crop components) for 2021-22 to 2025-26, with the following targets:

i. AIBP including CAD&WM:

  • Complete 60 ongoing AIBP projects and 85 ongoing CAD&WM projects.
  • Add more projects for funding under AIBP.
  • Fund two national projects, Lakhwar and Renuka.
  • Create 13.88 lakh hectares of irrigation potential under AIBP.
  • Cover 30.23 lakh hectares of cultivable land under CAD&WM.


  • Create 3.7 lakh hectares of irrigation potential.
  • Start new projects to create an additional 0.8 lakh hectares of irrigation potential through surface minor irrigation and water body restoration.
  • Provisionally approve the ground water component for 2021-22, targeting 82,290 hectares of irrigation.

iii. PMKSY-WD:

  • Complete projects covering 49.5 lakh hectares of rainfed/degraded lands.
  • Add 2.5 lakh hectares under protective irrigation during 2021-22 to 2025-26.

प्रधानमंत्री कृषि सिंचाई योजना (PMKSY)

भारत सरकार जल संरक्षण और प्रबंधन पर ध्यान देती है। प्रधानमंत्री कृषि सिंचाई योजना (PMKSY) शुरू की गई थी ताकि हर खेत को पानी (‘हर खेत को पानी’) मिल सके और पानी की दक्षता बढ़ाई जा सके (‘प्रति बूंद अधिक फसल’)। इसमें जल स्रोतों का निर्माण और प्रबंधन, और खेतों में पानी का कुशल उपयोग शामिल है। प्रधानमंत्री ने 1 जुलाई 2015 को PMKSY को मंजूरी दी।

PMKSY का हिस्सा, “प्रति बूंद अधिक फसल” योजना 2015-16 से चल रही है। इसका उद्देश्य ड्रिप और स्प्रिंकलर सिंचाई का उपयोग करके खेतों में पानी की दक्षता को सुधारना है। 2022-23 से यह योजना राष्ट्रीय कृषि विकास योजना (RKVY) के तहत चल रही है।

PMKSY योजना की मंजूरी और 2021-26 के लक्ष्य

भारत सरकार ने PMKSY योजना (ग्राउंड वाटर और प्रति बूंद अधिक फसल घटकों को छोड़कर) को 2021-22 से 2025-26 के लिए निम्नलिखित लक्ष्यों के साथ मंजूरी दी है:

i. AIBP सहित CAD&WM:

  • 60 चल रही AIBP परियोजनाओं और 85 चल रही CAD&WM परियोजनाओं को पूरा करना।
  • AIBP के तहत अधिक परियोजनाओं को वित्तपोषित करना।
  • दो राष्ट्रीय परियोजनाओं, लखवार और रेणुका परियोजनाओं का वित्तपोषण करना।
  • AIBP के तहत 13.88 लाख हेक्टेयर सिंचाई क्षमता का सृजन।
  • CAD&WM के तहत 30.23 लाख हेक्टेयर कृषि योग्य भूमि को कवर करना।


  • 3.7 लाख हेक्टेयर सिंचाई क्षमता का सृजन।
  • सतही लघु सिंचाई और जल निकायों की मरम्मत, पुनर्निर्माण और बहाली के माध्यम से अतिरिक्त 0.8 लाख हेक्टेयर सिंचाई क्षमता के सृजन के लिए नई परियोजनाएँ शुरू करना।
  • 2021-22 के लिए ग्राउंड वाटर घटक की अस्थायी मंजूरी, जो 82,290 हेक्टेयर सिंचाई को लक्षित करती है।

iii. PMKSY-WD:

  • 49.5 लाख हेक्टेयर वर्षा आधारित/बंजर भूमि को कवर करने वाली स्वीकृत परियोजनाओं को पूरा करना।
  • 2021-22 से 2025-26 के दौरान 2.5 लाख हेक्टेयर अतिरिक्त क्षेत्र को सुरक्षात्मक सिंचाई के तहत लाना।

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana Features

Primary Focus:

  • Create water sources for assured irrigation.
  • Provide protective irrigation by harnessing rainwater at the micro level through ‘Jal Sanchay’ and ‘Jal Sinchan’.
  • Maximize water use efficiency at the farm level through micro irrigation.

Key Components:

  1. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)
  2. Per Drop More Crop (PDMC):
    • Micro-level storage structures.
    • Efficient water conveyance and application.
    • Precision irrigation systems.
    • Topping up input costs beyond MGNREGA permissible limits.
    • Secondary storage.
    • Water lifting devices.
    • Extension activities.
    • Coordination and management.
    • Implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW).
  3. Har Khet Ko Pani
  4. Watershed Development

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana Benefits

Financial Assistance-Provided to farmers for installing irrigation components under Micro Irrigation.
-All assets/water sources must be linked to a Micro Irrigation system to enhance water use efficiency.
Installation Options-Drip or sprinkler irrigation systems can be installed in fields for selected crops.
-Installation can be carried out by farmers themselves or through approved Micro Irrigation companies.
Assistance Pattern-Small and marginal farmers receive 55% assistance, while other farmers receive 45%.
-Funding is shared between the Central Government and State Government in a 60:40 ratio, except for North Eastern and Himalayan states where the ratio is 90:10.
-For Union Territories, the Central Government provides 100% funding.
Direct Benefit Transfer-Financial assistance is directly transferred to farmers’ accounts.
Additional Benefits-Farmers can also benefit from water harvesting structures at both individual and community levels, water lifting devices for efficient water conveyance, and digging farm ponds.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana Eligibility

  • Citizenship Requirement: The applicant must hold Indian citizenship.
  • Eligibility: All farmers within the State and Union Territory are eligible for scheme benefits.
  • Subsidy Limitation: The subsidy provided to each beneficiary will be capped at a maximum of 5 hectares.

Note 01: Beneficiaries are required to purchase only systems/components that bear the BIS mark under this scheme.

Note 02: Implementation will be through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). Aadhaar details of the beneficiary are necessary to access programme benefits.

PMKSY Progress Highlights

The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) includes several components aimed at improving agricultural water management and irrigation efficiency. From 2016 to 2023, the Central government allocated a total of Rs. 49,750.77 crore to these initiatives.

PMKSY Progress Highlights

The Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme received the most funding at Rs. 18,727.78 crore, followed by Per Drop More Crop at Rs. 16,688.71 crore. Har Khet Ko Pani, focusing on surface and groundwater development, received Rs. 4,010.32 crore and Rs. 764.89 crore, respectively.

Watershed Development got Rs. 9,559.07 crore. Despite these efforts, Puducherry has not proposed any PMKSY projects yet. The program aims to benefit around 2.68 crore beneficiaries, emphasizing its potential impact on agricultural water management and farmer livelihoods.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana Application Process

Step 1Farmers may contact their Block/District Agriculture Office through their respective Gram Panchayat or the Agriculture Officer of their Block/District. They can also call the Kisan Call Centre (Toll-Free No. 1800-180-1551).
Step 2Farmers should approach the concerned authority to request or collect an application form for the scheme.
Step 3Complete all mandatory fields in the application form. Paste a passport-sized photograph (signed across) and attach all required documents, ensuring they are self-attested.
Step 4Submit the duly filled and signed application form along with the attached documents to the designated receiving authority.
Step 5Acquire a receipt or acknowledgment from the receiving authority confirming the successful submission of the application form.

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana Documents Required

  1. Aadhaar Card
  2. Bank Account Details
  3. Address proof
  4. Passport size photograph
  5. Caste Certificate (If applicable)
  6. Proof of Agriculture land documents
  7. Domicile Certificate of State/UT


Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2024 is a strong government effort to improve water conservation, irrigation, and farming. It aims to help farmers by creating water sources and providing financial support, ultimately boosting agriculture and farmer incomes across the country.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) What is Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana?

Ans: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana is a government scheme focusing on agricultural water management and irrigation efficiency.

Q2) How does PMKSY benefit farmers?

Ans: PMKSY benefits farmers by providing financial assistance for installing irrigation systems like drip and sprinkler irrigation. It also supports watershed development and offers direct financial transfers to farmers’ accounts.

Q3) Who is eligible for PMKSY benefits?

Ans: All farmers within states and union territories of India are eligible for PMKSY benefits. Small and marginal farmers receive 55% assistance, while other farmers receive 45%. The subsidy is capped at a maximum of 5 hectares.

Q4) How can farmers apply for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana?

Ans: Farmers can apply for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana by contacting their Block/District Agriculture Office or the Kisan Call Centre. They need to complete the application form, attach required documents like Aadhaar card and bank account details, and submit them to the designated authority.


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