Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana 2024, Features, Benefits and Eligibility

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Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana 2024

The Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana 2024 is a significant initiative by the Rajasthan government. Under this scheme, eligible workers aged 60 or above will receive a monthly pension of Rs. 2,000.

Overview table of Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Scheme

Scheme Name Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana
PurposeEconomic assistance for elderly Vishwakarma community residents in Rajasthan
Eligibility Criteria– Applicants must be natives of Rajasthan.
– Age: Workers aged 60 or above.
– Street vendors and laborers in the state.
Monthly Pension AmountRs. 2,000
Budget Allocation for ImplementationApproximately Rs. 350 crores
Monthly Premium (Rs.) and Government Deposit (Rs.)Rs. 60 – Rs. 100 monthly premium with a government deposit of Rs. 400

राजस्थान मुख्यमंत्री विश्वकर्मा पेंशन योजना 2024

“राजस्थान मुख्यमंत्री विश्वकर्मा पेंशन योजना 2024” एक सरकारी योजना है जो राजस्थान में निवास करने वाले विश्वकर्मा समुदाय के लोगों को वृद्धावस्था में आर्थिक सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए है। इस योजना के तहत, 60 वर्ष या उससे अधिक आयु वाले विश्वकर्मा समुदाय के लोग पेंशन का लाभ उठा सकते हैं। यह योजना उन लोगों के लिए है जो राजस्थान में श्रम करते हैं, जैसे कि श्रमिक, बढ़ईगीर, रसोईया, निर्माण कर्मी आदि। इस योजना के अंतर्गत, प्रति माह 400 रुपये की पेंशन प्रदान की जाती है, जो सीधे लाभार्थियों के बैंक खाते में जमा की जाती है।

Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana Features

Features of Rajasthan Yojana 2024 are provided below:

  • The primary goal is to ensure the welfare of laborers and street vendors in Rajasthan.
  • The pension aims to assist street vendors in meeting their daily needs without relying on others.

Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Scheme Benefits

As per the Rajasthan Yojana 2024, once they attain the age of 60, qualifying individuals will be entitled to a monthly pension amounting to Rs. 2,000. This initiative aims to provide laborers and street vendors with the means to maintain their independence and lead a respectable life.

Budget Allocation of the Scheme

The Rajasthan government has allocated a budget of approximately Rs. 350 crores for the successful implementation of this scheme.

Monthly PremiumGovernment Deposit
Rs. 60Rs. 400
Rs. 70Rs. 400
Rs. 80Rs. 400
Rs. 90Rs. 400
Rs. 100Rs. 400

Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana Eligibility Criteria

The Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana has the following eligibility criteria about who can join.

  • Applicants must be natives of Rajasthan.
  • Age: Workers aged 60 or above are eligible.
  • Street vendors and laborers of the state can benefit from this scheme.


In conclusion, the “Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Scheme 2024” offers a monthly pension of Rs. 2,000 to eligible individuals aged 60 or above, promoting their financial security and independence. With a budget allocation of around Rs. 350 crores, the scheme prioritizes the welfare of laborers and street vendors in Rajasthan, reflecting the government’s commitment to their well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) What is the Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Yojana 2024?

Ans: It’s a scheme by the Rajasthan government providing a monthly pension of Rs. 2,000 to eligible workers aged 60 or above.

Q2) What are the primary goals of this scheme?

Ans: It aims to ensure the welfare of laborers and street vendors in Rajasthan, assisting them in meeting their daily needs independently.

Q3) What are the benefits of the Rajasthan Mukhyamantri Vishwakarma Pension Scheme?

Ans: Eligible individuals aged 60 or above receive a monthly pension of Rs. 2,000, enabling them to maintain their independence and lead a respectable life.

Q4) How much budget has been allocated for this scheme?

Ans: The Rajasthan government has allocated approximately Rs. 350 crores for the successful implementation of this scheme.

Q5) Who is eligible to benefit from this pension scheme?

Ans: Applicants must be natives of Rajasthan, aged 60 or above, and engaged in street vending or labor work within the state.


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