Complete Preparation Strategy for Rajasthan Police SI exam

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC), Ajmer, had recently issued the notification for various posts of Sub Inspector (SI). The exam date is not declared, but there is definitely heavy competition for such a prestigious post. If you are an aspirant, then it’s the right time to pull up your socks and start with the Rajasthan Police Exam preparation. To help you succeed, we are providing you with a 30 day Rajasthan Police SI Preparation Strategy in this blog.


Rajasthan Police SI Preparation Strategy : Creating Time Table

Making a full-fledged timetable is the first step you need to take as a part of your preparation strategy. Ensure that your timetable gives you time for your regular day-to-day work also and not just studies as gaining social knowledge and skills also help in shaping your personality.

Also, fix your time and the subject you read; unless and until you stick by the schedule you have created for yourself, you wouldn’t be able to concentrate well. You can also take guidance from experts online for your preparation with regard to which books to refer to, how to work on your stamina, personality, and so on. Before we get started, it is essential to know the exam pattern for the Rajasthan Police SI exam. So here we go.

The Procedure of Selection for Rajasthan Police SI

The selection process for Rajasthan police SI is divided into three aspects:

  1. Written Test
  2. Physical Efficiency Test 
  3. Aptitude Test & Interview 

Written Test

Subject NameDurationMaximum Marks
General Hindi2 hours200
General Knowledge & General Science2 hours200

The total written exam will be for 400 marks. There are two papers for 2 hours each; both papers carry 200 marks each. The subjects are not that complex; it’s General Hindi and General Knowledge and General Science.

Rajasthan Police SI Preparation Strategy for Written Test

The pattern for the written exam is quite straightforward; it’s evident that the weightage of General Hindi is equal to General Science and General Knowledge paper. The syllabus of General Science and General Knowledge is comprehensive, whereas the syllabus of General Hindi is limited and fixed. So you plan on being thorough with General Hindi, you could score more marks. 

For the General Knowledge section of the paper, one can expect to score good marks from Rajasthan GK questions related to the Indian Penal Code (IPC). You need to fix your timings and create a schedule where you can devote your time for particular sections to clear the exam.  

General Hindi 

The syllabus for Hindi paper includes subjects like व्याकरण, शब्दावली (Vocabulary),शब्दों का उपयोग, रस, अलंकार, समास, सन्धि, पर्यायवाची शब्द /समानार्थी शब्द, विलोम, तत्सम एवं तदभव, वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण, लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे, त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द, वर्तनी, वाक्य संशोधन, कारक, लिंग, वचन. Therefore you must avail books consisting of such subjects for practice and ensure you have a strong control over the above-mentioned topics. 

Devote your time for each topic to understand the concepts and take mock tests to check your ability.

General Knowledge 

Do read newspapers and magazines to keep yourself updated with the latest affairs. Know about the latest policies of the government and plans. Keep your concepts clear and don’t go with guess games. Believe in your hardwork and preparation. 

General Science 

Candidates must cover topics like History, Geography, Politics, Sports, Important Dates, Famous personalities etc. 

If you have your ideas and beliefs right backed up with your research then there will be nearly impossible for you to face any roadblocks.  

Physical Efficiency Test 

Individuals who clear the cut-off of the written test will be further called for the Physical Efficiency Test. A total of 100 marks are allotted for this test. However, the test parameters differ for males and females. 


 EventMarksTime (seconds)
1100 m race4014
  0Beyond 16
2Long Jump3015 feet
  2014 feet
  1013 feet
  0Below 13 feet
3Chinning Up307 Heaves
  206 Heaves
  105 Heaves
  0Below 5


 EventMarksTime (seconds)
1100 m race4017
  0Beyond 19
2Long Jump3010 feet
  2009 feet
  1008 feet
  0Below 08 feet
3Chinning Up3016 feet
  2015 feet
  1014 feet
  0Below 14 feet

Rajasthan Police SI Preparation Strategy for PET:

Total 100 marks are there for PET. These 100 marks carry a great weightage in the final merit list. If we see the 100-meter race, you will notice that even a difference of 1 second affects a lot in the marking system. For example, a candidate who is completing the race in 14 seconds is given 40 marks, and the one completing the race in 15 seconds is given 25 marks. 1 second is as valuable as 15 marks, so prepare yourself accordingly. It would be best if you stay physically fit even before you attempt your written exam. 

Many candidates commit the mistake of preparing themselves after the written exam is cleared, which does not benefit them in the further rounds for the Rajasthan Police SI exam. Candidates must work on building on their stamina and performance as these aspects would be a great help in scoring. 

Aptitude Test and Interview 

The main and final stage is the aptitude test and Interview. In this paper, you can expect questions with regard to logical reasoning, critical thinking, arithmetic, and decision making. These fields help the board members to understand your personality traits and how you would perceive and deal with a situation. 

Confidence and presence of mind are what can get you good marks in this stage. You can also watch several interview videos available online. This will help you understand the procedure and how you should approach the Interview. 

Just making study plans will not help unless you stick by those plans. You need to have a proper section-wise method to prepare each topic according to the syllabus. 

Rajasthan Police SI Preparation Tips for General Awareness 

  • Make a habit of reading daily 
  • Read newspapers and magazines and keep yourself up to date with current affairs 
  • Understand the subjects and set your priorities for studying those subjects 
  • Go through the syllabus and identify your strong and weak subjects 
  • Strengthen your weak areas- keep practicing 
  • Take mock tests often to understand where you stand 
  • Sharpen your logical analytics skills 
  • Have control over your language
  • Allot some time of your day for each stage and practice with dedication
  • Make right use of words to express what you feel about the topic

Rajasthan Police SI Preparation Strategy – Final Thoughts

As per the last notification from the official website, it is unclear when the physical test takes place once the written test is over. The notification also states that the Rajasthan Police SI exam could be conducted offline or even online. So, what we would suggest is that you keep your preparation on your written and physical test too. Don’t rely on the dates to be announced, and believe in your hard work. 

RPSC SI Recruitment Form 2021 | Important Dates

Following table displays all the Rajasthan Police SI Recruitment important dates:

RPSC SI Recruitment Form 2021Important Dates
Starting Date for RPSC SI Application Form 20219th February 2021
Last Date to Apply for RPSC SI recruitment  202110th March 2021
Last date to correct the application form20th March 2021 with fine
Rajasthan Police SI Exam Date 2021To be announced

Hope you found this article useful. Do reach out to Oliveboard in case of any queries.  

Rajasthan Police Exam preparation: Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare myself for PET?

Candidates must ensure physical fitness as and when they apply for the exam. They should work on their stamina and performance to clear the PET smoothly. 

Is it necessary to take a mock test before attempting the exam?

Yes. It would be of great help to the candidates if they take a mock test after completion of the syllabus as it would help them understand their capabilities.

Can I prepare myself for Rajasthan Police SI exam without any coaching?

Of course yes. Candidates can prepare themselves for the exam without coaching. However, they must ensure that the preparation is strong enough to clear the exam.

How many hours should I study in a day for the Rajasthan Police Exam?

Candidates must devote at least 3-4 hours a day to brush up their knowledge on the required subjects for the exam.

How do I overcome my weaknesses while preparing for the RPSC Police SI Exam?

To overcome weakness during preparation, you should learn, practice with mock tests and analyze your performance regularly to track improvement. With regular mock test performance analysis, you understand your weaker areas better and can focus on strengthening them.

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