Sustainable Development Goals- Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health, Well Being, Quality Education

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development presents a shared roadmap for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the core of it, and constitute an urgent call to action by all nations – developed and developing. They know that eradicating poverty must be accompanied by initiatives that promote health and education.

Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are listed below:

1. No Poverty

Poverty eradication in all its manifestations remains one of humanity’s most difficult concerns. Despite the fact that the number of people living in severe poverty fell by more than half between 1990 and 2015, far too many individuals continue to struggle for the most basic human necessities.

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Rapid development in China and India has lifted millions out of poverty, but progress has been unequal. As of 2015, around 736 million people were still living on less than $1.90 per day. Women are more likely than males to be impoverished since they have less paid jobs, education and property ownership.

2. Zero Hunger

Because of strong economic expansion and greater agricultural output, the number of undernourished individuals has decreased by about half in the last two decades. Many developing countries that were formerly plagued by famine and hunger can today fulfil their nutritional requirements. Central and East Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean have all made significant strides in eliminating acute hunger.

3. Good Health And Well Being

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development highlights the importance of good health for economic, social, and environmental development. SDG 3 will need universal health coverage to be met in order to eliminate poverty and reduce inequities. Emerging global health issues that are not expressly addressed in the SDGs also need attention.

4. Quality Education

In 2015, the entire enrolment rate in emerging regions reached 91 percent, and the number of children out of school has decreased by nearly half. Literacy rates have also increased dramatically, and more females are in school than ever before. These are all outstanding accomplishments.

5. Gender Equality

UNDP has made gender equality a primary focus of its work, and we have witnessed amazing progress over the last 20 years. Girls are now more likely to attend school than they were 15 years ago, and most regions have achieved gender parity in basic education. Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls is not only a human right but critical for a sustainable future.

6. Clean Water And Sanitation

Every continent is experiencing declining drinking water resources. Rising drought and desertification are exacerbating the problem. It is predicted that by 2050, at least one in every four individuals would face periodic water shortages. 1.1 billion people have improved their water cleanliness since 1990.

7. Affordable And Clean Energy

As the world’s population grows, so will the desire for inexpensive energy, and an economy based on fossil fuels is causing significant changes in our environment. Investing in solar, wind, and thermal power is critical if SDG 7 is to be met by 2030.

8. Decent Work And Economic Growth 

In 2015, more than 204 million people were jobless, according to the International Labour Organization. Despite the long-term effects of the 2008 economic crisis and global recession, the number of employees living in severe poverty has decreased considerably. In emerging nations, the middle class currently accounts for more than 34% of total employment.

9. Industry Innovation And Infrastructure

With cities housing, more than half the world’s population, mass transportation, and renewable energy are becoming increasingly vital, as are new businesses and information and communication technology. Promoting sustainable industries, as well as investing in scientific research and innovation, are all key ways to promote long-term growth.

10. Reduced Inequalities

Global solutions are required to address income disparity, including enhancing regulation and oversight of financial markets and increasing development aid and foreign direct investment. Facilitating safe movement and mobility for people is also critical to closing the gap.

11. Sustainable Cities And Communities

Sustainable development cannot be realized without fundamentally altering the way we design and manage urban places. By 2050, two-thirds of the world’s population (6.5 billion people) will be urban. The fast growth of cities has resulted in a boom in megacities, particularly in the developing world.

12. Responsible Consumption And Production

Agriculture is the world’s largest water user, and irrigation accounts for about 70% of all freshwater used for human use. The effective management of our common natural resources, as well as the disposal of hazardous waste and pollutants, are critical goals for achieving this aim.

A substantial proportion of the world’s population continues to consume much too little to fulfill even their most basic requirements. Cutting global food waste per capita at the retailer and consumer levels is also vital for establishing more efficient manufacturing and supply networks. This has the potential to improve food security and steer us toward a more resource-efficient economy.

13. Climate Action

There is no country in the world that is not feeling the consequences of climate change, and we need to do more to stop it. Greenhouse gas emissions are now more than 50% greater than they were in 1990, with potentially permanent repercussions if we do nothing. With strong political will, greater investment, and the use of current technology, it is still conceivable to restrict the increase in global mean temperature to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

14. Life Below Water

The SDGs aim to protect marine and coastal ecosystems from pollution while also addressing the effects of ocean acidification. Improving protection and sustainable use of ocean-based resources through international legislation can also aid in mitigating some of the difficulties confronting our seas.

15. Life On Land

Urgent action is needed to limit the loss of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, which are part of our shared legacy, as well as to promote global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and peace and security. Forests encompass 30% of the Earth’s surface, offer key habitats for millions of species, are important sources of clean air and water, and are critical in the fight against climate change.

16.  Peace Justice And Strong Institutions

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals aim to reduce all types of violence, as well as to collaborate with governments and communities to eliminate conflict and instability. Promoting the rule of law and human rights is critical to this process, as is curbing the flow of illegal armaments. Some places enjoy peace, security, and prosperity, while others appear to be trapped in never-ending cycles of strife and violence.

17. Partnerships For The Goals

Official Development Assistance was consistent but fell short of the objective in 2017, totaling US$147 billion. Many nations also require ODA to promote economic growth and trade. Promoting international trade and assisting poor nations in increasing their exports are all components of building a global rules-based and equitable trading system that is fair and open to everybody.

The Bottom Line

Going through all of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, it’s a wake-up call for all citizens throughout the world to step up and do their bit to make our planet a better place to live not just for today, but also for future generations. Sustainable aims emphasize the accomplishment of an ideal place to live that meets our needs while not jeopardizing it for future generations.


Is it necessary for every country to accomplish all of the Sustainable Development Goals?

Yes, but some Goals will be more important in some nations than others, determining which efforts are made and in what sequence.

Why is it critical that everyone understands the Sustainable Development Goals?

To achieve the goals, everyone must contribute; governments, the commercial sector, civic society, and the general public. The Goals touch all 7 billion people on the planet, therefore it is critical that everyone be aware of and understand them in order for them to be reached. Only then will we be able to take action and help to make the world a better place.

What happens if the Goals are not met?

Despite being universally agreed upon, the Goals are not legally enforceable. The Goals are a pledge made by all countries to each other to collaborate on a plan. No one can make them happen, but by working together, encouraging companies to participate, and keeping governments accountable, they can.


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