UPSC CSE Prelims Exam Analysis|2021

In this blog, we will look into the UPSC CSE prelims exam analysis.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) CSE-2021 prelims exam is all set to take place on 10th October 2021. In the year 2019, approximately 8 lakh aspirants had applied, a similar number is expected for this year. The UPSC CSE process begins with the prelim exam, which consists of two parts: General Studies and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT). There are 100 questions for 200 marks on the General Studies paper and 80 questions for 200 marks on the CSAT paper. The duration of each paper is 2 hours. Check out the exam analysis for the UPSC civil services prelims exam 2020. Additionally, candidates may find it helpful to look at the UPSC Prelims Analysis from previous years to get a better sense of what to expect.

UPSC CSE Notification 2021 – Exam Pattern

The Civil Services Examination will consist of two successive stages:

(i) Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (Objective type) for the selection of candidates for the Main Examination

(ii) Civil Services (Main) Examination (Written and Interview) for the selection of candidates for the various Services and posts

Toppers are taking the GS topic test to prepare, Check yours! Take Free GS Tests in Latest Pattern Now

UPSC CSE Exam Pattern 2021  for Prelims

PaperEvaluationQuestion TypeMarks / Duration
General Studies Paper-IMerit Ranking (in prelims)General StudiesMarks: 200
Duration: 2 Hours
General Studies Paper-IIQualifying Paper (33% min)Aptitude Test (CSAT)Marks: 200
Duration: 2 Hours

*The papers are objective type.

UPSC CSE Prelims Exam Analysis 2020

Here is the UPSC CSE prelims exam analysis for the year 2020. The General Studies paper contains 100 questions with a total of 2 marks each. For every incorrect response, 1/3 of the mark will be deducted. UPSC CSE Exam Analysis for Preliminary Exam 2020 is shown below.

UPSC General Studies Paper 1 Analysis

The General Studies paper contains questions on topics like Current Affairs, Politics, and History. According to the questions asked, the following topics/subjects accounted for the most weight.

Sr. No.SubjectsNumber of Questions
1Current Affairs13
3Indian Economy13
6General Science and Tech6
8Art and Culture5
9International Relations2
  • Most questions were asked from Geography & History.
  • The number of current affairs questions was lower than in previous years.
  • More mixed/overlapping questions were asked.
  • Good Attempts: 65-70
  • Difficulty level: Moderate to Difficult

CSAT Exam Analysis

As the CSAT is a qualifying paper, it is mandatory to score 33% marks to pass. The CSAT score is not factored into your merit ranking. The topic-wise distribution of questions for this paper is shown below.

Sr. No.SubjectsQuestions
1Basic Numeracy & Maths35
2Reading Comprehension28
3Data Interpretation1
4Decision Making0-3
5Logical & Analytical Reasoning15
6Visual Reasoning0

Previous Years’ UPSC Civil Services Exam Analysis – Prelims

To figure out the trends regarding the exam questions, UPSC Civil Services aspirants must study the previous exam analysis. The analysis will provide detailed topic-weighting for the past five years for candidates.

General Studies

The following is the last 5 years’ analysis for the prelims GS Paper.

Current Affairs1417342122
General Science and Tech984127
Indian Polity127221315
Art and Culture58060
UPSC CSE Prelims exam analysis
Prelims trend analysis


The pattern of questions asked in the CSAT paper over the past 5 years has been as follows:

Basic Numeracy & Maths28281832
Reading Comprehension27302630
Data Interpretation00140
Decision Making0000
Logical & Analytical Reasoning25221618
Visual Reasoning0060

This is all from our side in this blog. Stay tuned to Oliveboard for recent updates about exams and new exam notifications. ALL THE BEST.


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