UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023, Check Set Wise

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UPSC EPFO Answer Key

UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023 unofficial has been released on 3rd July 2023 at Oliveboard. Candidates can check the UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023 from this article.

The UPSC EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organization) exam for the AO/EO (Accounts Officer/Enforcement Officer) and APFC (Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner) positions will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). A total of 577 vacancies are available for these posts. The exam is scheduled to take place on 2nd July 2023. The unofficial answer key for the exam is expected to be released on 3rd July 2023, followed by the official answer key in the second week of July 2023. The results of the UPSC EPFO exam are anticipated to be declared in August 2023.

Check: UPSC EPFO Expected Cut Off

UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023

Exam Conducting BodyUPSC
Total Vacancies577 Posts
UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2023 for AO/EO and APFC02nd July 2023
UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023 (Unofficial)03rd July 2023
UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023 (Official)3rd week of July 2023
UPSC EPFO Result 2023August 2023

UPSC EPFO AO/EO Answer Key 2023 (Unofficial)

The unofficial UPSC EPFO AO/EO Answer Key 2023 for Sets D of the GS Paper is now accessible for candidates who took the EPFO AO/EO Exam in 2023. This answer key can be used to evaluate the performance of the EPFO 2023 Preliminary Exam. While it is not an official key, it is considered to be quite accurate in assessing the responses. Candidates can refer to this answer key to gauge their performance and get an idea of their expected scores in the exam.

UPSC EPFO EO/AO Answer 2023 (SET D)

1- C11-B21-A31-D41-A51-C61 – A71-A81-D91-D101- D111-A
2- A12-D22-C32-A42-C52-D62 -B72-B82-C92-C102-D112-C
3- A13- C/B23-A33-C43-A53-D63-C73-B83-A93-A103-D113-B
4- A14- A24-B34-D44-D54-D64-D74- D84- A94- D104-C114-B
5- B15- B/C25-A35-C45-B55-A65-B75-C85- C95-C105-C115-
6- D16-C26-B36- B46-A56-D66-B76-A86-C96-C106-116-C
7- A17-B27-A37-A47-D57-B67-B77-B87-B97-D107-117-A
8- A/D18-D28-D38-C48-C58-A68-C78-B88-A98-A108-B118-B
9- C19-D29-D39-49-B59-B69-C79-A89-C99-B109-119-C
10- B20-D30-B40-D50-D60-A70-B80-B90-C100-C110-D120-D

UPSC EPFO APFC Answer Key 2023 (SET A)

1-D11-D21-31-B41-A51-A61-A71-81-C91-D101- A111-
2-C12-A22-32-A42-B52-A62-C72-B82-C92-C102- A112- B
3-A13-B23- D33-B43-C53-A63-B73-A83-D93-D103-113-B
6-C16-D26-B36-C46-D56-D66-A76-B86-96-A106-A/B116- A/B
7-D17-C27-B37-D47-A57-B67-77-D87- D97-107- C117-D
8-A18-C28-C38-B48-A58-D68-78-B88-D98-108- D118-
9-D19-A29-A39-C49-59-69-79-B89-C99-109- B119-
10-B20-A30-40-D50-A60-C70-80-C90-A100-110- A120-

We hope this blog gave you a better understanding of the UPSC EPFO EO/AO Answer Key. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023 – FAQs

Q1. When will the official UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023 release?

Ans. The answer key is expected to be released in the third week of July 2023.

Q2. How to download UPSC EPFO Answer Key 2023?

Ans. Once officials release the UPSC EPFO Answer Key you can download it from the official website.