BPSC Selection Process 2024, Complete Details of BPSC 70th

BPSC Selection Process

BPSC Selection Process 2024: The Bihar Public Service Commission organize the exam for the recruitment of candidates for the various posts. The recruitment process of Bihar PSC takes place in three stages: Prelims, Mains and Interview. The Prelims Exam is qualifying in nature. Mains has five papers in which two are qualifying and marks of three papers are considered for merit. Candidates who qualify the prelims exam, go for the mains and those who ace the mains stage, called for the Interview in which they are evaluated n the basis of their personal skills.

Candidates who are interested for the BPSC 70th Exam, they can get the complete details from the BPSC notification PDF.

Here in this article, details about the BPSC CCE Selection Process 2024 is explained according to the notification. Aspirants wanted to explore the process of recruitment, can visit the article for more details.

BPSC Selection Process 2024 – Highlights

The process of selection for BPSC 70th is released in the BPSC Notification. Candidates should understand the BPSC 70th CCE selection process and plan their strategy accordingly.

Quick view of the selection process of BPSC CCE is outlined in the table below:

BPSC Exam StageType of ExamModeTotal MarksDuration
PrelimsObjectiveOffline1502 Hours
MainsDescriptiveOfflineTwo Qualifying Paper (General Hindi and Optional Paper) 100 marks each
Three compulsory Papers (GS 1 & 2 and essay) 300 marks each
3 hours for each Paper
Personality TestInterviewOffline120Not Defined

70th BPSC Selection Process

The recruitment process of BPSC Combined Competitive Examination involves three stages:

  1. Preliminary – Objective
  2. Mains – Objective and Subjective
  3. Personality Test/Interview

Process of BPSC Preliminary Exam 2024

  • The preliminary exam is the first stage of the BPSC selection process.
  • The prelims exam has one objective-type paper: General Studies.
  • Maximum marks for the prelims exam are 150, and the duration is 2 hours.
  • The total questions asked are 150.
  • Negative marking of 1/3 marks for each incorrect answer is deducted.
  • If there is multiple attempt in the answer, then the answer will be considered wrong and marks will be deducted.
  • The BPSC prelims exam is qualifying in nature. The marks obtained in this, are not added with the marks of the main exam or interview.
  • The cut off limit is prescribed by the commission.
  • The question papers are available in two languages: Hindi and English. If there is any confusion about the language of the question, priority will be given to the questions printed in the English language.

Preliminary exam pattern

S. No.SubjectsNo. of questionsTotal MarksType of QuestionsDuration
1General Studies150150Objective2 hours

Changes in the Preliminary Exam

  1. Ten times the total notified vacancies will be selected for the Main Examination. This is a change from the earlier process, which used to be around 10% of the total candidates who appeared in the Preliminary Examination.

Process of BPSC Mains Exam 2024

  • The main exam is the second stage of the BPSC selection process.
  • The time duration will be 3 hours for each paper.
  • This paper is descriptive in nature. The answer is to be written in the answer book given by the commission.
  • The BPSC 70th Mains exam is divided into two parts: Compulsory and Optional.
  • The compulsory paper is namely, General Hindi, General Studies Paper 1, General Studies Paper 2 and Essay.
  • There are 34 optional paper options from which subject is chosen by candidates.
  • The choice of optional subjects, once done in the main examination, will be final and will not be changed in any case.
  • The maximum mark for the mains exam of BPSC is 1100, including qualifying papers.

Mains exam pattern

SubjectTotal MarksDuration
General Hindi (Qualifying)1003 hours
General Studies I3003 hours
General Studies II3003 hours
Essay3003 hours
Optional Paper (Qualifying)1003 hours

Changes in the Mains Exam

  1. Only 900 marks will be considered for merit. Marks of Hindi and Optional will be qualifying.
  2. The candidate can answer all the mentioned subjects in either Hindi (Devanagari), English, or Urdu language. Answers in languages other than these three will not be allowed.

BPSC Selection Process 2024 – Personality Test

  • Candidates who successfully clear the mains exam, they have to appear for the Interview.
  • The interview round of BPSC carries a total of 120 marks.
  • This interview round is conducted to evaluate the candidate’s general knowledge, skills, and job suitability for the post.
  • The number of candidates appearing in the interview will be approximately 2.5 times the number of required seats.
  • The final merit list is prepared on the basis of the sum of the marks obtained in the main examination and interview.
  • Candidates having NCC training certificate for police services and product inspector, are given bonus in interview.

Some important points to know before BPSC Exam:

  • General Hindi paper will be qualifying in nature. The paper will be descriptive in nature and carry a total of 100 marks. 30% marks will be compulsory to score for qualification.
  • Both the papers of General Studies 1 and 2, will carry 300 marks each and will be completed on the same day on the date fixed by the commission in two shifts of three hours duration.
  • The essay paper will be descriptive in nature and carry 300 marks and marks will be added for the merit list.
  • The optional paper will be qualifying and objective in nature and will carry 100 marks.
  • In optional subjects, It will be mandatory to obtain minimum qualifying marks of 40% for general candidates, 36.5% for Backward classes, 34% for Extremely Backward classes and 32% for SC/ST, Women and Disabled candidates.
  • The candidate must write their answers to the question paper by their own hand. Under no circumstances, help from any other person will be permitted.
  • The answer will be awarded that are well-organized, concise, and express ideas powerfully using the fewest words possible in all subjects.
  • Candidate can use a simple calculator to solve the questions of statistical analysis, drawing and illustration in the first paper of general studies in the main examination.
  • In the prelims exam, calculator will not be allowed.
  • Candidates can verify the accuracy of their scores by submitting an Indian Postal Order (IPO) at the rate of Rs.5 per subject within 60 days from the date when the final result of the main examination is declared.

Tips to clear the BPSC Exam

The Combined Competitive Exam conducted by Bihar Public Service Commission is one of the toughest and prestigious exam. Every year, this exam attracts a large number of candidates from which only a few candidates manage to succeed in these exams. This exam needs hard work, dedication, and consistency. Therefore, it becomes crucial to devise the right strategy to ace this exam.

Here are some tips to do the needful for the better performance in the BPSC CCE:

  • Analyse the syllabus and exam pattern.

click here to get the complete syllabus and exam pattern

  • Choose reliable sources and books.
  • Attempt Mock Tests & Sample Papers.
  • Solve Previous Year Question Paper and analyse the mistakes.
  • Revise Regularly

BPSC Selection Process 2024: FAQ

1. What is the selection process of BPSC?

The selection process of BPSC takes place in three stages
Preliminary test
Main Test

2. What is the nature of Prelims and Mains exam?

The prelims exam is multiple choice based and qualifying in nature while mains is objective and subjective both.

3. What is the weightage of the Prelims and Mains Exam?

The prelims carries 150 marks and Mains exam carries 1100 marks in total. The interview process carries 120 marks.

4. Is there any qualifying marks for General Hindi paper?

Yes, there is 30% qualifying marks for Hindi paper. The General Hindi paper holds the weightage of 100 marks.

5. How many optional subjects are there for BPSC Mains exam?

There are list of 34 optional subjects are available for BPSC CCE Mains exam. To get the list of the optional subjects and syllabus, visit here.


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