The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster – 27 November 2019

The Editorial section of the Hindu newspaper is treated as the Bible by the various exam aspirants be it Bank Exam aspirants, SSC aspirants or UPSC aspirants. Not only does it give the editor’s views on the latest happenings in India and the world, but it also helps enhance English vocabulary for the ones who read it daily. In this blog of “The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary 27 November 2019“, we have come up with a list of difficult words, their meanings, synonyms, antonyms and the correct usage of the words taken from today’s Hindu Editorial. Read along to understand it better. 

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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary 27 November 2019

Words Meanings & Synonyms Antonyms Usage
Circumvent Find a way around an obstacle;

Overcome a problem or difficulty, typically in a clever and surreptitious way;

Avoid, Get Around, find a way around, Evade, Get past, Bypass

Comply With, Follow, Keep, Obey, Observe


Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.
Dubious Hesitating or doubting;

Uncertain, Unsure, In doubt, Hesitant, Undecided

Certain, Definite


I was rather dubious about the whole idea.
Imminent About to happen;

Impending, at hand, Close, Near, Approaching

Remote He warned that an enemy missile attack was imminent.
Inadequacy The state or quality of being inadequate;

Lack of the quantity or quality required;

Insufficiency, Deficiency, Scantiness, Scarcity, Scarceness

Abundance, Surplus, Competence, Strongpoint


Economic growth is hindered by the inadequacies of the public transport system.
Incumbent Necessary for someone as a duty or responsibility;

Binding, Obligatory, Mandatory, Necessary, Compulsory

Optional The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.
Insolence Rude and disrespectful behaviour;

Impertinence, Impudence, Cheekiness, Bad manners

Politeness Students were often inattentive, sometimes even insolent, and showed relatively little interest in their work.
Nocturnal Done, occurring, or active at night


Diurnal, Light, Brilliant, Solar They are nocturnal creatures, which helps them avoid predators such as hawks and owls.
Ouster The process of removing someone from an important position or job;

Eviction, Expulsion, Overthrow

Welcoming, Employment, 

Hiring, Retention


The committee’s chairperson is facing a possible ouster.


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