EPFO SSA Exam Date 2023 Out For Phase 1, Check Now

EPFO SSA Exam Date

EPFO SSA Exam Date 2023 has been released on 4th July 2023. Candidates can check the
EPFO SSA Exam Date 2023 in this article.

The EPFO Exam 2023 is conducted by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) for the recruitment of candidates for the posts of Social Security Assistant and Stenographer. There are a total of 2859 vacancies available for these positions, which are government jobs located across India. The selection process consists of two phases, Phase-I and Phase-II. Interested candidates can apply for the exam online through the official website of EPFO at https://www.epfindia.gov.in.

EPFO SSA Exam Date 2023 – Overview

OrganizationEmployees’ Provident Fund Organization
Exam Name EPFO Exam 2023
PostSocial Security Assistant & Stenographer
CategoryGovernment Job
Job LocationAll India
Selection ProcessPhase-I and Phase-II
Application ModeOnline
Official Website@https://www.epfindia.gov.in

EPFO SSA Exam Date – Important Dates

Important EventsDates
EPFO SSA Exam Date For Stenographer(Stage 1)01 August 2023
EPFO SSA Exam Date For Social Security Assistant(Stage 1)18, 21, 22, 23 August 2023
EPFO SSA Admit Card 2023To Be Announced Soon

EPFO SSA Exam Date PDF Download link

EPFO SSA Selection Process 2023

The selection process for the post of Social Security Assistant consists of two stages.

Stage-I is a Computer-Based Examination (Phase-I), where candidates will be assessed through a computer-based test. This test will evaluate their knowledge and skills in areas such as general awareness, numerical ability, English language, and reasoning ability. Candidates need to perform well in this examination to move on to the next stage.

Stage-II is a Computer Typing Test (Phase-II) or Computer Data Entry Test. In this stage, candidates who have qualified the Phase-I examination will be assessed on their typing speed and accuracy. They will be required to type a given passage or perform data entry tasks within a specified time limit. The performance in this test will determine the final selection of candidates for the post of Social Security Assistant.

On the other hand, the selection process for the post of Stenographer also consists of two stages.

Stage-I is a Computer-Based Examination (Phase-I), which is similar to the Phase-I examination for the Social Security Assistant post. Candidates will be evaluated on their knowledge and skills in areas such as general awareness, numerical ability, English language, and reasoning ability.

Stage-II is a Skill Test in Stenography (Phase-II). In this stage, candidates who have qualified the Phase-I examination will undergo a skill test in stenography. They will be required to transcribe dictated passages in shorthand within a given time period. The skill test assesses the candidates’ proficiency in stenography and their ability to accurately transcribe information.

The performance of candidates in both stages of the selection process will be considered for the final selection of candidates for the post of Stenographer.

It’s important for candidates to prepare thoroughly for both stages of the selection process to increase their chances of qualifying for the desired position.

EPFO SSA Exam Date 2023 – FAQs

Q1. what is the exam date of Stenographer(Stage 1) ?

Ans. 01 August 2023 s the exam date of Stenographer(Stage 1).

Q2. What is the exam date of Social Security Assistant(Stage 1)?

Ans. 18, 21, 22, 23 August 2023 is the exam date of Social Security Assistant(Stage 1).


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