Haryana Police Constable Recruitment Notification 2021 | Check Here

The Haryana Police Department is the law enforcement agency for the state of Haryana, India. Haryana Police comes under the direct control of the Department of Home Affairs, Government of India. This year Haryana Staff Selection Commission has released the Haryana Police Constable Recruitment Notification. HSSC has released a total of 7298 Group C vacancies under Haryana Police Constable Recruitment 2020-21. The exam dates for the same is yet to be announced. Here, in this blog, we are going to discuss the Haryana Police Constable Recruitment Notification, important dates, vacancy, syllabus, exam pattern, and other important updates. So let’s get to it right away.

Haryana Police Constable Recruitment | Important Dates

Items Timeline
Date of Publication 30-12-2020
Opening date for submission of online applications 11-01-2020
Closing date for submission of online application 10-02-2021
Closing date for deposit of fee 13-02-2021

Haryana Police Constable Mock Test Series

Haryana Police Constable Recruitment 2021 | Eligibility Criteria

The selection for the post of constable in Haryana Police will be done in the following steps:

Stage 1: Written/ Online Exam (80% Weightage)
Stage 2: Physical Screening Test
Stage 3: Physical Measurement Test
Stage 4: Additional qualification (10% weightage)
Stage 5: Miscellaneous (10% weightage)

Written/ Online Exam

All candidates shall have to undergo a Knowledge Test of eighty (80) marks comprising of objective type, multiple-choice questions.

Physical Screening Test (PST):-

(a) Candidates, equalling seven (07) times the number of vacancies in each category shall be declared to have qualified for the Knowledge Test (KT).

(b) The candidates who have qualified in Knowledge Test shall be put to a Physical Screening Test, which would be only qualifying in nature, to judge their physical fitness and endurance.

Physical Measurement Test (PMT):-

(a) The candidates who have qualified for the Physical Screening Test shall have to undergo the Physical Measurement Test as per standards prescribed in Appendix-B of Haryana Police (Non-Gazetted & other ranks) Service Rules, 2017, as amended from time to time.

Additional qualification:(10% weightage):-

(a) All candidates who have qualified for the Physical Measurement Test shall be called for scrutiny of documents. All other candidates shall stand eliminated from the further process of selection.

(b) i) For Constable:- Education (maximum 07 marks): Candidate with higher education i.e. with Graduate degree in any stream from a recognized University shall get four (04) marks, while a candidate with Post Graduate degree in any stream from a recognized University shall get additional three (03) marks.

(c) NCC Certificate (maximum 03 marks): Candidates having NCC certificate of A, B or C level shall get 01, 02 and 03 marks respectively (for constables ).

Miscellaneous (10% weightage):-

(i) Five (05) marks shall be given if neither the applicant nor any person from among the applicant’s father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, was or has been a regular employee in any Department/Board/Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/ Commission/Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India.

(ii) Five (05) marks shall be given if the applicant is:-

(a) a widow; or

(b) the first or the second child and his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years: or

(c) the first or the second child and his father had died before the applicant had attained the age of 15 years,”.

(iii) Five (05) marks will be given, if the applicant belongs to such a denotified tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class.

(iv) Maximum of Eight (08) marks have been kept for experience as an adhoc or contract employee. One-half (=0.5) mark for each year or part thereof exceeding six months of experience, out of a maximum of 16 years, on the same or a higher post in any Department, Board, Corporation, Company, Statutory Body, Commission, Authority of Government of Haryana.


Haryana Police Constable Mock Test Series

Haryana Police Constable Recruitment 2021 | Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Exam Pattern

Subject No. of Questions Total Marks Time Duration
General Studies General Science Current affairs General Reasoning Mental Aptitude Numerical ability Agriculture Animal husbandry Other relevant fields/trades etc. 10 Questions related to basic knowledge of computer 100 80 90 minutes

Haryana Police Constable Syllabus The standard of questions shall be as expected of an educated person having passed the 10+2 examination of Board of School Education Haryana for the post of Constable.

Haryana Police Constable Mock Test Series

Haryana Police Constable Vacancy Details

As per the latest recruitment notification a total of 7,298 vacancies have been released for the recruitment of constable in Haryana Police.

Posts Vacancies
Male Constable (General Duty) 5500
Female Constable (General Duty) 1100
Posts Vacancies Female Constable for HAP-DURGA-1 698
Total 7298


Oliveboard Mobile App
  • Video Lessons, Textual Lessons & Notes
  • Topic Tests covering all topics with detailed solutions
  • Sectional Tests for QA, DI, EL, LR
  • All India Mock Tests for performance analysis and all India percentile
  • General Knowledge (GK) Tests
Free videos, free mock tests and free GK tests to evaluate course content before signing up!

Haryana Police Constable Application Process

Application Fees/ Intimation Charges
Category Application Fee
Male and Female Non Resident of Haryana Rs. 100/-
Female of Haryana resident only Rs. 50/-
Male SC/BC/EWS candidates of Haryana State only Rs. 25/-
Female SC/BC/EWS candidates of Haryana State only Rs. 13/-
Ex-Serviceman of Haryana State only No Fee
Steps To Apply For Haryana Police Constable Recruitment

a. The candidate should fill in all details while filling the Online Application Form. After applying online, Registration No. and Password will be generated. Take a printout of the registration no. and password screen for future reference of your application status and for Reprinting of your online filled application form and e-Challan form.

b. After successful submission of the application, candidates can again take a final printout of application form and e-Challan.

c. The hard copy of application form along with all uploaded documents must be brought at the time when called upon to do so by Haryana Staff Selection Commission. No documents which have not been uploaded shall be entertained.

d. No request for change of any particular on the application form shall be entertained by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.

e. No offline application form or copy of the downloaded application form will be accepted by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission.

f. The Selection shall be made in accordance with the Punjab Police rules as applicable to Haryana (latest rule 12.16 of Punjab Police Rules amended up to date (Non-Gazetted and other ranks) Service rule 2017 amended up to date.

g. Candidates who do not fulfill the qualifications/eligibility conditions on the cutoff date, their application shall not be accepted by the online application system.

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That’s all we have for you in this blog – Haryana Police Constable Recruitment Exam. Use the comment box below to share your thoughts and queries.

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