IIFT Exam Analysis- Overview, Pattern, Section-Wise Analysis

National Testing Agency (NTA) conducted an online IIFT Exam 2021 on 24th January 2021 in online mode. We have included a detailed IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 to help our aspiring readers for future exams. It will help them plan their preparation strategy and in acing the exam. We have added this analysis based on our expert insights. The blog also includes the exam pattern, difficulty level, section-wise analysis, expected cut-off, etc.

IIFT Exam Analysis: Overview

Our IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 will give you a detailed insight into the IIFT Exam 2021, like

  • Exam Pattern
  • Questions asked in different sections 
  • The difficulty level of each section and overall paper
  • Topics included in each section
  • Attempted questions
  • Good Attempts
  • Expected cut-off

We created all analyses based on the student’s experiences and valuable insights from the experts.

IIFT Exam Pattern

NAT conducted IITF Exam 2021 on 24th January 2021. The key features of this exam include:

  • NAT conducted this exam online.
  • The duration of the exam was 2 hours.
  • The Exam included four sections: General Knowledge & Awareness, Quantitative Analysis, Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability & English Comprehension.
  • The exam followed the 1/3rd negative marking scheme. NAT deducted 0.5 marks in the General Knowledge & Awareness section and 1 mark in all other sections for each wrong answer.
  • There was no sectional timing in the exam.

Refer to the table below to know more about the exam pattern.

IIFT 2021 Exam SectionsTotal questionsNegative MarkingMarks per questionTotal MarksDifficulty LevelExpected Cut-off(Gen. Category)
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension35-13105Easy30 
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning30-1390Difficult20 
Quantitative Analysis25-1375Moderate15 
General Knowledge & Awareness20-0.51.530Easy to moderate

IIFT Exam Analysis 2021: Section-Wise

We advise our readers to read further to get a detailed section-wise IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 and prepare accordingly for future exams.

IIFT Exam Analysis 2021: Verbal Ability (VA) & Reading Comprehension (RC)

The Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section included several topics, like synonyms, antonyms, idioms, proverbs, fill in the blanks, phrases, etc.

As per IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 of the Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section:

  • Out of 35 questions, 16 questions were on Reading Comprehension, and 19 were on Verbal Ability
  • Word meanings were difficult, and other questions were easy to moderate
  • The overall section was easy 
  • Applicants were able to attempt up to 10-12 questions out of 16 in the RC section and up to 12-13 questions out of 19 in the VA section.
  • Applicants who had a firm grip on Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension would have attempted all 35 questions and can score 100% percentile.
  • Good Attempt was 26 questions. 
  • Expected cut-off: 30 marks

Get the detailed IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 of Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension section in the following table.

TopicNumber of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Reading Comprehension16Easy
Synonyms (Root words)4Easy
Para Jumbles3Moderate
One-Word Substitution3Easy
Match the Synonyms2Easy
Crosswords & Synonyms2Moderate

IIFT Exam Analysis 2021: Data Interpretation (DI) & Logical Reasoning (LR)

This section included questions on topics like decision-making, blood relation, series, coding/decoding, data structure, graphs, puzzles, etc.

As per IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 of the Data Interpretation (DI) & Logical Reasoning (LR):

  • It had around 30 questions, out of which 16 questions were on Data Interpretation and 12 on Logical Reasoning
  • Both sections were decently lengthy and difficult, making the overall section a bit time-consuming and tough compared to the previous year’s exam papers.
  • Applicants could attempt up to 10 questions in the Logical Reasoning section and only 2 to 4 questions out of 16 in the Data Interpretation section.
  • Good Attempt was 13 questions
  • Expected Cut-off: 20 marks

Refer to the below table to get the detailed IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 of Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning section.

TopicNumber of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
DI Set I: Table Based4Moderate
DI Set II: Table & Pi Chart Based4Difficult and Involved Heavy Calculation
DI Set III: Line & Stack Based4Tough
DI Set IV: Line and Bar Graph-Based4Moderate and Lengthy
LR Set I: Seating Arrangement4Easy and Lengthy
LR Set II: Calendar Based
LR Set III: Tournament Based4Difficult

IIFT Exam Analysis 2021: Quantitative Analysis

This section included questions on topics such as percentages, number system, interest, HCF & LCM, mean, median, ratios, etc.

As per the IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 of Quantitative Analysis section:

  • It was comparatively moderately difficult than previous year’s papers, and as per the trends, this section is getting difficult year by year. 
  • It comprised around 30 questions that were a bit confusing and tricky.
  • It included questions from simple interest, geometry, mensuration, profit & loss, and one question each was from probability, clock-related, and seating arrangement, trigonometry, height & distance, etc.
  • Applicants were able to solve around 10 to 12 questions with 85% accuracy in 25 minutes.
  • Applicants who devoted around 35 minutes to this section could solve around 15-16 questions with 85% accuracy.
  • Good Attempt was 15-16 questions
  • Expected Cut-off: 15 marks
TopicNumber of QuestionsLevel of Difficulty
Arithmetic11Easy to Moderate
Modern Math4Easy to Moderate
Number System1Moderate

IIFT Exam Analysis 2021: General Knowledge & Awareness

As per the IIFT Exam Analysis 2021 of the General Knowledge & Awareness section:

  • It included easy to moderate level questions.
  • The questions were more on Static GK rather than Current Affairs.
  • Good Attempt was 8 – 10 questions
  • Expected Cut-off: 5 marks
TopicNumber of QuestionsDifficulty Level
Current Affairs11Easy to Moderate
Static GK9Easy to Moderate
Total20Easy to Moderate


This guide provides the detailed section-wise IIFT Exam Analysis 2021, including the expected cut-off marks. We hope this will help our readers in planning their preparation strategy for the coming exams. We wish Good Luck to all our readers and hope that our guide will help them in the future.


Does NAT release the IITF Exam Cut Off section-wise?

Yes, NAT releases IIFT Exam Cut Off both section-wise and overall on its official website.

Does IIFT follow a negative marking scheme?

Yes, the IIFT exam is negative marking based. The examination board deducts 1/3rd marks for each wrong answer in all sections of the exam.


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