IIFT Exam Books- Overview, Exam, Preparation

IIFT Exam 

The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Admission Test is an MBA entrance exam administered in numerous cities across India for admission to International Business programs. The NTA National Testing Agency conducts the IIFT exam once a year. Exam dates have been formally released on the IIFT website for 2022, and the online registration procedure has already begun. Qualified candidates must apply online for IIFT 2022 by October 15, 2021. The IIFT exam is usually held in 68 exam centers around the country, and applicants must choose their preferred IIFT exam centers when completing the IIFT Exam online application.

Before applying for the IIFT entrance exam, candidates should carefully study the exam guidelines and qualifying criteria. If the National Testing Agency discovers that the candidate’s information is false at any point during the application process, the candidate’s application will be rejected. Learning from the most suggested IIFT Exam Books can help you in preparing for the IIFT Exam. 

IIFT Exam: Overview

Name of the Conducting AuthorityNTA (National Testing Agency)
Exam name IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade)
Exam purposeAdmission to MBA Colleges
CategoryExam Books
Online Registration start date1st September 2021
Last date to register 15th October 2021
Admit card download start date 
 Yet to be announced
Admit card download last dateYet to be announced
Exam Date 5th December 2021
 Mode of ExamOnline 
Exam patternComputer Based Test
Group Discussion
Writing Skills Assessment
EligibilityBachelor’s degree from a recognized University

IIFT Exam Books

Aspirants wishing to take the IIFT entrance exam should first learn about the best IIFT Exam Books to study with. Knowing which book to consult for each subject will not only make their studying process easier, but it will also save them time searching for information in unfamiliar areas. Along with previous year’s exam papers, IIFT books are among the most important resource for preparation.

 We will be offering subject-specific books that you can use to improve your exam performance and to score good grades. The IIFT has four sections: 

  • Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • General Knowledge.

IIFT Exam Books To Study For Verbal Ability And Reading Comprehension.

You must read & understand all of the topics and practice the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension questions from question papers, quizzes, and mock tests to score well and master the concepts in the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section.

Verbal Ability and Reading ComprehensionVerbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – R.S. AggarwalThe Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning- Nishit K. SinhaWord Power Made Easy-  Norman LewisVerbal Ability and Reading Comprehension-  Ajay SinghHow to Prepare for Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension for CAT – Arun Sharma

IIFT Exam Books To Study For Data Interpretation And Logical Reasoning

Understanding all relevant topics and then practicing them by referring to the previous year’s question papers and mock tests is the best method to ace the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section.

Data Interpretation and Logical ReasoningLogical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for CAT & other MBA Exams – Nishit K. SinhaHow to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT –  Arun SharmaVerbal & Non-verbal Reasoning – R. S. AggarwalHow to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT – Arun Sharma

IIFT Exam Books To Study For Quantitative Aptitude

To achieve your highest possible score in the Quantitative Aptitude section, you must memorize all of the formulas and discover the best methods for solving problems.

Quantitative Aptitude How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT – Arun SharmaQuantitative Aptitude- RS AgarwalThe Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation – Nishit SinhaQuantum CAT – Sarvesh K. SharmaMaster Number System for the CAT and GMAT—-> Nishit K. Sinha

IIFT Exam Books To Study For General Knowledge

If well prepared, the general knowledge part can be the most scoring section of all. For this section, Candidates can also use newspapers such as The Hindu, Financial Express, Times of India, Economic Times, and others to acquire more information.

General KnowledgeObjective General Knowledge – Lucent’s PublicationsGeneral Knowledge 2020 – Arihant Publications, The Mega Yearbook: Current Affairs & General Knowledge for Competitive Exams – Disha Experts, GK Mock Tests for IIFT, Manorama Year Book 2020, India Year Book 2020, IIFT previous year GK questions Question Bank

IIFT Exam Preparation

  • Create a strategy for studying for the IIFT exam that allows ample time for each subject on the curriculum.
  • Candidates must categorise the topics depending on their strengths and weaknesses and begin studying.
  • In addition to the books, candidates must try and solve the previous year’s test papers and the sample papers.
  • You must be familiar with all theories & equations and the whole sequence of questions for the Quantitative section.
  • For the Quantitative portion, candidates must be conversant with all ideas & equations and the entire sequence of questions.
  • Candidates can study the memory-based and manageable General Awareness section in the final stage of IIFT exam preparation.

Note that each section is important and has a cut-off mark, so don’t skip any of them. Start with the most important sections to master basic concepts.

We hope that the information on the IIFT Exam Books provided here will assist you in effectively preparing for the upcoming IIFT exam.


Where will the IIFT exam take place?

The IIFT exam will be conducted in 68 exam centers across the country.

What are the exam selection criteria for the IIFT 2022 exam?

Candidates will be selected based on their progress in a computer-based test, a group discussion, a writing skills assessment, and an interview.

When is the last day to register for the IIFT  exam 2022?

The IIFT application will be accessible on September 1, 2021, with a deadline of October 15, 2021.

When will the admit card for the IIFT be available to download?

The IIFT admit card will be available to download on the official website two weeks prior to the exam date.


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