JKPSC Assistant Registrar Preparation Strategy For All Sections | Check Here

In this blog, we will look into the JKPSC Assistant Registrar preparation strategy. JKPSC has invited applications through online mode from the applicants who are domiciled in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir possessing the Prescribed/Academic professional qualification and age for the post of Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies, in terms of the “Jammu & Kashmir Cooperative (Gazetted) Service Recruitment Rules. The JKPSC Assistant Registrar exam will be conducted for a total of 91 vacancies.

 With the help of a proper Preparation strategy, it is easier to crack this exam. In this blog, we will provide you with the JKPSC Assistant Registrar exam preparation Strategy, which will help you analyze how you can attempt the exam and what your preparation strategy should be.

 JKPSC Assistant Registrar Exam Pattern

Some important details for the written examination:

The total duration of the examination2 hrs (120 minutes)
Total number of questions in the exam120 questions
Question type Objective or multiple-choice questions (MCQ)
Total points awarded 75 points

Marking System of the exam (including negative marking)- some important points:

  • The marking scheme will include negative marking. This means that for every wrong answer made by a candidate, one-fourth of the marks, i.e., (0.25) marks assigned to that question, will be deducted as a penalty.
  • If more than one alternative is selected for any given question by the candidate, the answer to that particular question will be considered incorrect, and no marks will be awarded to the candidate for that question even if one of the answers selected were correct.
  • If any question is not attempted or left blank by the candidate, there will be no negative marking for that question, i.e., the candidate will get zero in that question.

The selection is made based on Written Examination, which is followed by the interview:

I. Written Examination75 points
II. Interview Process25 points
Total100 points

Check the syllabus here

JKPSC Assistant Registrar exam Strategy 2021 –Book-list:

SubjectPrep Sources (Books)
Current events of National & International importanceStandard NewspaperMonthly Current Affairs Magazine
General KnowledgeGeneral Knowledge by Lucent
Cooperative MovementThe Cooperative Movement by Richard C. Williams
General ScienceSchool textbooks from classes 6-12General Science Lucent

General Knowledge preparation strategy:

  1. The questions asked in the General Knowledge section will be one-liner fact based questions.
  2. A number of questions from the General Science section also asks. so candidates can focus more on studying General Science.
  3. Attempt previous year questions, as many times the questions are repeated.
  4. Attempt Questions that you are fully sure of. 
  5. As many fact based questions are asked, you can prepare them from Lucent.
  6. For general awareness questions, you need to prepare for the last 6 month current affairs.
  7. For current affairs questions you can refer to any standard magazines where last 6 month current affairs are covered in one book.
  8. Refer to the books mentioned above.

JKPSC Assistant Registrar 2021- Overview

BoardJammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission
PostAssistant Registrar Cooperative Societies
No Of Vacancies91
Application Submission Date17 May to 16 June 2021
Exam Date2nd Week of December 2021 (tentative)
Admit Card DateDecember 2021 (tentatively one week before the exam date)
Minimum QualificationGraduation
Selection ProcessWritten Test, Interview, and Document Verification
Job LocationJammu and Kashmir

JKPSC Assistant Registrar Exam : General Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks for the JKPSC Assistant Registrar exam preparation strategy. 

  1. Make Time Table- Many students apply for any exam but then do not study systematically. For systematic study you need a proper time table. So first of all prepare a time table covering all the topics asked in the exam.
  2. Read good books: There are plenty of books available in the market, but reading all of them will be of no use. Refer to the standard books only. If you have notes from your coaching institute then refer to them for your preparation.
  3. Read Newspaper: For current affairs section in general Knowledge, newspapers will be very helpful.
  4. Revision is the key: One thing that sets toppers apart is the habit of revision. For this exam, revision is the key, you have to memorize whatever you are reading.
  5. Mock Tests for Prelims: Join a mock test series for better understanding of the actual exam level, test series can immensely help you in acing this exam.
  6. Previous Year Question Papers: Go through the previous year question papers, It will help you to get a better idea of the level of exam and the kind of questions asked.
  7. Keep a check on time: While attempting the mock test, make sure to attempt it in the prescribed time slot.

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