KVS Admit Card 2023, Direct Link to Download

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KVS Admit Card 2023

KVS Admit Card 2023: The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan will conduct the KVS Recruitment for TGT, PGT and PRTs from 7th February to 6th March 2023. Candidates interested in joining the process will have already applied. The admit card for the KVS Recruitment Exam is now available for download on the official website www.kvsangathan.nic.in. This article will provide all the information related to the KVS 2023 Admit Card download.

KVS 2023 Admit Card – Important dates

The entire notification for the 13404 TGT, PGT, PRT, LDC, UDC, ASO, Finance Officer Assistant Commissioner, Principal, Vice Principal, Librarian, Hindi Translator, and Stenographer Grade-II positions has been made available by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) at www.kvsangathan.nic.in. The KVS 2023 Exam will be held from February 7 through March 6, 2023. Let’s look at the KVS recruitment 2023 Important Dates.

Release of KVS Notification 202302nd December 2022
Start of KVS Online Application05th December 2022
KVS Online Application Last Date2nd January 2023
KVS Admit Card 20232nd February 2023 
KVS Exam Date 20237th February to 6th March 2023
KVS Result 202321st April 2023

KVS Admit Card Download 2023 – Link

The admit card is an important document for any exam taker. It is the proof of your application for the exam. Candidates who do not carry their admit card to the exam hall will be barred from appearing for it. The link below is a direct link to download the KVS call letter for the written exam.

How to Download KVS Admit Card?

Here are the steps on how to download the KVS Admit Card 2023:

  1. Go to the official website of KVS: https://kvsangathan.nic.in/
  2. Click on the “Admit Cards” tab.
  3. Select the exam for which you want to download the admit card.
  4. Enter your application number and date of birth.
  5. Click on the “Login” button.
  6. Your admit card will be displayed.
  7. Download the admit card and print it out.

Things to Remember-

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when downloading your KVS admit card:

  • Make sure you have a strong and stable internet connection.
  • Print the admit card on A4 size white paper.
  • Do not fold or crease the admit card.
  • Carry the admit card with you to the exam center.

How to Make Corrections in the Admit Card

You can make corrections in your KVS admit card only during the correction window. The correction window is usually opened a few weeks before the exam date. During the correction window, you can correct any errors in your personal details, such as your name, date of birth, and address. You cannot make any changes to your application number or your exam center. Here are the steps on how to make corrections in your KVS admit card:

  1. Go to the official website of KVS: https://kvsangathan.nic.in/
  2. Click on the “Login” tab.
  3. Enter your application number and password.
  4. Click on the “Correction Window” link.
  5. Make the necessary corrections to your personal details.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button.
  7. Your corrections will be saved.

Details Mentioned in the Admit Card

The KVS admit card contains the following details:

  • Name of the candidate: This is the full name of the candidate as it appears in the application form.
  • Application number: This is a unique number that is assigned to each candidate when they apply for the exam.
  • Date of birth: This is the date of birth of the candidate in the DD/MM/YYYY format.
  • Examination name: This is the name of the exam that the candidate is appearing for.
  • Exam center: This is the name and address of the exam center where the candidate will be appearing for the exam.
  • Exam date and time: This is the date and time of the exam.
  • Roll number: This is a unique number that is assigned to each candidate at the exam center.
  • Category: This is the category of the candidate, such as General, SC, ST, etc.
  • Gender: This is the gender of the candidate, such as Male or Female.
  • Photograph: This is a photograph of the candidate.
  • Signature: This is the signature of the candidate.
  • Instructions for appearing in the exam: These are the instructions that the candidate must follow when appearing for the exam.

KVS Admit Card 2023 – Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. When will the KVS admit card be released?

A1. The KVS admit card will be released a few weeks before the exam date.

Q2. How can I download the KVS admit card?

A2. You can download the KVS admit card from the official KVS website.

Q3. What are the details mentioned in the KVS admit card?

A3. The KVS admit card contains the candidate’s name, application number, date of birth, exam name, exam center, exam date and time, roll number, category, gender, photograph, and signature.

Q4. Can I make corrections in my KVS admit card?

A4. Yes, you can make corrections in your KVS admit card during the correction window.

Q5. What if I lose my KVS admit card?

A5. If you lose your KVS admit card, you can contact the KVS helpdesk for assistance.

Q6. What if I do not have a KVS admit card?

A6. You will not be allowed to appear for the exam if you do not have a KVS admit card.

Q7. What is the importance of the KVS admit card?

A7. The KVS admit card is an important document and you must carry it with you to the exam center. The invigilator will check the admit card at the exam center. You cannot enter the exam hall without it.


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