Amol Tamhankar: Cleared NIACL Assistant [Success Stories]


[Success Stories]: Amol Tamhankar (NIACL Assistant)

Hi Guys,

I am Amol Tamhankar, a 2014 Computer Engineering Graduate from SRM University, Chennai. I worked with a leading private software giant for a year before quitting to prepare full time for civil services exam. I have also appeared for other banking and insurance exams in the last one year and I am happy to say that I’ve found a place in NIACL Assistant exam final list and have commenced office in August.

Other exams taken by me include:
-RBI Assistant (safely cleared overall cut-off for Maharashtra state but missed computer cut-off by 0.5 marks due to mismanagement of time)
-RBI Grade B (cleared prelims, could not clear mains) 
-SBI PO (cleared prelims, mains and appeared for interview-results awaited)

Here I would like to write few lines about Oliveboard platform. Mocks help us to prepare for the exams in exam like scenario with timed tests. For all the 4 exams, I have heavily relied on Oliveboard for preparation. I was very much satisfied with the quality of questions, the feedback and the test taking portal. Along with the mock tests, many sectional topic wise tests are also provided for all the areas which are helpful to solidify the understanding of those topics. Although SBI PO exam difficulty level was beyond expectations and unprecedented, the questions given in OB mocks were like the difficulty and pattern of questions asked in the real exam. I can safely recommend Oliveboard mock series for any of the banking and insurance exams.

Here are some Preparation Tips for Aspirants: 

1. Exam Material:
-RS Agarwal Quant book and Arun Sharma for CAT quant book
-RS Agarwal verbal reasoning book
-Any grammar book like Wren and Martin or Objective English for competitive exams
-GK capsules from any good online sources
-Mocks from websites like Oliveboard
-YouTube videos, guidance from material providers, Oliveboard, successful candidates etc.

2. Performance in competitive exams is as much a matter of luck as hard work. Chances are the person who tops any officer level exam may not qualify another assistant level exam on a bad day. So, I would request anyone appearing in the exams to have patience and keep trying till the final destination is reached. Competition is very tough and patience is as crucial as hard work.

All the best!


The takeaway:

Hard work is as important as smart work. While referring to books to learn/brush-up concepts is important, it is equally important to take ‘timed’ practice tests to get the ‘feel’ of the real-exam. Practice tests also prepare you for different kinds of questions of varying difficulty exam government exam

Read more success stories here: Success Stories of Bank & Government Exam Aspirants

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