NPS Trust Salary 2025, Check NPS Grade A Salary, Grade B Salary & Benefits

NPS Trust salary: The NPS Trust salary is Rs. 44,500 per month for Grade A officers. The maximum basic pay is Rs. 89,150. For Grade B officers, the basic salary is Rs. 55,200 monthly. The highest basic pay is Rs. 99,750 per month. Understanding the detailed salary structure, allowances, and career progression for NPS Trust officers is important. This blog will help you with NPS Grade A salary and Grade B salary details for both Assistant Manager and Manager positions, respectively. So, you will get insights into their pay scales, increments, perks, and more.

NPS Trust Salary

The aspirants who will be joining the organization through NPS Trust Recruitment 2025 will enjoy several benefits along with a basic salary starting at Rs. 44,500. The NPS Trust salary for Grade B officers begins at Rs. 55,200. This amount will increase through various increments over the years. The annual CTC is Rs 30 lakhs for Grade A Officers and Rs 35 lakhs for Grade B Officers.

NPS Grade A Salary

As an NPS Trust Grade A Officer, the initial basic pay is ₹44,500 per month. The detailed pay scale is structured as follows:

Pay Scale: ₹44,500 – 2,500 (4) – 54,500 – 2,850 (7) – 74,450 – EB – 2,850 (4) – 85,850 – 3,300 (1) – 89,150 (17 years)

NPS Grade A Salary Increments

  • For the first four years, an annual increment of ₹2,500 is added to the basic pay, reaching ₹54,500.
  • Over the next seven years, the increment is ₹2,850 annually, making the basic pay of ₹74,450.
  • After reaching the Efficiency Bar (EB), the increment remains ₹2,850 for the subsequent four years, leading to ₹85,850.
  • In the final year, an increment of ₹3,300 brings the maximum basic pay to ₹89,150.

NPS Grade A Salary Annual CTC

The total CTC consists of the basic pay and benefits. After including all the benefits, the annual CTC becomes Rs. 30 lakh.

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NPS Grade A Salary Slip

The NPS Grade salary slip includes the details of the employee and the basic pay. It also includes the various allowances and deductions. The allowances pertain to housing, health, education, book grant, conveyance, and more, while the deductions are majorly tax deductions.

NPS Grade A Salary Basic Pay

When a Grade A officer starts working, the basic pay is Rs. 44,500 per month. This amount increases as follows:

  • After 4 years, the basic pay becomes Rs. 54,500
  • After 11 years, it becomes Rs. 74,450
  • After 15 years, the NPS Grade A salary is Rs. 85,850
  • After 17 years, it is Rs. 89,150.

NPS Grade A Leaves 

NPS Grade A officers can avail of various types of leaves. Here are the major ones: 

  • Privilege Leave 
  • Casual Leave 
  • Sick Leave
  • Maternity Leave
  • Paternity Leave

NPS Grade A Officer Promotions 

The NPS Grade A officers start as Assistant Manager and end their career as a Chairperson. Here’s their career journey.

  • The NPS Grade A officer joins as an Assistant Manager.
  • After 4 years, they become a Grade B Manager.
  • After the next 5 years, they progress to Assistant General Manager (Grade C).
  • After the next 5 years, they become a Deputy General Manager (Grade D)
  • After 4 more years down the line, the officer becomes a General Manager (Grade E)
  • After 5 more years, they progress to Chief General Manager (Grade F)
  • Lastly, they are appointed as Deputy Managing Director and then Chairperson by the Government of India.

NPS Grade B Salary

For NPS Trust Grade B Officers, the initial basic pay is ₹55,200 per month. The pay scale is mentioned below:

Pay Scale: ₹55,200 – 2,850 (9) – 80,850 – EB – 2,850 (2) – 86,550 – 3,300 (4) – 99,750 (16 years)

NPS Grade B Salary Structure

  • An annual increment of ₹2,850 for the first nine years, resulting in a basic pay of ₹80,850.
  • Post-EB, the increment remains ₹2,850 for the next two years, reaching ₹86,550.
  • Subsequently, a ₹3,300 increment for four years leads to a maximum basic pay of ₹99,750.

NPS Grade B Annual CTC

After including all the benefits, the annual CTC becomes Rs. 35 lakh.

NPS Trust Salary – Benefits

The following benefits are included with NPS Trust Salary.

  • Leave Fare Concession
  • Medical Expenses (Hospitalisation and Non-Hospitalisation)
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • Eye Refraction/ Cost of Spectacles
  • Education Allowance
  • Knowledge upgradation allowance
  • Briefcase
  • Conveyance Expenses
  • House Cleaning Allowance
  • Staff Furnishing Scheme
  • Scheme for Purchasing Computers

NPS Trust Probation Period

The candidates who will be selected as Grade A Officers and Grade B Officers shall undergo probation as prescribed under extant NPS Trust Service Rules from the date of joining. The probation can be extended if the performance is unsatisfactory.

NPS Trust Posting

The Posting shall be in New Delhi. However, the posting can be transferred to the cities in which NPS has its offices.

NPS Grade A/B Preparation

To help you prepare for this exam, we have come up with mock tests, notes, and courses. Every year when we talk to the toppers of regulatory exams, they tell us that limiting their preparation resources, getting expert curated latest notes and attempting the right mock tests have helped immensely in their exams.

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NPS Trust Salary 2025 – FAQs

Q1. What is the starting salary of an NPS Trust Grade A Officer?

The starting basic pay for an NPS Trust Grade A (Assistant Manager) officer is ₹44,500 per month, with additional allowances and perks.

Q2. What is the pay scale for NPS Trust Grade A Officers?

The pay scale for Grade A Officers is ₹44,500 – 2,500 (4) – 54,500 – 2,850 (7) – 74,450 – EB – 2,850 (4) – 85,850 – 3,300 (1) – 89,150 (17 years).

Q3. What are the allowances provided to NPS Trust Officers?

NPS Trust Officers receive various allowances, including Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Leave Fare Concession (LFC), medical reimbursement, personal accident insurance, education allowance, and more.

Q4. What career growth opportunities are available for NPS Trust Officers?

NPS Trust Officers have structured career progression opportunities, moving to higher grades and roles through departmental exams and interviews.

Q5. Is NPS Trust salary given after selection or when the candidates join?

NPS Trust salary is given after the chosen candidates start working, starting from the probation month.

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