Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card: Important Dates and Admit Card

The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) had delivered the enlistment notice on third September 2021. 250 opening for the post of RSMSSB Computer were delivered. The application interaction started on eighth September 2021 and with its keep going date on seventh October 2021. Candidates can apply for this enlistment through the authority site of the board-www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in. The RSMSSB Computer assessment will be directed on nineteenth December 2021, and the RSMSSB Computer Admit Card will be delivered 10 to15 days before the test. This article will give you detailed knowledge about the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card and other essential various details.

Rajasthan Computer Exam Important Dates

Name of the OrganizationGovernment of Rajasthan Secondary Education (DSE Rajasthan)
Name of the PostComputer Teacher
Numbers of Vacancies10,453
Process of SelectionInterview/ Written Exam   
Application started onTo be announced
Last date to applyTo be announced
Exam dateNot yet announced
Official Websitehttps://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card

The applicants who applied Online for the posts of Computer in RSMSSB are sitting tight for the Exam Dates and Admit Cards. Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card is a document that is used as recognizable proof of the individual who is applying for the given posts. The Admit Card is given by the Concerned Organization (RSMSSB for this situation) who is directing any Exam or an Interview. However the Admit Cards are not delivered at this point, soon they will be delivered on the authority site of the Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB). Candidates can download their Admit Cards from the authority site of RSMSSB.

How To Download Rajasthan Computer  Admit Card?

Using your Application ID and DOB, you can easily download the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card. When candidates register for the first time on the RSMSSB website via the One-Time Registration method, the Application ID is created.

To acquire the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card, follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Open RSMSSB’s website.

Step 2: Open the Notification for related posts shown on the screen. 

Step 3: Look for the download Admit Card Option and click on it

Step 4: Log in with the help of a temporary id and secret key. 

Step 5: Click the download RSMSSB Computer 2021 Admit card button.

Step 6: After verifying all of your information, download and print a copy of your admit card. Remember to print out your admit card after you’ve downloaded it, as you won’t be able to sit for the exam without it.

Essential Points To Bear In Mind Before Downloading The Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card

The following are the essential items to look for when downloading the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card :

  • Name of  Candidate
  • Registration number
  • DoB of the candidate
  • Category of the candidate- General/ ST/ SC/ OBC
  • RSMSSB Computer examination Date & Time 
  • The address of the exam centre
  • Gender of the candidate – Male or Female
  • Father’s name of the candidate

Furthermore, applicants will notice that there will be a space on the admit card to sign in front of the invigilator at the exam centre.

Correction Of Errors In Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card

Competitors might discover a few errors in the concede card. This could occur because of certain misprints on the Admit card. On the off chance that the applicant faces this issue, they should contact the assessment Board right away. The competitor can get in touch with them for any mistakes on the Admit card between 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Documents To Be Taken Along With The Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card

Candidates must carry these important documents (in original) with the Admit Card since they will be verified. Below is the important document you must carry:

Photo Id proof:

  • Adhaar card
  • PAN card
  • Driver’s License
  • Voter’s ID
  • Passport size colour photographs

Important Details Mentioned In The Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card

The candidates are encouraged to keep their Admit cards securely as it is a significant record needed in all periods of the selection process. Once you download your Admit Card, verify all details mentioned on the admit card with the details provided by you during the application process. Below are the details mentioned in your Admit Card.

  • name of  Candidate
  • Registration number
  • DoB of the candidate
  • Category of the Candidate- General/ SC/ ST/ OBC
  • RSMSSB Computer examination Date & Time 
  • The address of the test centre
  • Gender of the Candidate
  • Father’s name of the candidate
  • Signature of the candidate
  • Space for the Signature of the Invigilator
  • Examination day Instructions


The RSMSSB Computer Exam is one of the most famous assessments among those wishing to work for the Rajasthan government. With a great many understudies arranging every year to take this test, understudies should get ready well ahead of time. Have full knowledge about the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card so you can download them on schedule.


1. How can I get the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card?

The admit card for the RSMSSB Computer admit card will be accessible on the Official website of the Board, which is  www.rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in

2. Till what period will the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card be delivered?

The Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card will be delivered ten to fifteen days prior to the exam.

3. Would I be able to alternate the test centre?

The test centre can’t be alternate.

4. How might I about my examination place? 

The exam centre’s name will be imprinted on the admit card.

5. What should I do if there is a mistake on the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Admit Card

In case of occurrence of any inconsistency on the admit card, you should promptly contact the test leading Board. 


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