Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff- Overview, Eligibility

There are a total of 14000 vacancies that have been released for the Rajasthan Computer Teacher post by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission. This position is distinct for 3rd grade and 2nd grade, and you will find detailed information about both below. Hiring will be for the Computer Teacher position purely based on a written test and a merit list. Every year, the RPSC issues a call for candidates for this position, and many people apply. Only those eligible for this position and whose names are on the merit list are hired after applying. It is also integral to know about the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff. Further information about this exam will be released after the official notification. 

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Post: Overview

 A brief overview regarding the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Post Overview has been given below in the following table:

Name of the OrganizationGovernment of Rajasthan Secondary Education (DSE Rajasthan)
Name of the PostComputer Teacher
Numbers of Vacancies10,453
Process of SelectionInterview/ Written Exam   
Application started onTo be announced
Last date to applyTo be announced
Exam dateNot yet announced
Official Websitehttps://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Eligibility 2021:

Even if there are many people interested in filling out the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Application Form 2021, they must, however, check the criterion for the RPSC Computer Teacher Recruitment 2021 exam. As a result, the criteria are listed for your convenience, so you can quickly determine whether or not this position is right for you. The criteria have been divided into three parts as given below –

  • Nationality: For the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Recruitment 2021, only Indian candidates are eligible to apply. Furthermore, because it is a work that is mandated by the state hence applicants from Rajasthan would be given higher attention. To apply, you must be a permanent resident of Rajasthan. You cannot apply for this position if you do not live in Rajasthan. Those who have lived in Rajasthan for a long period but do not have a fixed address are ineligible to apply. You will receive complete details on this as soon as possible.
  • Age: The applicants must meet the minimum age criterion. The applicants must be of 21 years of age. However, there is no maximum age limit as of now. According to the source, age relaxation will be granted solely to OBC/ST/SC/PWDs.
  • Educational Qualification: Since the application is for Rajasthan Computer Teacher, it is essential to have a computer science degree. The applicants must have one of these degrees, i.e., BCA, MCA, B.Sc., or IT Graduation from a recognized university. The degree should have been completed before filling the application. If you’re interested in learning more about this, you may go to the official website.

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff

The Cutoff for the post of Rajasthan Computer Teacher will be released on the official website of the Government of Rajasthan Secondary Education. The cut-off is released a few days after the exams on the website.

Factors To Determine The Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff

The  Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff will be based upon the following factors –

  1. The Total Number of Applications for the post
  2. The total number of Vacancies for the post of Rajasthan Computer Teacher
  3. The difficulty level of the exam

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff: Previous Year

Outstanding sports person6263

How To Check The Results Of The Rajasthan Computer Teacher Exam?

  • Go to https://education.rajasthan.gov.in/, which is the official website of the Government of Rajasthan Secondary Education.
  • Go to the official website’s home page and look under “Results.”
  • Select the appropriate link, for example, “Rajasthan Computer Teacher Merit List/Result 2020.”
  • Candidates must provide all relevant information, such as their date of birth and roll number.
  • Finally, review the Rajasthan Computer Teacher written exam results and print a copy for future reference.

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Exam: Syllabus And Exam Pattern

Understanding the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Exam pattern will help you in understanding the exam more precisely. By knowing the weightage of the particular subject, it will become easier for you to make your timetable according to that. 

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Exam Pattern:

Subject Weightage
Aptitude Reasoning10%
Rajasthan GK10%
Current Affairs10%
Computer Knowledge70%

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Exam Syllabus:

The syllabus for this Rajasthan Computer Teacher Exam consists of only four subjects: 

  • Aptitude Reasoning
  • General Knowledge
  • Current Affairs
  • Computer Knowledge


We hope that this article will give you the relevant information about the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff, the factors for determining cutoff, and the eligibility criteria for applying for the exam. For now, you can check out the previous year’s cutoff to understand the cutoff criteria. For any queries, contact us at Oliveboard. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the age criteria in the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Eligibility?

The applicants must be of 21 years of age. However, there is no maximum age limit as of now.

What is the 2nd-grade Teacher’s salary?

2nd-grade Teacher is given a salary of approximately Rs. 23,700.

For the RPSC Comp. teacher position 2021, what is the image and sign size?

The image size should be below 50 kb. On the other hand, the signature size should be below 20kb.

What are the educational qualifications that are required in the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Eligibility?

BCA, MCA, B.Sc, M.Sc, or IT graduate degree in Computer Science is required from a recognized university to meet educational qualifications.

What are the factors for determining the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff?

The Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff is based upon the following factors-
The Total Number of Applications for the post
The total number of Vacancies for the post of Rajasthan Computer Teacher
The difficulty level of the exam

What is the selection process for this post?

The applicant will only be recruited based on the written test and the merit list.

How many vacancies are released for Computer Teacher?

There are a total of 14000 vacancies that have been released for the Rajasthan Computer Teacher post.

What is the link to the official website for the online application for the Rajasthan Computer Teacher post?

The link to the official website for applying for the Rajasthan Computer Teacher post is https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/.

Where will the Rajasthan Computer Teacher Cutoff be released?

The Cutoff for the post of Rajasthan Computer Teacher will be released on the official website of the Government of Rajasthan Secondary Education. The cut-off is released a few days after the exams on the website.


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