Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key

Rajasthan Police Sub Inspector (SI) Answer Key is provided by Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC). The official Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key would be released only after the written exam has been completed. The aim of the answer key is to help the candidates evaluate their performance in the written exams. In case a candidate is interested to know his results in advance, he or she can easily access the Rajasthan Police SI Recruitment Answer Key for various sub-inspector posts and platoon commander posts in Rajasthan Police online from the commission’s official website. 


The exams in relation to this committee are held at three different levels, as mentioned below:

  • Level 1- Offline written exam
  • Level 2- Medical Test and Physical Efficiency Test (MT and PET)
  • Level 3- Personal interview ( also including document verification process)

The committee’s SI Answer Key is announced only for the offline writing examination, which includes two papers, one is Hindi, and another one is General Knowledge and General Science. Each paper is of 200 marks, making an aggregate of 400 marks. The time given to complete the respective papers is 2 hours each. Candidates and their curiosity about the results can benefit greatly from the Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key. Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key is also a preferable approach to assess performance, evaluate future positions, and plan for the next level, among other things. Considering the last few year’s question papers, the cut-off marks for the candidates of the General category are 201.90. The first level exam difficulty is average and needs dedicated preparation for clearing and proceeding to the next level of the exam. Learn more about the answer key provided by the commission by reading this blog.

What are the ways of getting the Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key?

The above-mentioned answer key can be easily accessed on the commission’s official website after the offline written exams have been concluded. The Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key is available for the written subjects – (a) General Hindi, as well as (b) General Knowledge.

 Students may follow the given directions to download the answer key:

  • Step 1- Students should reach the official website of the committee by clicking the given link, i.e., https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/, or visit the official site of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC).
  • Step 2- After that, the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) homepage appears.
  • Step 3- Go to the ‘Candidate Information’ tab on the screen.
  • Step 4- On clicking candidate information, a subcategory named ‘Answer key’ will appear. 
  • Step 5- Click on that Answer key button.
  • Step 6- The answer key name section will appear, in which the students are required to enter the year of the examination and the name of the examination.
  • Step 7- Enter the year of the examination and the name of the examination for which the answer key is to be downloaded.
  • Step 8- Finally, the link to download the key answers of both the papers will be available for download to match the answers written by the students. The students can download the answer key in pdf format.

What are the ways of calculating the marks of the Rajasthan Police SI examination?

Once the Answer Key to both the papers of the Rajasthan Police SI examination is downloaded, the candidates can calculate the marks by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • First of all, the candidates must download the answer for the two attempted papers- (a) General Hindi and (b) General Knowledge.
  • Individual paper is of 200 marks.
  • Each paper contains 100 questions of 2 marks each.
  • There is one-third negative marking for each incorrect answer.
  • Candidates are advised to answer the questions they know or take a calculated risk rather than indulging in guesswork.

Candidates can easily figure how much they are getting by going through all the processes after reviewing the number of correct and incorrect answers provided in the Rajasthan Police SI Answer key

Some important points to keep in mind for the application of Rajasthan Police SI are as follows:

  • While taking the exam, candidates who are involved in ill-practices will not be allowed to complete the Rajasthan Police SI exam.
  • The candidates who are applying for the post should be absolutely free from any criminal charges.

Rajasthan Police SI Exam approx Cut off marks based on previous years are: 

  • General Category: 201.90
  • Scheduled Caste (SC): 161.89
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST): 164.96
  • Other Backward Class (OBC): 201.90
  • Most Backward Class (MBC): 201.90

Key points in relation to Rajasthan Police SI Admit Card are given below:

  • Only the candidates who are registered will be issued the Admit Cards for the examination.
  • Candidates can access the admit cards only through online mode.
  • Printed copies will not be sent to the candidates.
  • In order to download the Admit Card, the login details should be available with the candidates.
  • Until the Admit card is published, candidates are requested to visit the official website daily to check if the admit cards have been made available.


It’s important to know how you performed in the Rajasthan Police SI exams to help you plan your next steps. To ensure you perform to the best of your capabilities, prepare yourself in advance, be aware of current news and events and attempt mock tests. This will give you an edge over other candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key useful?

Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key is useful for the students who are eagerly waiting to know their results to pre anticipate the outcomes and provide the earliest affirmation. It helps the students to forecast their results.

By what time can we get the official Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key?

It will be accessible through online mode by the Rajasthan PSC on their website within a time span of 2-4 weeks after the conduct of the written exam.

Is the Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key available for both (General Hindi and General Knowledge) papers?

Yes, a discrete Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key is accessible for both papers -General Hindi and General Knowledge.

What are the different steps of Rajasthan Police SI Recruitment?

There are three steps to this recruitment process, that is, (a) a written examination, (b) physical efficiency exam and medical exam, and (c) a personal interview, including a document verification process.

The examination for the General Hindi subject is for how many marks?

The General Hindi subject carries a total of 200 marks.

What if a candidate has any objection concerning the Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key? 

Any student who has any objection or issue pertaining to Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key can apply for the objection form against it.

What are the factors based on which cut-off list is given?

Cut-off list is given as per the categories, vacancies, previous year cut-off, and other factors.

What are the minimum physical requirements for Rajasthan Police SI?

The minimal physical requirements are different for males and females. The male height should be a minimum of 168 cm, while for the female is 152 cm.

What is the paramount age limit for the application of Rajasthan Police SI Recruitment?

The paramount age limit for the application to the Rajasthan Police SI Recruitment post is 25 years.

From where can we access the Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key?

We can access the Rajasthan Police SI Answer Key from the official website of RPSC which is,  https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in 

How much time is given for each of the two written exams – General Hindi and General Knowledge?

For the two written exams – General Hindi and General Knowledge is 2 hrs each.

How much eye vision is required for the Rajasthan Police Sub Inspector post?

A. The distant vision for the Sub Inspector post should be least: 
– For Right eye: 6/6
– For Left eye:  6/6
The near vision for the Sub Inspector post should be least:
– For Right eye: 0/5 
– For Left eye: 0/5


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