RBI Assistant Prelims 2017: Topic-wise Tips for Numerical Ability

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) exam is a national level exam that is conducted annually to recruit candidates for the post of an Assistant in various offices of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The official notification for RBI Assistant 2017 exam is released recently and this year, RBI has announced 623 vacancies for the post. The RBI Assistant Preliminary Examination is scheduled on 27th and 28th Nov, 2017. With less than three weeks remaining for the exam, you might have already started with the exam preparation. For your assistance, here’s a post on RBI Assistant Prelims 2017 – Preparation Guide for Numerical Ability.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus

The numerical ability section will have 35 questions of 35 marks. The syllabus for this section includes:

  • Number Series
  • Data Interpretation
  • Averages
  • Profit & Loss
  • Time & Work
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Simplification / Approximation
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Time & Distance
  • Partnership
  • Ratio & Proportion

Study Materials

For the numerical ability section, it is very important to have clear understanding of the basics. Therefore, go through the NCERT books (6 – 12th standard) thoroughly to get a strong hold over basics. You can refer to RS Agarwal’s Quantitative Aptitude which is widely recommended by successful candidates of previous years. Few other recommended books and study resources are:

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Check this video where Ashushtosh Sharma (Oliveboard User) who has successfully cleared the IBPS PO exam shares strategy for the numerical ability/quantitative aptitude section.

Topic-Wise Tips

  1. Number Series

Expect about 5 questions from this topic. The level of questions is generally easy to moderate and therefore, you can choose to attempt these questions first.

Two types of questions are generally asked from this topic – either to find out missing number or the wrong number in the given series.

Practice a number of series questions to get equipped to identifying patterns. Few common patterns are square, square root, cube, prime number, geometric series etc.

RBI Assistant Prelims 2017

  1. Data Interpretation

Expect 5 – 10 questions from this topic. The level of questions is generally easy to moderate.

Understand the concepts of Percentage, Ration and Proportion and Average in depth. Learn tables and practice short tricks. Always read the instructions carefully for data interpretation questions.

  1. Simplification and Approximation

Expect 10-15 questions from this topic and the level of questions will be easy to moderate.

Get strong hold over the basic rules of B.O.D.M.A.S. Practice as many tests you can to improve your calculation speed. Tricks like below will come handy.

  • Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number (Example numbers: AB, CD)

Step 1: BD (write only the unit’s digit and carry the rest)

Step 2: AD + BC + carry over (cross multiply and add, write a single digit and carry the rest)

Step 3: AC + carry over (write the complete number)

Example: 29, 53

Step 1: 9×3=27 (Write 7 and 2 is carried over)

Step 2: 2×3+9×5+2 (carried over) =53 (Write 3 and 5 is carried over)

Step 3: 2×5+5 (carried over) = 15 (write 15)

Answer: 1537

  • Multiplying a 3-digit number by a 3-digit number (Example numbers: ABC, DEF)

Step 1: CF (Write only the unit’s digit and carry the rest)

Step 2: BF + CE + Carried Over (Write only the unit’s digit and carry the rest)

Step 3: AF + CD + BE + Carried Over (Write only the unit’s digit and carry the rest)

Step 4: AE + BD + Carried Over (Write only the unit’s digit and carry the rest)

Step 5: AD + Carried Over (Write the complete number)

  1. Quadratic Equations

Expect 0-5 questions from this topic of easy to moderate level.

Understand the basic concepts, factorization techniques and short tricks that will come handy for this section.

Try this free test on Quadratic Equations Comparison.

  1. Miscellaneous

Expect about 10-15 questions from topics like Average, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Time & Work, Mixture & Allegation and more. The level of questions will be typically from moderate to difficult.

Get a clear understanding of all basic Arithmetic concepts. Practice as many tests you can from these topics to get an edge over the actual exam.

RBI Assistant Prelims 2017

Time management is crucial in every competitive exam. While practicing for the numerical ability section of RBI Assistant, you need to keep an eye on the time spent. Try to improve your calculation speed. Include calculation in your daily life, practice mental math, memorize multiplication, square and cubes tables. Also, learn Vedic math tricks and short-cuts to solve problems. You will start gaining a strong hold over these tricks only with rigorous practice.

Hope this helps.

All the best for the upcoming RBI Assistant Prelims 2017 exam!


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