RBI Grade B 75 Days Strategy by AIR 1

RBI Grade B 75 Days Strategy by AIR 1

In this blog, you will find the complete RBI Grade B 75 Days Strategy by none other than All India Rank (AIR-1), Mr Anil Tadimeti. He has cleared RBI Grade B 2018. We know that clearing RBI Grade B exam is not easy but with the right preparation, the right mentor and the right material, one can not only clear the exam but also secure All India Ranks. Go through the complete blog to know the detailed strategy.

RBI Grade B 75 Days Strategy – Exam Pattern

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern is further divided into two phases. Before moving on to the complete strategy, let us know the exam pattern for both the phases in detail:

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for Phase 1

The detailed exam pattern in a tabular format is presented below along with the duration:

SectionsTotal QuestionsMarksDuration
Reasoning606045 minutes
General Awareness808025 minutes
English Language303025 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude303025 minutes
Total200200120 minutes

There will be a 1/4th negative marking for each question.

RBI Grade B Exam Pattern for Phase 2

The RBI Grade B Mains exam consists of three papers: Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3. The detailed format is presented below in a tabular format.

PapersType of TestTotal MarksDuration
Paper I – Economic and Social Issues50% Objective Test (30 objective questions)
50% Descriptive Test(6 descriptive questions out of which 4 need to be answered)
50 marks
50 marks
30 mins
90 mins
Paper-II – English (Writing Skills)Descriptive Test100 marks90 mins
Paper III – General Finance and Management50% Objective Test (30 objective questions)
50% Descriptive Test(6 descriptive questions out of which 4 need to be answered)
50 marks
50 marks
120 mins

RBI Grade B 75 Days Strategy by AIR 1

AIR 1 has provided complete 75 Days Study Plan for the aspirants. We have shared the complete RBI Grade B Study Plan PDF below.

DaySyllabusGeneral Finance (2 Hr) TopicGeneral Finance (2 Hr) Sub TopicQuants/Reasoning (1 Hr)Current Affairs (1 Hr)
Day 1a) Financial SystemStructure and Functions of Financial
Evolution of Banking System in India & Structure of banking system in India Syllogism & Reverse SyllogismCurrent Affairs + PIB + Finance
Day 2a) Financial SystemFunctions of RBIOrigin of RBI, Organizational Structure,
Branches and Offices,
Board for Financial Supervision, Models
Used for Supervision,
Syllogism & Reverse SyllogismCurrent Affairs + PIB + Finance
Day 3a) Financial SystemFunctions of RBISubsidiaries of RBI – DICGC, BRBNMPL, ReBIT, IFTAS, RBIHSyllogism & Reverse SyllogismCurrent Affairs + PIB + Finance
Day 4Revision/ Practice MocksRevision / Practice MocksRevision / Practice MocksRevision / Practice MocksRevision / Practice Mocks
Day 5a) Financial SystemBanking System in IndiaSEBI – Origin, Structure, Function, Roles and responsibilities and Other Provision, NABARD – Origin, Structure, Function, Roles and responsibilities, Subsidiaries
and Other Provisions
Number SeriesCurrent Affairs + PIB + Finance
Day 6a) Financial SystemBanking System in IndiaSIDBI – Origin, Structure, Function, Roles and responsibilities and Other Provisions, NHB and NaBFID, EXIM BankNumber SeriesCurrent Affairs + PIB + Finance
Day 7Revision/ Practice MocksRevision / Practice MocksRevision / Practice MocksRevision / Practice MocksRevision / Practice Mocks

Download RBI Grade B 75 Day Study Plan by AIR 1

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